CMSWebPartZone Properties |
The CMSWebPartZone type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AdjustFreeLayoutToParent |
If true, then the size of the free layout is adjusted to match the parent size
| |
Align |
| |
AllowModifyWebPartCollection |
If true, the zone allows adding new web parts
| |
CMSEditableControls |
Returns the array of the editable controls.
| |
ConditionalLayout |
Conditional layout within which the zone is placed.
| |
Container |
Web part container object.
| |
ContainerAfter |
Container to render after the control.
| |
ContainerBefore |
Container to render before the control.
| |
ContainerClientID |
Returns the client ID of the zone container control
| |
ContainerHideOnCurrentPage |
Returns true if the container should be hidden on current page (hide container on subpages in effect).
| |
ContainerHideOnSubPages |
Hide container on sub pages.
| |
ContainerName |
Container name.
| |
ContainerTitle |
Container title.
| |
ContentAfter |
Content after.
| |
ContentBefore |
Content before.
| |
ContextResolver |
Web part zone context resolver.
| |
CustomTimeZone |
Returns custom time zone info.
| |
DisplayToRoles |
Display to roles.
| |
HasVariants |
Indicates whether the zone has any variants.
| |
HeaderContainer |
Control to which the zone header should be rendered
| |
HideOnCurrentPage |
Returns true if the control should be hidden on current page (hide control on subpages in effect).
| |
HideOnSubPages |
Hide on sub pages.
| |
ChildrenHaveVariants |
Returns true if the children components have any variants
| |
ID |
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
(Overrides ControlID.) | |
InstanceGUID |
Web part instance GUID.
| |
IsEmpty |
Returns true if the zone is empty (no web part is visible)
| |
IsLiveSite |
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.) | |
IsVariant |
Indicates whether this web part is a variant of an existing zone.
| |
IsVisible |
Returns true if the web part zone is visible.
| |
LayoutType |
Zone layout type
| |
LayoutZone |
True if the zone is generated by web part layout.
| |
Margin |
| |
NotResolveProperties |
List of the property names that should not be resolved with macros.
| |
Padding |
| |
PagePlaceholder |
Parent page placeholder.
| |
ParentHasVariants |
Returns true if the parent component has any variants
| |
ParentWebPart |
Parent portal component
| |
ParentZoneControl |
Gets the parent zone control (CMSWebPartZone) if this instance is a zone variant. Otherwise returns null.
| |
PnlZoneVariants |
Container for zone variants.
| |
PortalManager |
Parent portal manager.
| |
ShortClientID |
Returns the short client ID of the web part.
| |
ShortID |
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.) | |
ShowForDocumentTypes |
Show for document types.
| |
SQLProperties |
List of the property names that are used in SQL queries and should avoid SQL injection.
| |
TagKey |
Overrides the generation of the SPAN tag with custom tag.
(Overrides WebControlTagKey.) | |
TimeZoneType |
Returns time zone type.
| |
TitleLabel |
Gets the zone title label.
| |
UIContext |
Returns control's UI context
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.) | |
UpdatePanel |
Update panel of the web part.
| |
UseUpdatePanel |
Use update panel.
| |
ViewMode |
Page mode of the current zone.
| |
WebPartContainer |
Web part container control.
| |
WebPartManagementRequired |
Indicates whether the web part management support is required.
| |
WebParts |
List of WebParts contained within the zone.
| |
WidgetZoneType |
Widget zone type.
| |
ZoneHeight |
Height of the web part zone
| |
ZoneId |
Zone Id used mainly in conditional layouts where zone should be shared in multiple layouts.
| |
ZoneInstance |
Web part zone instance object.
| |
ZoneTitle |
Zone title.
| |
ZoneType |
Gets or sets the type of the zone. This value is processed only in the UI pages.
| |
ZoneWidth |
Width of the web part zone