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TextHelper Properties

The TextHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEncodeValues
Indicates whether to encode merged text.
Public propertyStatic memberRegeExWhiteSpaces
Regular expression for white spaces.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExLineBreak
Gets or sets the regular expression for line break method.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExLineEnd
Regular expression for the line ending.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExLineEndWithSpaces
Regular expression for the line ending with the spaces before and after.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExRemoveMultipleCommas
Regular expression to identify multiple occurrences of comma (surrounded by white space).
Public propertyStatic memberRegExRemoveMultipleCommasStartEnd
Regular expression to identify comma at the beginning and at the end of a text.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExSplitPagesSentences
Regular expression for the tag match for SplitPages method.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExSplitPagesTags
Regular expression for the tag match for SplitPages method.
Public propertyStatic memberRegExToTitleCaseWords
Regular expression for the word match for ToTitleCase method.
See Also