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AntiForgeryExtensionsAntiForgeryToken Method
Generates a hidden form field (anti-forgery token) that is validated when the form is submitted.

Namespace: Kentico.Web.Mvc
Assembly: Kentico.Web.Mvc (in Kentico.Web.Mvc.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public static IHtmlContentProxy AntiForgeryToken(
	this HtmlHelperExtensionPoint htmlHelper


Type: Kentico.Web.MvcHtmlHelperExtensionPoint
HtmlHelper extension.

Return Value

Type: IHtmlContentProxy

Usage Note

In Visual Basic and C#, you can call this method as an instance method on any object of type HtmlHelperExtensionPoint. When you use instance method syntax to call this method, omit the first parameter. For more information, see Extension Methods (Visual Basic) or Extension Methods (C# Programming Guide).
Ensures that AntiForgery token is correctly generated on pages with output cache.
See Also