Click or drag to resize
ContextMenu Class
Context menu control.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.ExtendedControls
Assembly: CMS.ExtendedControls (in CMS.ExtendedControls.dll) Version: 8.2.23
public class ContextMenu : CMSPanel, 

The ContextMenu type exposes the following members.

Public methodContextMenu
Public methodGetCallbackResult
Returns the callback result.
Public methodLoadUserControl
Loads the specified control to the menu.
Protected methodOnInit
Init event handler.
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Protected methodOnPreRender
Control PreRender event.
(Overrides CMSPanelOnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Public methodRaiseCallbackEvent
Raises the callback event.
Protected methodRender
Renders the control.
(Overrides CMSPanelRender(HtmlTextWriter).)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAddCssClass
Adds CSS class to control. If class is already present, than adding is skipped. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCallHandled
Calls the method handled by the exception handler. If the call doesn't succeed, the problem is reported through parent IExceptionHandler control instead of throwing unhandled exception for the entire page. Returns true, if the call succeeded, otherwise returns false.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetCssClasses
Returns all CSS classes of control.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetRenderedHTML
Returns HTML which would be rendered by control to page.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodHasCssClass
Checks whether the control has given CSS class. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodRemoveCssClass
Removes all occurrences. Class names are case sensitive.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSetCssClasses
Sets CSS classes to the control. Current classes will be overridden.
(Defined by ControlsExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public fieldStatic memberCONTEXT_MENU_SUFFIX
Context menu suffix.
Protected fieldmContainerUniqueID
Container unique ID.
Protected fieldmContextMenuControl
Context menu control.
Protected fieldmHorizontalPosition
Horizontal position.
Protected fieldmMenuID
Menu ID.
Protected fieldmMouseButton
Mouse button.
Protected fieldmParameter
Menu parameter.
Protected fieldmResourcePrefix
Prefix for the resource strings which will be used for the strings of the context menu.
Protected fieldmShowTimeout
Timeout to show the menu until it disappears.
Protected fieldmVerticalPosition
Vertical position.
Public propertyActiveItemCssClass
CSS class of highlighted element when context menu is opened.
Public propertyActiveItemInactiveCssClass
CSS class of highlighted element when context menu is closed.
Public propertyActiveItemOffset
Determines how many levels above the clicked element the active element is.
Public propertyCollapsible
Determines whether is possible to collapse the panel by clicking its grouping text.
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyContainerUniqueID
Container unique ID.
Public propertyContextMenuControl
Context menu control.
Public propertyDynamic
Determines whether to load the menu dynamically.
Public propertyFixedParentClientID
Parent client ID to be used for fixed panels placeholders
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyFixedPosition
Indicates if panel should be always on top of a page.
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyGroupingTextResourceString
Resource string for the grouping text
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyHorizontalPosition
Horizontal position.
Public propertyIsCollapsed
Initial collapsed state.
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyLoadingContent
Content displayed during loading.
Public propertyMenuID
Menu ID, must be unique within page context.
Public propertyMenuLevel
Menu level.
Public propertyMouseButton
Mouse button.
Public propertyOffsetX
Offset X of the menu.
Public propertyOffsetY
Offset Y of the menu.
Public propertyOpenUp
If true, the menu opens in the upward direction instead down
Public propertyOuterCssClass
CSS Class for the outer envelope of the menu
Public propertyParameter
Menu parameter.
Public propertyParentElementClientID
Identifier of parent element under which the context menu lies. This parameter is optional.
Public propertyRenderChildrenOnly
If true, only child controls are render to the output
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyResourcePrefix
Prefix for the resource strings which will be used for the strings of the context menu. Default is "general".
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from CMSPanel.)
Public propertyShowMenuOnMouseOver
Show menu on mouse over action?
Public propertyShowTimeout
Timeout to show the menu until it disappears.
Public propertyVerticalPosition
Vertical position.
Public eventOnReloadData
Raised when the menu requires to reload its data (for dynamic menus).
See Also