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gwholdom - 7/23/2006 7:59:35 AM
Managing Users through the API
I am current assessing Kentico CMS.

As far as I can see there is no ability to create, update, or delete CMS users or Roles through the API. Is this correct?

Grant Holdom

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admin - 7/24/2006 12:04:15 PM
Re: Managing Users through the API
Hi Grant,

Thank you for your question. You can do that using the DataEngine API (there are no specific objects for users or roles). Here's an example of creating a new user:

using Kentico.CMS.DataEngine;
GeneralConnection cn = new GeneralConnection();
DataClass userObj = new DataClass( "CMS.User", cn );;
userObj.SetValue( "UserName", "JohnS");
userObj.SetValue( "FullName", "John Smith );
userObj.SetValue( "UserPassword", "password" );

There will be a full-featured API for all objects in Kentico CMS 2.0 (September 2006).

Best Regards,

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gwholdom - 7/26/2006 11:15:25 AM
Re: Managing Users through the API
Excellent - thanks.