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ApplicationBuilder Methods

The ApplicationBuilder type exposes the following members.

Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodUseABTesting
Enables the A/B testing feature.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseActivityTracking
Enables the activity tracking feature.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseCampaignLogger
Enables the campaign logging of UTM parameters for each request.
(Defined by CampaignApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseDataAnnotationsLocalization
Enables localization of ASP.NET model meta-data based on data annotation attributes. Display names or validation results declared with data annotation attributes can contain keys of Kentico resource strings that will be resolved automatically using Kentico localization API. The localization uses a custom model metadata provider based on data annotations and is therefore not compatible with other providers or their customizations.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseEmailTracking
Enables the opened email and email link tracking feature.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUsePageBuilder

Enables the Page builder feature to compose page content based on registered widgets.

(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUsePageRouting
Enables features used with URL routing.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUsePreview
Transparently handles preview URLs and also disables output caching in preview mode.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseResourceSharingWithAdministration
When request is sent from administration domain of the site, adds header Access-Control-Allow-Origin into response to enable cross origin resource sharing (CORS) with the administration.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseScheduler
Enables the scheduler feature.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodUseWebAnalytics
Enables the Web Analytics feature.
(Defined by ApplicationBuilderExtensions.)
See Also