InfoObjectCollection<TInfo> Properties |
The InfoObjectCollection< TInfo> generic type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AllowPaging |
If true, the paging of the data is allowed (data is loaded in batches).
| |
AutomaticNameColumn |
If true, the automatic name column is used within this collection
| |
CheckLicense |
If true, the collection check license when getting data
| |
CodeNames |
Collection of the object code names
| |
ColumnNames |
Available column names.
(Inherited from AbstractDataContainer<ParentObjectType>.) | |
Columns |
Columns to get.
| |
Count |
Returns the number of items.
| |
DeletedItems |
Returns the items collection.
| |
DisplayNames |
Collection of the object display names
| |
DynamicWhereCondition |
Dynamic where condition.
| |
ElementType |
Returns the element type.
| |
EnforceReadOnlyDataAccess |
If true, the read only access to the data is enforced within the transaction.
| |
Expression |
Query expression
| |
FieldsAsObjects |
Related objects wrappers
| |
FirstItem |
Returns the first item of the collection
| |
Collection of the object GUIDs
| |
IDs |
Collection of the object IDs
| |
InternalCount |
Internal count of the items
| |
IsCachedObject |
If true, the object is cached within the system for later use
| |
IsDisconnected |
Returns true if the collection is disconnected from the data source
| |
IsLastVersion |
If true, the document is the last version (retrieved using DocumentHelper.GetDocument).
| |
IsOffline |
Returns true, if the collection is offline (not backed up by the database but by the source data)
| |
Item[Int32] |
Gets or sets the object on specific index.
| |
Item[String] |
Returns the object registered by the specific name.
| |
Items |
Returns the items collection.
| |
ItemsAsFields |
Fields wrappers
| |
ItemsHaveNames |
Returns true if the items in the collection have names
| |
ItemType | Obsolete.
Result type
| |
LastItem |
Returns the last item of the collection
| |
LoadBinaryData |
Gets or sets the value which indicates whether to load binary data into the collections.
| |
Name |
Collection name. Returns object type if name is not defined
| |
NameColumn |
Name column name
| |
NewItems |
Returns the items collection.
| |
Object |
Object instance of the specified type.
| |
ObjectsByName |
Objects by name collection.
| |
ObjectType |
Returns the object type of the objects stored within the collection.
| |
OrderByColumns |
Order by expression.
| |
PageSize |
Page size for loading of the items.
| |
ParentObject |
Parent object. Instance of object which contains this collection as it's inner field.
| |
ParentStorage |
Parent storage
| |
Properties |
Properties available through the context.
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObject<TObject>.) | |
PropertyList |
Used property list
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObject<TObject>.) | |
Provider |
Query provider
| |
RegisteredColumns |
Registered Columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainer<TObject>.) | |
RegisteredColumnsObject |
Registered Columns object
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainer<TObject>.) | |
RegisteredProperties |
Registered properties
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObject<TObject>.) | |
RegisteredPropertiesObject |
Registered properties object
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObject<TObject>.) | |
RemovedObject |
Defines the removed object within collection
| |
SiteID |
Site ID to filter the collection to a particular site
| |
SortNames |
If true, the names in enumeration are sorted
| |
SourceData |
Source data for the collection
| |
TopN |
Select top N objects.
| |
TypeInfo |
Type info for the collection object.
| |
UseDefaultCacheDependencies |
If true, the collection uses default cache dependencies to flush it's content
| |
UseLocalColumns |
If true, the object uses local columns
(Inherited from AbstractSimpleDataContainer<TObject>.) | |
UseLocalProperties |
If true, the object uses local properties
(Inherited from AbstractHierarchicalObject<TObject>.) | |
UseObjectTypeCondition |
If true, the collection uses the type condition to get the data
| |
Where |
Where condition.