Click or drag to resize
AbstractTableDefaultLayout Class
Base class for table-based layouts.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI
Assembly: CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI (in CMS.FormEngine.Web.UI.dll) Version: 10.0.0
public abstract class AbstractTableDefaultLayout : AbstractDefaultLayout

The AbstractTableDefaultLayout type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAbstractTableDefaultLayout
Default constructor.
Protected fieldcategories
Stores initiated categories(with translated captions).
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected fieldmCollapsibleImages
Dictionary of the collapsible images indexed by category name
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected propertyBasicForm
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected propertyCategoryListPanel
Category list panel, may be displayed above formPanel.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected propertyFormElements
Gets visible form elements.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Public propertyFormPanel
Main form panel
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Public propertyRequiredMarkCssClass
Gets or sets CSS class for the required mark (*)
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected propertyTotalColumns
Indicates number of form columns.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodAddControlToPanel
Adds control to form panel.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateCategory
Renders whole category (iterates through fields and renders them).
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodCreateCollapsibleImage
Gets collapsible image.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateEditingFormControl
Creates new EditingFormControl and puts it into FieldEditingControls hash table.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateErrorLabel
Creates the validation label for a field.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateField
Creates the field.
(Overrides AbstractDefaultLayoutCreateField(FieldCreationArgs).)
Protected methodCreateFieldActions
Creates additional field action buttons and puts them into FieldActionsControls dictionary.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateFieldLabel
Creates the field label.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodCreateInvisibleField
Creates invisible field with default value if field is not public and it is not allowed to be empty.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodCreateVisibilityControl
Creates the visibility control for a field.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodGetAnchorID
Gets identifier for anchor element.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodGetLocalizedCategoryCaption
Returns caption from category info or default category name from parent BasicForm with resolved macros (data and/or localization).
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodGetRowCssClassAttribute
Gets row CSS class attribute for form field
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodGetSubmitButton
Adds the submit button to the form.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodGetTitleAttribute
Returns title attribute with encoded text or empty string if no title is defined.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Public methodIsCategoryCollapsed
Returns true if the given category is collapsed
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodIsExcludedRequiredField
Indicates if field is excluded from applying the required field format string.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
Protected methodLoad
Loads layout based on specific type.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Public methodLoadLayout
Loads the default form layout from the given form information.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodRegisterButtonPanel
Creates submit panel.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Protected methodRegisterScripts
Registers necessary JavaScripts.
(Inherited from AbstractDefaultLayout.)
Public eventOnAfterRegisterFormControl
Event representing control registration.
(Inherited from AbstractLayout.)
See Also