• I am receiving: "Recompilation limit of 100 reached. HostingEnvironment caused shutdown" in Event l
    Question Jul 12, 2009
    I am receiving: "Recompilation limit of 100 reached. HostingEnvironment caused shutdown" in Event log

  • Limit uploading file
    Question Aug 5, 2022
    is it possible to limit file size such as docs, pdf and image file such as png, jpg format in different limit configuration while uploading to media library?

  • Uploaded Documents Not Attached To Email Notifications
    Question Apr 29, 2024
    I'm having an issue with one of our Kentico forms where the uploaded file from the file uploader field is not being attached to the email notification. I can see the files are being uploaded in the recorded data, but when I look at the *Email details* under *Sent emails*, not...

  • Limit creating users or roles at CMS
    Question Feb 18, 2022
    Hi i'm using kentico 13, is there a limit while creating users or roles at cms ? I've tried create users and roles more than 15 and it's okay. just want to make there's no limit for creating it right ?

  • Need to display latest news only
    Question Mar 15, 2024
    In the news page displaying all the news, In home page I want dispaly latest 3 news only. If I try to add "News widget" in home page it's displaying all news. How to display lates 3 news in home page? Please help me.

  • Limit number of widgets
    Question Dec 15, 2022
    Hello We have a simple requirement to limit the number of widgets in an area. I note the following from k13 training: > Developers can limit what kinds of widgets and what number of instances can be put into page sections. The limit can be set on the page section level. How...

  • Increase limit of rich text editor
    Question Oct 28, 2022
    We are using Kentico 10 and found out there is a limit of 3000 characters on RichTextBox. Can we increase it? On database we are using NVARCHAR(MAX). The column is expected to hold around 10000 characters. Thanks

  • Is it possible to limit uploads per file type per media library directory?
    Question Mar 30, 2023
    We have a custom MVC site and four large directries for our media library flat files. Each directory has multiple subdirectories and so on to categorize uploads. Under the main "Image" directory we are having a few users upload PDF documents, and vice-versa for the "Documents"...

  • Kentico 13 SeachHelper.Search NumberOfProcessedResult limit
    Question Apr 6, 2023
    Hi everyone! I'm pretty new with Kentico. I'm using kentico 13 refresh 13.0.95 right now. Just wanted to ask if there is a certain limitation to the NumberOfProcessedResult in SearchHelper.Search method? I tried hard to look for it but I can't find any documentation that poin...

  • Limit Multiple Categories form control by Parent
    Question Jan 11, 2023
    Hey, I've been taking a look at the Form Control code for the Multiple Categories selector in order to limit the results by a parent field. So basically I can add a field for a parent folder, and the Form Control will only show the child categories (and not everything). Unfor...

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