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Version 1.x > Technical support > Disk permissions issue. View modes: 
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trint99 - 7/19/2006 12:11:02 AM
Disk permissions issue.
I have Kentico (1.9 I believe) installed on my local XP development machine. I have an IIS application called "Website" which has a local path to the Kentico install on my hard drive (using source control, I need it to be somewhere other than inetpub). The site runs fine, but the cmsdesk is giving me the disk permission error (Warning: The TRINT\ASPNET account cannot write to the disk...) I have checked and double checked that the ASPNET user has modify access to that directory. I even tried adding the IUSR account (which is the anonymous access user for this web app), but I still get the error. Any ideas?


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admin - 7/19/2006 6:29:59 AM
Re: Disk permissions issue.

Thank you for your post. This may be caused by the fact that the <web project>\configuration.xml file is under source control and is set to read only. You may need to make it writable.

In version 1.9a, it will be possible to switch off the warnings in such cases.

Best Regards,