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redactuk - 7/17/2006 2:37:02 PM
breadcrumb style issues
I'm having some issues with the CMSBreadCrumbs style classes:

1. When I set the font-weight to bold on CMSBreadCrumbsCurrentItem or CMSBreadCrumbsLink, only the first letter of each word is being set to bold - not the whole word.

2. I can set the text-decoration to underline on mouseover (hover)?

Many thanks

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admin - 7/17/2006 4:57:13 PM
Re: breadcrumb style issues

Thank you for your message.

1. Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce such an error. We used the following style and it worked correctly:

font-weight: bold;

2. Yes, you can use the following styles:

text-decoration: none;

font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;

Best Regards,