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UserInfo Properties

The UserInfo type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAllowClone
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyAllowPartialUpdate
If true, the object allows partial updates.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyAllowRestore
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyAllowTouchParent
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyAssignedSites
Collection of the sites to which the object is associated via site bindings (M:N relationships).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyBindingObjectTypes Obsolete.
Binding object types.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyBindings
Collection of the binding objects for the given object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyCacheParentData
If true, the parent object data is cached within object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyCategoryIDColumn Obsolete.
Category ID column name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyClassName
Returns the class name of this object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyCodeNameColumn
Code name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyCodeNameChanged
Returns whether the object code name changed or not
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyColumnNames
Column names.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoColumnNames.)
Protected propertyCustomizedColumns
Gets the list of customized columns in current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyDataClass
Data class with the info object data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyDeleteFiles
Indicates if all physical files should be deleted when object will be deleted.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyDisplayNameColumn
Display name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyEmail
E-mail address.
Public propertyEnabled
Indicates if user is enabled.
Public propertyFirstName
First name of user.
Public propertyFriends
Returns the HashTable with user's friends.
Public propertyFullName
Full name of user.
Public propertyGeneralized
Generalized interface of this object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyGroups
Returns the HashTable with user's groups.
Protected propertyGUIDColumn Obsolete.
GUID column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyHasData
Returns true if the object has it's data storage initialized already
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyHasChanged
Returns true if the object changed.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyCheckUnique
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyChildDependencies
Collection of the child dependencies for the given object. These are objects which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms), but aren't direct child of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyChildDependencyColumns Obsolete.
Name of the columns (separated by semicolon) of object dependencies which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyChildObjectTypes Obsolete.
Child object types.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyChildren
Collection of the child objects for the given object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIcon
Object icon
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIDColumn Obsolete.
ID column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIgnoreExternalColumns
If true, externally stored columns are ignored and are stored normally in DB.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyInstanceGUID
Returns the object instance GUID
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyInvalidateObject Obsolete.
If true, object is invalidated when the object is changed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIsCachedObject
If true, the object is cached within the system for later use
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIsClone
Indicates if the object is clone.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsComplete
Returns true if the object is complete (has all columns).
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyIsDisconnected
Returns true if this collection is disconnected from the database
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsEditorInternal
Gets or sets the IsEditor flag. This property is considered for internal purposes only and should not be used in custom code.
Public propertyIsExternal
True if the user is external.
Public propertyIsGlobal
Returns true if the object is global object. False if the object belongs to specific site only.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsGlobalAdministrator
True if the user is the global administrator.
Protected propertyIsCheckedOut
Indicates if the object is checked out.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIsCheckedOutByUserID
Gets ID of the user who checked the object out.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIsObjectValid
Returns true if the object is considered valid.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyLastLogon
Last logon of user.
Public propertyLastName
Last name.
Protected propertyLogEvents
If true, Events tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogExport
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogIntegration
If true, integration tasks are being logged.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogWebFarmTasks
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyMembershipRoles
Returns the HashTable of the user Sites and roles got via membership.
Public propertyMemberships
Returns hashtable of user's membership
Public propertyMembershipsValidity
Returns hashtable of user's membership
Public propertyMetaFiles
Collection of the metafiles belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyMiddleName
Middle name of user.
Protected propertyName
Returns the code name of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectCategory
Object category.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectClassName Obsolete.
Class name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectCodeName
Object code name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectDisplayName
Object display name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectFullName
Object full name if exists
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectGroupID
Object community group ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectGUID
Object GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIcon
Object icon metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIconGUID
Object icon GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectID
Object ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIsCustom
Indicates if object is custom.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIsCustomized
Indicates if object is customized.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIsNested Obsolete.
Returns true if the object is created within wrapping object and figures as its part (e.g., partial classes for TreeNode class).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectLastAccessed
Object last access time (uses internally by providers).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectLastModified
Last modified time.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectOrder
Returns the order of the object among the other objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectParent
Object parent.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectParentID
Object parent ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyObjectSettings
Object settings
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectSite
Returns the object site.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectSiteID
Object site ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectSiteName
Object site name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectStatus
Returns the current status of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectThumbnail
Object thumbnail metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectThumbnailGUID
Object thumbnail GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyObjectType Obsolete.
Object type.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectVersionGUID
Object version GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyOrderColumn Obsolete.
Order column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyOrders
Collection or users orders made on current site.
Protected propertyOriginalObjectCodeName
Returns the original object code name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyOtherBindingObjectTypes Obsolete.
Other binding types (ObjectType constants separated by semicolon) - binding types where this object participate but is not parent object of those binding types.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyOtherBindings
Collection of the binding objects for the given object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyParent
Object parent
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyParentIDColumn Obsolete.
Parent ID column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyParentObjectType
Parent object type.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyPasswordFormat
Format of the user password.
Public propertyPreferredCultureCode
Preferred culture code.
Public propertyPreferredUICultureCode
Preferred UI culture code.
Protected propertyPrioritizedProperties
Gets the list of properties which should be prioritized in the macro controls (IntelliSense, MacroTree).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyProcesses
Collection of the processes belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyProperties
Properties of the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyPurchasedProducts
Collection of all products purchased by user at all sites.
Protected propertyReferringObjects
Collection of the objects depending on this object (object which have FK to this object).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyRegisteredProperties
Registered properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyRelatedObjects
Related objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyResourceUIElements
Returns UI elements within each module across all sites the user can see.
Public propertyRolesValidity
Returns the HashTable of the temporary user roles.
Public propertySearchType
Gets the type of current object.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoSearchType.)
Public propertyScheduledTasks
Collection of the scheduled tasks belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertySite
Object site
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertySiteCultures
Returns the user's allowed cultures.
Protected propertySiteIDColumn Obsolete.
Site ID column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertySitesRoles
Returns the HashTable of the user Sites and roles.
Protected propertySupportsVersioning
Indicates if the object versioning is supported. Default false
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyThumbnail
Object thumbnail
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyTimeStampColumn Obsolete.
Time stamp column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyTimeZoneInfo
Gets the user's time zone information.
Protected propertyTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache dependencies are touched when the object is changed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyTypeInfo
Object type information.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyUpdateTimeStamp
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyUpdateVersionGUID
If true, version GUID of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyUserAccountLockReason
Gets or sets number representing reason for user account lock
Public propertyUserAuthenticationGUID
Temporary GUID for user identification for automatic sign-in in the CMS Desk.
Public propertyUserAvatarID
User avatar ID.
Public propertyUserCampaign
User campaign.
Public propertyUserCreated
When was user created.
Public propertyUserCustomData
User custom data.
Public propertyUserDescription
User description.
Public propertyUserEnabled
Indicates whether user is enabled.
Public propertyUserGlobalAccessDisabled
Indicates whether user with global admin flag is able to manage global applications and functionality. This property is considered for internal purposes only and should not be used in custom code.
Public propertyUserGUID
User GUID.
Public propertyUserHasAllowedCultures
If user has allowed more than one culture.
Public propertyUserID
User ID.
Public propertyUserInvalidLogOnAttempts
Gets or sets number of user invalid logon attempts.
Public propertyUserInvalidLogOnAttemptsHash
User password change request hash.
Public propertyUserIsDisabledManually
Indicates if user was disabled manually by admin.
Public propertyUserIsDomain
Determines whether user is domain user.
Public propertyUserIsExternal
Indicated whether user is external.
Public propertyUserIsGlobalAdministrator
Indicates whether user is global administrator.
Public propertyUserIsHidden
Indicates whether user is hidden.
Public propertyUserLastLogonInfo
User last logon info.
Public propertyUserLastModified
Object last modified.
Public propertyUserMessagingNotificationEmail
Messaging notification email.
Public propertyUserMFRequired
Multi-factor authentication is required for user.
Public propertyUserName
User name.
Public propertyUserNickName
User nick name.
Public propertyUserPasswordExpiration
Return number of days before user password expiration, null value means that password will never expire, positive values indicates number of days the password is expired and negative value indicates number of days before expiration
Public propertyUserPasswordFormat
Format of user's password.
Public propertyUserPasswordLastChanged
Gets or sets time of last password change
Public propertyUserPasswordRequestHash
User password change request hash.
Public propertyUserPicture
User picture.
Public propertyUserSettings
Gets the UserSettigs info object for the user.
Public propertyUserSignature
User signature.
Public propertyUserStartingAliasPath
Starting alias path of user.
Public propertyUserTimeZoneID
User time zone ID.
Public propertyUserTokenID
Unique Id.
Public propertyUserTokenIteration
Token Iteration
Public propertyUserURLReferrer
URL Referrer of user.
Public propertyUserVisibility
Contains XML with user's custom form field visibility settings.
Protected propertyValidateCodeName
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyVersioningEnabled
Indicates if the object versioning is enabled by the settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyWishlist
Collection of all users wishlist items from all sites.
See Also