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forrester - 7/10/2006 7:54:25 PM
Help with multilingual, please...
I am using asp.net2.0/c#/vs2005 and I playing with the multilingual function to learn how it works so I can use it on another site. I followed all the steps on Step 15 in the KenticoCMS_Tutorial_2005, I am not seeing a remains in english when I click on french or german. Am I missing something? Is there something that needs to be enabled that I don't know about?

Here are the steps that I have taken already:
1. CMSDesk -> Development -> Document Templates -> Application: CMS -> Root -> Allowed child Templates and add the “Culture Version“ document type among document types that can be placed under the root.

2. Go to the Content module and create the following culture versions under the root:
English en-us
French fr-fr
German de-de

3. Move all content except the culture versions under the en-us document as we will use English as the default language.

4. Go to the Administration module -> Users, edit a user and set the Starting alias path value to /enus.

5. Open the web.config file, set the CMSUseMultilingualSupport key value to “true” and save it. Also please check that the CMSDefaultCultureCode key value is “en-us”, which is the default language. As the Files folder was moved on the disk under the en-us folder, you need to move the folder on the disk back under the root of the web site since the URL of files and documents doesn’t contain the culture code.

6. Refresh the CMS Desk in your web browser.

7. Select the Home document and choose French in the language selector. You will be asked if you want to create a new language version and if you want to pre-fill values with English content. Leave the checkbox checked and click the button to create a new language version of the document. Translate the menu item caption to “Introduction”. Switch to the site view and make some changes to the french version of the text.

8. add a language selection to your web site.

Your help is appreciated.


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admin - 7/11/2006 2:44:26 PM
Re: Help with multilingual, please...

Thank you for your post. Do you choose the language from the language selector in the toolbar?

Could you please send me a screenshot of your content tree and after you select French to

Best Regards,

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forrester - 7/13/2006 4:29:50 PM
Re: Help with multilingual, please...

Thank you for taking the time to correspond with me through email and helping me to better understand the dynamics of multilingual.
