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JSONConstraint Methods

The JSONConstraint type exposes the following members.

Public methodAfter(Int32) (Inherited from Constraint.)
Public methodAfter(Int32, Int32) (Inherited from Constraint.)
Protected methodGetStringRepresentation (Inherited from Constraint.)
Public methodStatic memberIsSimilarTo(JObject)
Creates JSONConstraint which compares the test-Object with the given JObject.
Public methodStatic memberIsSimilarTo(String)
Creates JSONConstraint which compares the test-Object with the given string.
Public methodMatches(Object)
Tests whether the constraint is satisfied by a given value.
(Overrides Constraint.Matches(Object).)
Public methodMatches``1(ActualValueDelegateUMP) (Inherited from Constraint.)
Public methodMatches``1(UMP) (Inherited from Constraint.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from Constraint.)
Public methodWriteActualValueTo
Write the actual value for a failing constraint test to a MessageWriter. The default implementation simply writes the raw value of actual, leaving it to the writer to perform any formatting.
(Overrides Constraint.WriteActualValueTo(MessageWriter).)
Public methodWriteDescriptionTo
Writes the constraint description to a MessageWriter
(Overrides Constraint.WriteDescriptionTo(MessageWriter).)
Public methodWriteMessageTo (Inherited from Constraint.)
See Also