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ObjectTypeInfo Properties

The ObjectTypeInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowDataExport
Specifies whether the object supports data export. By default the value is true for all objects except binding objects.
Public propertyStatic memberAllowObjectRelationships
If true, object relationships are allowed.
Public propertyAllowPostProcessing
Indicates if object allows post-processing during the import and staging process.
Public propertyAllowRestore
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin. By default the value is true for all objects except binding objects.
Public propertyAllowTouchParent
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists. Default is true.
Public propertyAssemblyNameColumn
Name of the column with assembly name.
Public propertyBinaryColumn
Binary column name of the info record.
Public propertyBindingObjectTypes
Binding object types, list of object types separated by semicolon.
Public propertyCategoryIDColumn
Category ID column name.
Public propertyCategoryObject
Empty read-only instance of the category object (if this type has a category object) For example settings key will have a SettingsCategoryInfo object here.
Public propertyClassStructureInfo
Class structure information. If not set explicitly, it is retrieved automatically by class name.
Public propertyCodeColumn
Name of the column that contains code of the object (markup).
Public propertyCodeNameColumn
Code name column name of the info record.
Public propertyColumnNames
Available column names.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainerParentObjectType.)
Public propertyColumnsInvalidated
Indicates whether column names are invalidated. Default is false.
Public propertyConsistsOf
Defines the list of object TypeInfos that are part of this wrapper object. If the object is not a wrapper, this property is not initialized.
Public propertyContainsMacros
Indicates if the object may contain some macros in it's values. Default is true.
Public propertyCSSColumn
Name of the column that contains CSS of the object.
Public propertyCustomizedColumnsColumn
Column name which contains customized columns.
Public propertyDefaultData
Default data exported within installation.
Public propertyDefaultOrderBy
Default order by clause for getting data.
Public propertyDeleteAsDependency
Indicates if object should be deleted when removing dependencies of other object.
Public propertyDeleteObjectWithAPI
If true, the object is always deleted using API methods in the remove dependencies phase, not the generated queries. Use for objects where additional actions are performed during deletion. Default is false.
Public propertyDependsOn
List of objects this object depends on (foreign keys definition of the object with the exception of SiteID column and ParentID columns to the objects which are directly visible via reference, for the foreign keys of objects of other modules not visible by this module, use Extends property in those object to define the foreign key in this object).
Public propertyDisplayNameColumn
Display name column name of the info record.
Public propertyEnabledColumn
Name of the column which determines whether the object is enabled or disabled within the system.
Public propertyEvents
Events handled by object of this type
Public propertyExtends
List of columns which which this object extends other objects as a foreign key.
Public propertyExtensionColumn
File extension column (for objects with binary column - column which specifies extension type of binary data).
Public propertyFeature
Get/sets info's feature for license check
Public propertyFormDefinitionColumn
Form definition column name
Public propertyStatic memberGlobalLogSynchronization
If true, object tasks are logged.
Public propertyGroupIDColumn
Community group ID column name of the info record, returns specific column if the object can be also group object.
Public propertyGUIDColumn
GUID column.
Public propertyHasAutomaticProperties
If true, the object of this type has got some automatic properties
Public propertyHasExternalColumns
If true, the object has externally stored columns. Default is false.
Public propertyHasMetaFiles
If true, the objects can have meta files. By default no metafiles to simplify general processes
Public propertyHasObjectRelationships
If true, the objects can have relationships to other objects. By default no relationships to simplify general processes.
Public propertyHasObjectSettings
Indicates if the object can have object settings. Default is false.
Public propertyHasProcesses
If true, the processes can be run on the objects. By default no processes to simplify general processes.
Public propertyHasScheduledTasks
If true, the scheduled tasks can be run on the objects. By default no scheduled tasks to simplify general processes.
Public propertyCheckDependenciesOnDelete
If true, the CheckDependencies procedure is first called within the remove dependencies procedure and if there are some, the remove dependencies procedure throws and exception and does not continue.
Public propertyCheckPermissions
Determines whether the permissions should be checked when the object is accessed within the macro engine as an inner object. Default is true.
Public propertyChildDependencyColumns
Name of the columns (separated by semicolon) of object dependencies which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms).
Public propertyChildObjectTypes
Child object types, list of object types separated by semicolon.
Public propertyIconGUIDColumn
Name of the column that contains the GUID of the object icon meta file.
Public propertyIconMetaFileGroup
Name of the meta file group of the icon meta file.
Public propertyIDColumn
ID column.
Public propertyImportExportSettings
Import/export settings.
Public propertyIncludeToSynchronizationParentDataSet
If false, the object is not included in the parent DataSet (for synchronization).
Public propertyIncludeToVersionParentDataSet
Indicates if the objects should be included in version data set of it's parent
Public propertyInfoType
Info class type
Public propertyInherited
Indicates if the type info is inherited (list info for example).
Public propertyInstanceCount
Gets the number of registered isntances.
Public propertyIsBinding
Returns true if the object is binding. Set forces the object to behave as binding.
Public propertyIsCategory
Returns true if object is category type. Default is false.
Public propertyIsCustomColumn
Column name of the info record for flag IsCustom.
Public propertyIsDataObjectType
Indicates if the object is dynamic based on data in the DB (e.g. custom table item or biz form item objecttypes).
Public propertyIsMainObject
Indicates if the object is main (= is not child of other objects).
Public propertyIsMultipleBinding
Indicates if the object is binding between more than two objects.
Public propertyIsSelfBinding
Returns true if the binding is binding to the same object as parent.
Public propertyIsSiteBinding
Returns true if the object is site binding.
Public propertyIsSiteObject
Returns true if the object is site
Public propertyIsTriggerTarget
If true, the object can be targeted by triggers. Default is false.
Public propertyIsVirtualObject
Indicates if object is stored in DB or only in memory. If true, object is stored in memory and cannot be queried by SQL. Default is false.
Public propertyIsWrapper
Returns true if object is wrapper. Object consists of several partial objects.
Public propertyItem
Gets the value of particular property
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyLastObjectInvalidated
Last time of the object invalidation.
Public propertyLogEvents
If true, Events tasks are logged on the object update. Default is false.
Public propertyLogIntegration
If true, integration tasks are being logged. Default is true.
Public propertyStatic memberLogSiteBindings
If true, object tasks are logged when site binding changes.
Public propertyLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on the object update.
Public propertyMaxCodeNameLength
Maximum length of the object code name.
Public propertyMimeTypeColumn
Mime type column (for objects with binary column - column which specifies mime type of binary data).
Public propertyModuleInfo
Returns ModuleInfo object retrieved by ModuleName.
Public propertyModuleName
Name of the module where the object belongs.
Public propertyName
Object type name, if not set, ObjectClassName is returned.
Public propertyNameGloballyUnique
If true, the object code name must be unique both per site, and through global objects. If false, the name is unique per site only. Default is false.
Public propertyNestedInfoTypes
List of nested info object types that contain the data internally
Public propertyObjectClassName
Object class name.
Public propertyObjectDependencies
Object dependencies (list of foreign keys definition of the object with the exception of SiteID column and ParentID columns). Automatically computed from Extends and DependsOn lists of all objects within the system.
Public propertyObjectIDPathColumn
ID path column name of the info record, returns specific column if the object has hierarchical structure.
Public propertyObjectLevelColumn
Object level column. If the object has hierarchical structure, determines the depth within the tree.
Public propertyObjectNamePathColumn
Name path column name of the info record, returns specific column if the object has hierarchical structure.
Public propertyObjectPathColumn
Path column name of the info record, returns specific column if the object has hierarchical structure.
Public propertyObjectType
Object type.
Public propertyOrderColumn
Order column name of the info record.
Public propertyOriginalObjectType
Original object type of virtual object types. For normal object type it's same as object type.
Public propertyOriginalTypeInfo
Original object type of virtual object types. For normal object type it's same as object type.
Public propertyOtherBindingObjectTypes
Other binding types (ObjectType constants separated by semicolon) - binding types where this object participate but is not parent object of those binding types.
Public propertyParentIDColumn
Parent ID column name of the info record, returns specific column if the object is child object (has parent).
Public propertyParentObjectType
Parent object type.
Public propertyParentTypeInfo
Parent type information of the info record if the object is child object (has parent).
Public propertyPossibleParentIDColumn
Possible parent ID column name of the info record in case the parent ID column is optional (if the object can be both global and child).
Public propertyProperties
Properties available through the context.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected propertyPropertyList
Used property list
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyProviderIsCustomizable
Indicates if provider supports methods customization
Public propertyProviderObject
Returns the provider object for this type info.
Public propertyProviderType
Provider type.
Public propertyReferenceColumnNames
Names of the columns that reference some object.
Public propertyRegisterAsBindingToObjectTypes
If set (= not null), than the automatic process of registering the object type in the BindingObjectTypes list is bypassed and the registration is forced to the specified types in this list.
Public propertyRegisterAsChildToObjectTypes
If set (= not null), than the automatic process of registering the object type in the ChildObjectTypes list is bypassed and the registration is forced to the specified types in this list.
Public propertyRegisterAsOtherBindingToObjectTypes
If set (= not null), than the automatic process of registering the object type in the OtherBindingObjectTypes list is bypassed and the registration is forced to the specified types in this list.
Protected propertyRegisteredColumns
Registered Columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredColumnsObject
Registered Columns object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredProperties
Registered properties
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Protected propertyRegisteredPropertiesObject
Registered properties object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyRelatedTypeInfos
Returns list of related TypeInfos of this TypeInfo (the relationship is made from OriginalTypeInfo property, but reflects the relationship from both sides).
Public propertyRememberUniGridState
Indicates whether UniGrids working with objects of this type will remember their state, i.e., filter, page number, page size and sorting order.
Public propertyRequiredObject
If true, the object is required when imported / synchronized. If false, the object can be skipped when some error occurs. Default is true.
Public propertyResourceIDColumn
Resource ID column name of the info record, returns specific column if the object is dependant on a resource.
Public propertySearchContentColumn
Column which stores cached content extracted for this Info object to be used in search indexing. Used by the method EnsureSearchContent.
Public propertySensitiveColumns
List of column names which are sensitive from the privacy point of view (i.e. UserPassword, etc.). Those columns are automatically excluded from macro engine and REST.
Public propertySiteBinding
Site binding object type (if exists).
Public propertySiteBindingObject
Site binding object (if exists).
Public propertySiteIDColumn
Site ID column name of the info record.
Public propertySizeColumn
File size column (for objects with binary column - column which specifies size of the binary data).
Public propertySupportsCloneToOtherSite
Indicates if object can be cloned to different site than the site of the original. Default is true.
Public propertySupportsCloning
Indicates if object can be cloned. Default is true.
Public propertySupportsGlobalObjects
If true, object can be either site or global (for example poll). Default is false.
Public propertySupportsInvalidation
If true, the object is automatically invalidated upon it's change. Default is false.
Public propertySupportsLocking
Indicates is the object supports locking (check-in / check-out). Default is false.
Public propertySupportsSearch
Indicates if object can be searched. Default is true for main objects.
Public propertySupportsVersioning
Indicates if the object versioning is supported. Default is false.
Public propertySynchronizationObjectTreeLocations
Object tree locations for synchronization
Public propertyThumbnailGUIDColumn
Name of the column that contains the GUID of the object thumbnail meta file.
Public propertyThumbnailMetaFileGroup
Name of the meta file group of the thumbnail meta file.
Public propertyTimeStampColumn
Time stamp column.
Public propertyTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache dependencies are touched when the object is changed. Default is false.
Public propertyStatic memberTrackObjectInstances
If true, object instances are tracked.
Public propertyTypeCondition
Condition which can distinguish between several object types within one Info class. This is used for two purposes - first to generate correct type WHERE condition which is used in GetData (for example) and for correct object initialization when creating empty BaseInfo objects for specified object type. If you need to specify more complex WHERE condition, use property WhereCondition which has higher priority.
Public propertyUpdateTimeStamp
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
Protected propertyUseLocalColumns
If true, the object uses local columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainerTObject.)
Protected propertyUseLocalProperties
If true, the object uses local properties
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObjectTObject.)
Public propertyVersionGUIDColumn
Name of the column that contains the version GUID of the object.
Public propertyWhereCondition
Default where condition restricting the data of this particular object type.
Public propertyWrapperObjectType
Wrapper object type - type of the object which is is a wrapper for this object type.
See Also