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CurrentDeviceInfo Methods

The CurrentDeviceInfo type exposes the following members.

Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if specified column is available in current structure.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainerParentObjectType.)
Public methodGetValue
Gets the object value.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Public methodStatic memberIsPremium
Determines whether the 51Degrees device package is a premium package.
Protected methodRegisterColumn(String, FuncTObject, Object)
Registers the given Column to the object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterColumn(String, FuncTObject, Object, FuncTObject, Object, Object)
Registers the given Column to the object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected methodRegisterColumns
Registers the Columns of this object for resolving data macros.
(Overrides AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObjectRegisterColumns.)
Public methodSetValue
Not implemented.
(Overrides AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObjectSetValue(String, Object).)
Public methodTryGetValue
Returns value of column.
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
See Also