General settings related to the Contact management module can be adjusted in the On-line marketing category in Site Manager -> Settings. The following of the settings in the category are related to the Contact management module:
•Enable on‑line marketing - enables on‑line marketing features, among others including tracking of live site users as contacts and logging of activities.
•Notes stamp format - format of the stamp added to the Notes field after clicking the Add stamp button when editing contacts or accounts.
•Log IP address - indicates if logging of contacts' IP addresses should be allowed.
•Remember contacts permanently - indicates how long contacts should be remembered. If checked, a contact is kept until cookies are deleted or another contact is determined. If unchecked, a contact is kept until the current session expires.
•Automatically recognize visitors by user agent - indicates if a visitor's browser user agent information should be used to determine what contact should be assigned to the current anonymous visitor.
•Automatically recognize visitors by IP address - indicates if visitor's IP address should be used to determine what contact should be assigned to the current anonymous visitor.