CMSWebPartZone Class |
Namespace: CMS.PortalControls
public class CMSWebPartZone : CMSWebControl, ICMSVariantsControl, ICMSPortalControl, INamingContainer, ITimeZoneManager
The CMSWebPartZone type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
CMSWebPartZone |
| |
CMSWebPartZone(Boolean) |
Name | Description | |
extDragDrop |
Drag and drop extender.
| |
lblTitle |
Zone title.
| |
mCMSEditableControls |
List of the editable controls located under current placeholder.
| |
mContainer |
Container info object.
| |
mContextResolver |
Zone context resolver.
| |
mLocalProperties |
Local web part properties.
| |
mNotResolveProperties |
List of the property names that should not be resolved with macros.
| |
mOrphaned |
True if the zone is orphaned - Not included in layout.
| |
mPagePlaceholder |
Parent page placeholder.
| |
mParentZoneControl |
If this instance is a zone variant then this variable contains the parent zone control (CMSWebPartZone), otherwise is null.
| |
mPnlZoneVariants |
Container for zone variants.
| |
mShortClientID |
Short client ID.
| |
mSQLProperties |
List of the property names that are used in SQL queries and should avoid SQL injection.
| |
mUpdatePanel |
Update panel.
| |
mViewMode |
Zone view mode.
| |
mWebPartContainer |
Web part container.
| |
mWebParts |
Collection of all the web part located within the zone.
| |
mWidgetZoneType |
Zone type.
| |
mZoneInstance |
Zone instance with the settings.
| |
pnlCue |
Drop cue panel.
| |
pnlDesignHeader |
Zone design mode header container.
| |
pnlZone |
Zone container.
Name | Description | |
AdjustFreeLayoutToParent |
If true, then the size of the free layout is adjusted to match the parent size
| |
Align |
| |
AllowModifyWebPartCollection |
If true, the zone allows adding new web parts
| |
CMSEditableControls |
Returns the array of the editable controls.
| |
ConditionalLayout |
Conditional layout within which the zone is placed.
| |
Container |
Web part container object.
| |
ContainerAfter |
Container to render after the control.
| |
ContainerBefore |
Container to render before the control.
| |
ContainerClientID |
Returns the client ID of the zone container control
| |
ContainerHideOnCurrentPage |
Returns true if the container should be hidden on current page (hide container on subpages in effect).
| |
ContainerHideOnSubPages |
Hide container on sub pages.
| |
ContainerName |
Container name.
| |
ContainerTitle |
Container title.
| |
ContentAfter |
Content after.
| |
ContentBefore |
Content before.
| |
ContextResolver |
Web part zone context resolver.
| |
CustomTimeZone |
Returns custom time zone info.
| |
DisplayToRoles |
Display to roles.
| |
HasVariants |
Indicates whether the zone has any variants.
| |
HeaderContainer |
Control to which the zone header should be rendered
| |
HideOnCurrentPage |
Returns true if the control should be hidden on current page (hide control on subpages in effect).
| |
HideOnSubPages |
Hide on sub pages.
| |
ChildrenHaveVariants |
Returns true if the children components have any variants
| |
ID |
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
(Overrides ControlID.) | |
InstanceGUID |
Web part instance GUID.
| |
IsEmpty |
Returns true if the zone is empty (no web part is visible)
| |
IsLiveSite |
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.) | |
IsVariant |
Indicates whether this web part is a variant of an existing zone.
| |
IsVisible |
Returns true if the web part zone is visible.
| |
LayoutType |
Zone layout type
| |
LayoutZone |
True if the zone is generated by web part layout.
| |
Margin |
| |
NotResolveProperties |
List of the property names that should not be resolved with macros.
| |
Padding |
| |
PagePlaceholder |
Parent page placeholder.
| |
ParentHasVariants |
Returns true if the parent component has any variants
| |
ParentWebPart |
Parent portal component
| |
ParentZoneControl |
Gets the parent zone control (CMSWebPartZone) if this instance is a zone variant. Otherwise returns null.
| |
PnlZoneVariants |
Container for zone variants.
| |
PortalManager |
Parent portal manager.
| |
ShortClientID |
Returns the short client ID of the web part.
| |
ShortID |
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.) | |
ShowForDocumentTypes |
Show for document types.
| |
SQLProperties |
List of the property names that are used in SQL queries and should avoid SQL injection.
| |
TagKey |
Overrides the generation of the SPAN tag with custom tag.
(Overrides WebControlTagKey.) | |
TimeZoneType |
Returns time zone type.
| |
TitleLabel |
Gets the zone title label.
| |
UIContext |
Returns control's UI context
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.) | |
UpdatePanel |
Update panel of the web part.
| |
UseUpdatePanel |
Use update panel.
| |
ViewMode |
Page mode of the current zone.
| |
WebPartContainer |
Web part container control.
| |
WebPartManagementRequired |
Indicates whether the web part management support is required.
| |
WebParts |
List of WebParts contained within the zone.
| |
WidgetZoneType |
Widget zone type.
| |
ZoneHeight |
Height of the web part zone
| |
ZoneId |
Zone Id used mainly in conditional layouts where zone should be shared in multiple layouts.
| |
ZoneInstance |
Web part zone instance object.
| |
ZoneTitle |
Zone title.
| |
ZoneType |
Gets or sets the type of the zone. This value is processed only in the UI pages.
| |
ZoneWidth |
Width of the web part zone
Name | Description | |
cachedControl_PreRender |
PreRender event handler.
| |
ClearCache |
Clears the caches of all the web parts.
| |
EnablePartialCache |
Returns true if the partial caching is enabled.
| |
FindWebPart(String) |
Finds the web part with specific name.
| |
FindWebPart(Type) |
Finds the web part with specific type (first web part).
| |
GetImageUrl |
Gets UI image relative path.
| |
GetSpellCheckFields |
Returns the list of the field IDs (Client IDs of the inner controls) that should be spell checked.
| |
GetValue |
Returns the value of the given webpart property property.
| |
GetWebPart |
Returns web part with the specified name or null if not found.
| |
GetWebPartUrl |
Gets the URL for the web part to load.
| |
LoadCachedWebPart |
Loads the content to the partially cached web part
| |
LoadRegionsContent |
Loads the editable regions content.
| |
LoadWebPart |
Loads the web part to the given zone. Returns the newly created web part.
| |
LoadWebParts |
Loads the web parts to the control.
| |
LoadWebPartsContent |
Loads the web parts content.
| |
OnContentLoaded |
Method that is called when the page content is fully loaded.
| |
OnInit |
Init action.
(Overrides CMSWebControlOnInit(EventArgs).) | |
OnLoad |
Load action.
(Overrides ControlOnLoad(EventArgs).) | |
OnPreRender |
PreRender action.
(Overrides ControlOnPreRender(EventArgs).) | |
ReloadData |
Causes reloading the data, override to implement the data reloading procedure.
| |
RemoveVariantFromCache |
Removes the variant from cache.
| |
Render |
Render action.
(Overrides WebControlRender(HtmlTextWriter).) | |
ResolveMacros |
Resolves the macros within current WebPart context.
| |
SaveContent |
Saves the page content to the page info.
| |
SetValue |
Sets the property value of the control, setting the value affects only local property value.
| |
Validate |
Saves the page content to the page info.
Name | Description | |
AddCssClass |
Adds CSS class to control. If class is already present, than adding is skipped. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
CallHandled |
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page.
Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
GetCssClasses |
Returns all CSS classes of control.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
GetRenderedHTML |
Returns HTML which would be rendered by control to page.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
GetString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
HasCssClass |
Checks whether the control has given CSS class. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
RemoveCssClass |
Removes all occurrences. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) | |
SetCssClasses |
Sets CSS classes to the control. Current classes will be overridden.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.) |