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IntegrationProcessTypeEnum Enumeration
Says how the CMS should process the task. See comments for each value.

Namespace: CMS.Synchronization
Assembly: CMS.Synchronization (in CMS.Synchronization.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public enum IntegrationProcessTypeEnum
  Member nameValueDescription
Default0 Processes the task immediately. If error occurs, the processing stops and sets the type to Error.
SkipOnce1 Does not process the task during first processing (just sets the type to Default so it is going to be processed during next processing).
SkipOnError2 Processes the task immediately. If error occurs, it skips the task and continues with processing.
DeleteOnError3 Processes the task immediately. If error occurs, deletes the task and continues with processing.
Error4 Says that processing should not continue due to critical error.
See Also