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Kentico.Web.Mvc Namespace
Public classAntiForgeryExtensions
Extension methods for AntiForgery support for pages with output cache.
Public classApplicationBootstrapper
Initializes Kentico integration with ASP.NET MVC. This class is for internal use only.
Public classApplicationBuilder
Configures the request pipeline using Kentico ASP.NET MVC integration features.
Public classApplicationBuilderExtensions
Provides extension methods related to Kentico ASP.NET MVC integration features.
Public classEmbeddedViewAssemblyAttribute
Holds information about embedded views in assembly.
Public classEmbeddedViewBootstrapper
Ensures initialization of view engine used for embedded system views.
Public classHtmlHelperExtensionPoint
Extension point for HTML Helper.
Public classHtmlHelperExtensions
Provides methods to render HTML fragments.
Public classHtmlHelperResolveUrlsMethods
Provides methods to resolve relative URLs in HTML fragments.
Public classHtmlOptionItem
Represents a data object that could be rendered to
HTML element.
Public classHtmlOptionItemExtensions
Contains additional methods to work with HtmlOptionItem.
Public classHttpContextExtensions
Provides extension methods for the HttpContext type.
Public classKenticoLocalizationOptions
Represents options for customizing localization resources.
Public classLocalizationResourceDefinition
Class defines a localization resource.
Public classOutputCacheKeyHelper
Helps with creating a cache key to be used in output cache.
Public classOutputCacheKeyOptionsExtensions
IOutputCacheKeyOptions extension methods.
Public classRegisterSystemLocalizationResourceAttribute
Class represents an attribute used for registering localization resources.
Public classRouteBuilderAddRoutesMethods
Provides methods to add routes to Kentico HTTP handlers.
Public classRouteBuilderExtensionPoint
Represents a point for extension methods to build routes for Kentico application.
Public classRouteCollectionExtensions
Provides methods to add routes to Kentico HTTP handlers.
Public classRouteHandlerWrapperTHttpHandler
Enable classes implementing IHttpHandler interface to be used as IRouteHandler.
Public classUrlHelperExtensionPoint
Represents a point for extension methods to build URLs to Kentico content.
Public classUrlHelperExtensions
Provides methods to build URLs to Kentico content.
Public classViewDataDictionaryExtensionPoint
Extension point for a View data dictionary.
Public classViewDataDictionaryExtensions
Provides methods to access view data for Kentico content.
Public interfaceIApplicationBuilder
Interface for configuring the request pipeline using Kentico ASP.NET MVC integration features.
Public interfaceIFeaturesBuilder
Interface for configuring the request pipeline using Kentico integration features.
Public interfaceIFeatureSet
Represents a set of features available for the current request.
Public interfaceIHtmlContentProxy
Defines an object that could be used by Razor view to print content.
Public interfaceIModelMetadataModifier
Defines an interface for objects to customize model metadata when they are being created.
Public interfaceIMvcFormProxy
An interface that can provide data protection services.
Public interfaceIOutputCacheKey
Output cache key definition.
Public interfaceIOutputCacheKeyOptions
Options object definition with required vary by values.