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TaskProcessTypeEnum Enumeration
Type of processing integration tasks. Determines whether the tasks are being processed asynchronously or synchronously with full or partial data. The types are ordered by priority (highest to lowest).

Namespace: CMS.Synchronization
Assembly: CMS.Synchronization (in CMS.Synchronization.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public enum TaskProcessTypeEnum
  Member nameValueDescription
SyncSnapshot0 Synchronous processing with complete object/document data (child objects etc.) Runs in context of the application allowing retrieving any additional data. This type is the first priority during processing.
AsyncSnapshot1 Asynchronous processing with complete object/document data (child objects etc.) including all translations. This type is the second priority during processing.
AsyncSimpleSnapshot2 Asynchronous processing with data of object/document itself (including its translations). This type is the third priority during processing.
AsyncSimple3 Asynchronous processing with data of object/document itself (without any translations). This type is the fourth priority during processing.
See Also