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Version 1.x > Technical support > change behavior of drop-down-list in custom form edit? View modes: 
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rgillen - 6/26/2006 6:23:31 PM
change behavior of drop-down-list in custom form edit?
I've built a custom document type. One of the fields that is set during editing is a drop-down list populated via a SQL query. The problem I am having, is that if you go to a new document, the drop-down-list *appears* to already have a value assigned because the DDL displays the first available value from the query list... is there any way to have the DDL appear empty if no value has yet been assigned to that field? otherwise, the editors have no way of knowing if the value listed is simply an available value or the actually-set-value.

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admin - 6/27/2006 5:22:56 PM
Re: change behavior of drop-down-list in custom form edit?
Hi Rob,

Thank you for your message. You can modify your query so that it contains e.g. a zero value without any text. The query will look like this:

select 0, 'N/A' from cms_user
... your original select comes here ...

Please let me know if I can be of any further help.

Best Regards,