For each product, it is possible to specify its manufacturer. You can use this information for your internal purposes or you can display it on your website. You can for example display a link to the manufacturer's website on a product detail page in order to let your customers find more details about the product. This information is optional and you don't need to enter it.
When creating a new product or editing an existing one (on the General tab), you can choose its manufacturer in the Manufacturer drop-down list as highlighted in the screenshot below.
Manufacturers can be managed in CMS Desk -> E-commerce -> Manufacturers. In this section of the administration interface, you can see a list of all defined manufacturers. New ones can be added to the list by clicking the New manufacturer button above the list. Properties of already defined manufacturers can be edited by clicking the Edit (
) icon in the Actions column. You can also delete a manufacturer by clicking the Delete (
) icon.
When creating a new manufacturer or editing an existing one, you can specify the following properties:
•Display name - the name of the manufacturer displayed to users on the live site and in the administration interface.
•Code name - the name of the manufacturer used by developers in the code.
•Description - can be used to enter a text description for the manufacturer in order to give information about its orientation, background, etc.
•Homepage - allows to specify the URL of the manufacturer's website.
•Logo - can be used to add a teaser, usually an image, to the manufacturer. However, other types of files such as documents and audio and video files can also be uploaded.
•Is important - allows to mark the manufacturer as important. The flag can be used e.g. for filtering purposes when displaying data on the live site.
•Enabled - indicates if the manufacturer object can be used in your on-line store. For example, if checked, the respective manufacturer can be selected from the Manufacturer drop-down list when editing a product on its General tab.