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TreeNode Class
Represents a document
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CMS.DocumentEngine
Assembly: CMS.DocumentEngine (in CMS.DocumentEngine.dll) Version: 8.2.23
public class TreeNode : AbstractInfo<TreeNode>, 
	ITreeNode, IDataContainer, ISimpleDataContainer, IDisposable, ITreeNodeMethods

The TreeNode type exposes the following members.

Public methodTreeNode Obsolete.
Empty constructor, allowed only if Initialize is called immediately after it.
Protected methodTreeNode(String)
Base constructor for inherited classes and internal purposes.
Protected methodAddColumnPrefixesWhereCondition
Adds restriction to given where filtering out all rows where given column starts with one of excluded prefixes found in TypeInfo default data settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodAddContentField
Process search settings of DataClass field and inserts required search field into search fields collection when field is marked as content field.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodAddSearchableField
Process search settings of DataClass field and inserts required search field into search fields collection when field is searchable.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodAddTypeSpecificColumns
Adds the columns that are specific to the document type
Protected methodAllowExternalColumn
Indicates whether a given column is allowed to be saved externally.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodAnyItemChanged
Returns true if any of specified columns changed.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodArchive
Archives the document.
Protected methodBuildObjectPath
Builds the path from the given column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodClearCache
Clears the document cache.
Protected methodClearCache(String)
Clears the document cache.
Public methodClearData
Clears data from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodClearOutputCache(Boolean)
Clears the output cache for current page.
Public methodClearOutputCache(Boolean, Boolean)
Clears the output cache for current page.
Public methodClone
Returns a clone of the node.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoClone.)
Public methodClone(Boolean)
Returns a clone of the object.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoClone(Boolean).)
Public methodCloneNewNodeType
Returns a clone of the node.
Protected methodCloneObject
Creates the clone of the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodColumnsChanged
Returns true if at least one column of the column list provided as the first argument was changed.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodCombineColumnNames(ICollection)
Returns column names
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodCombineColumnNames(String)
Returns column names
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodCompareTo
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if the object contains specific column.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoContainsColumn(String).)
Public methodCopyDataTo
Copies the node data to the destination node according to the settings.
Protected methodCopyExternalColumns
Copy value of external columns directly via set value
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodCopyMemoryProperties
Copies memory properties
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodCopyProperties
Copies memory properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodCreateDefaultSKU
Creates default E-Commerce SKU for the document if configured, does not save the document. Returns true on success, false on error or null when module entry not found.
Public methodCreateNewVersion
Creates new document version. (Moves document to edit step.)
Public methodDataChanged
Returns true if the object has changed.
Public methodDataChanged(String)
Returns true if the object has changed.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoDataChanged(String).)
Public methodDelete
Deletes the document to the recycle bin. Deletes only this culture version of the document to the recycle bin, including the bound product.
(Overrides BaseInfoDelete.)
Public methodDelete(Boolean)
Deletes the document to the recycle bin. Deletes only this culture version of the document to the recycle bin, including the bound product.
Public methodDelete(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Deletes the document.
Public methodDeleteAllCultures
Deletes all the culture versions of the specified node including the child nodes.
Protected methodDeleteData
Deletes the object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodDeleteExternalColumns
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and deletes all the files.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodDeleteChildNodes
Deletes the child nodes of all culture versions under the specified parent node.
Protected methodDeleteInternal
Deletes node from the database. If node is last node culture version, deletes also the child nodes of all culture versions.
Protected methodDeleteMetafiles
Deletes the metafiles related to this object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodDeleteObject
Deletes the object using appropriate provider.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoDeleteObject.)
Public methodDestroy
Destroys the document with its version history. Deletes only this culture version of the document to the recycle bin, including the bound product.
(Overrides BaseInfoDestroy.)
Protected methodDisconnect
Disconnects the collection from the database.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodDispose
Disposes the object.
Protected methodEnsureBinaryData
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object when StoreToFileSystem is true.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodEnsureBinaryData(Boolean)
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodEnsureCodeName
Ensures the code name of the object if not set
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodEnsureConsistency
Ensures data consistency.
Protected methodEnsureData
Creates a new data class container within the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodEnsureDefaultValues
Sets the document default values.
Protected methodEnsureGUID
Ensures the GUID of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodEnsureHierarchyColumns
Ensures the IDPath and Level columns.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodEnsureLastModified
Ensures the last modified time stamp of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodEnsureOriginalValues
Ensures that the original node values are loaded.
Protected methodEnsureUniqueCodeName
Ensures that the object has a unique code name within it's context
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodExecuteRemoveDependencyQuery
Executes given query text using specified connection string.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodExportDefaultData
Exports the default object installation data
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGenerateDocumentAliases
Generates the current document aliases if necessary.
Protected methodGetAutomaticCodeName
Gets the automatic code name for the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetAutomaticProperty
Tries to get the automatic property value for underlying object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetBinaryData
Returns the BinaryData object of the current instance. Has to be overriden by specific classes. Returns null by default.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetBooleanValue
Gets the boolean value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetColumnNames
Gets the default list of column names for this class
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodGetColumnNames(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Gets the list of document column names.
Protected methodGetCount
Gets count of the objects filtered by given where condition.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetCurrentObjectPathPart
Builds the path from the given column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetCustomProperties
Gets list of custom properties.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetData
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDataQueryInternal
Gets the data query for this object type
(Overrides BaseInfoGetDataQueryInternal.)
Public methodGetDataSet
Returns the DataSet of the node data.
Public methodGetDateTimeValue
Gets the DateTime value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDefaultData
Returns the default object installation data
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDefaultDataExportColumns
Returns names of all columns that should be exported with default data as a comma separated string.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDefaultDataWhereCondition
Gets the where condition to filter out the default installation data
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDefaultObject
Returns default object of given object type. Has to be overriden in specific info. Returns null by default. Example is UserInfo which returns user specified in the settings or Global Administrator.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDependenciesNames
Checks the object dependencies. Returns a list of object names which depend on this object. First tries to execute checkdependencies query, if not found, an automatic process is executed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDependenciesNamesAuto
Checks the object dependencies. Returns a list of object names which depend on this object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetDependencyCacheKeys
Gets the array of dependency cache keys for current object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetDependencyObjectType
Gets dependency object type
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetDocumentName
Returns friendly document name.
Protected methodGetDocumentRepository
Gets the new repository for the given document.
Public methodGetDoubleValue
Gets the double value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetEditingPageURL
Gets the object editing page URL.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetExisting
Returns the existing object based on current object data.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetExistingWhereCondition
Gets a where condition to find an existing object based on current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetExistingWhereCondition(Boolean)
Gets a where condition to find an existing object based on current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetExternalColumnData
Returns the column data from external storage if exists.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetExternalColumns
Returns the list of columns registered as the external columns.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetExternalColumnSettings
Returns settings for external storage of the column. Returns null by default (which causes the default settings to be used in the external column data storage process).
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetExternalFiles
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and returns the list of particular files this object uses.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetExternalPath
Returns path to the external storage with data of the given column. If the column data is not stored in the external storage, returns null.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodGetFileInfo
Returns FileInfo object from external storage if exists.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetFullObjectName
Returns the name of the object within its parent hierarchy.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetGeneralizedInfo
Gets the generalized info for this object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetGlobalPermissionName
Returns name of the global permission name corresponding to the given permission name. By default, "Global" + permissionName is returned.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetGroupWhereCondition
Gets the group where condition for the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetGuidValue
Gets the guid value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetChildDependencies
Gets the child dependencies repository
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetChildWhereCondition
Gets the child object where condition.
(Overrides BaseInfoGetChildWhereCondition(String, String).)
Protected methodGetIconUrl(Page, String)
Gets the object icon URL
(Overrides BaseInfoGetIconUrl(Page, String).)
Protected methodGetIconUrl(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets the object icon URL
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetIdentityWhereCondition
Gets indentity where condition to identify the document
(Overrides BaseInfoGetIdentityWhereCondition.)
Protected methodGetIDPathPartLength
Returns the length of a part of IDPath.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetInheritedValue
Returns the inherited value for the document.
Public methodGetIntegerValue
Gets the integer value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetLastObjectOrder
Returns number which will be the last order within all the other items (according to Parent, Group and Site settings). I.e. returns largest existing order + 1.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetLocalColumnNames
Gets the list of local column names for particular object.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoGetLocalColumnNames.)
Protected methodGetLocalProperties
Gets the list of local properties for particular object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetLockObject
Gets the global lock object for all the instances of the object (locked on "objectType_objectId").
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetModifiedFrom
Gets the DataSet of all the objects modified from specified date.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetNameCollisions
Gets the list of the name collisions of the given object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetNamePathPartColumn
Returns the name of the column which is used to build the NamePath
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetObject
Gets the object by specified where condition.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetObjectData
Object serialization.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetObjectChildren
Gets the object children repository
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetObjectIdentifier
Gets the object identifier that uniquely identifies the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetObjectKey
Gets the unique string key for the object.
(Overrides BaseInfoGetObjectKey.)
Protected methodGetObjectOrderID
Returns ID of the item being ordered (i.e. NodeID).
(Overrides BaseInfoGetObjectOrderID.)
Protected methodGetObjectTypeForColumn
Gets the object type for the given column or null if the object type is not found or unknown.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetOrderQueryParameters
Creates QueryDataParameters with special macros for object order management.
(Overrides BaseInfoGetOrderQueryParameters(String, String, Boolean).)
Public methodGetOriginalValue
Returns the original value of given column.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoGetOriginalValue(String).)
Protected methodGetOtherBindings
Gets the repository of other bindings
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetParent
Returns the parent object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetPermissionName
Converts PermissionEnum to permission codename which will be checked when CheckPermission() is called. Derived classes can override this method to change permission which is checked (for example check for global permissions if object is global).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetPermissionObjectType
Returns the permission object type of the object (checks the SiteID column and SiteBinding columns). According to this value, the permission check is performed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetPermissionToCheck
Converts PermissionEnum to permission codename which will be checked when CheckPermission() is called. Derived classes can override this method to change permission which is checked (for example check for global permissions if object is global).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetPhysicalFiles
Gets DataSet with physical files.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetPreviewLink(String)
Returns document preview link.
Public methodGetPreviewLink(String, Boolean)
Returns document preview link.
Public methodGetProperty
Gets the property value.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetPropertyType
Returns the type of given property.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoGetPropertyType(String).)
Protected methodGetReferencedObject
Obtains the object to which the particular column refers.
Protected methodGetReferringObjects
Gets the repository of depending objects
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetRegisteredProperties
Gets list of registered properties.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetRelatedDocumentsCollection
Handler to provide the related document collection.
Public methodGetSearchDocument
Returns document with dependence on current object type and index.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoGetSearchDocument(ISearchIndexInfo).)
Public methodGetSearchFields
Returns search fields collection. When existing collection is passed as argument, fields will be added to that collection. When collection is not passed, new collection will be created and return. Collection will contain field values only when collection with StoreValues property set to true is passed to the method. When method creates new collection, it is created with StoreValues property set to false.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoGetSearchFields(ISearchIndexInfo, ISearchFields).)
Public methodGetSearchID
Returns an unique id of current object for search index (documentid;nodeid).
(Overrides BaseInfoGetSearchID.)
Public methodGetSearchImageUrl
Returns URL to current search result item.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetSiblingsQueryInternal
Gets the parametrized query to get siblings of the document.
(Overrides BaseInfoGetSiblingsQueryInternal(ActionDataQuerySettings).)
Protected methodGetSiblingsWhereCondition
Creates where condition according to Parent, Group and Site settings.
(Overrides BaseInfoGetSiblingsWhereCondition.)
Protected methodGetSiteWhereCondition
Gets the site where condition for the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetStringValue
Gets the string value from the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetThumbnailUrl
Gets the object thumbnail URL
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetUniqueCodeName
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetUniqueDisplayName
Returns the unique display name for the specified object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetUniqueName
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetUniqueNameWhereCondition
Constructs base where condition for checking column value uniqueness. This method can be overriden in child classes to add more conditions.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetUpperTree
Returns the upper tree data for given document.
Public methodGetUsedPageTemplateId
Gets the page template id used by this document.
Public methodGetUsedPageTemplateIdColumn
Gets the page template id used by this document.
Public methodGetValue(String)
Gets the field value.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodGetValueT(String, T)
Gets the field value converted to a specified type.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodGetValueForTranslation
Returns value for translation services. Returns unmodified field content by default.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodGetVirtualFileRelativePath
Returns virtual relative path for specific column Ensures the GUID of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodGetWorkflow
Gets node current workflow (depends on document current workflow step or if document is under a workflow scope).
Protected methodHasAutomaticProperty
Returns true if the given column provides an automatic property to access it's binding.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoHasAutomaticProperty(String).)
Public methodChangedColumns
Returns list of column names which values were changed.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoChangedColumns.)
Public methodStatic memberChangeNodeDocumentType
Ensures changing the underlying database structure of a given document to the its document type. Changes only the published data of the document type (CMS_Document and coupled data). Fills missing values with the data from given document node.
Public methodChangeToLink
Changes the document node to the link to another document.
Protected methodCheckDefaultPermissions
Check universal permissions for an object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodCheckDependencies
Checks the object dependencies. Returns true if there is at least one dependency.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodCheckIn
Checks the document in.
Protected methodCheckLicense
Checks the object license. Returns true if the licensing conditions for this object were matched.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodCheckOut
Checks the document out.
Public methodCheckPermissions
Checks whether the specified user has permissions for this object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodCheckPermissionsInternal
Checks the permissions of the object.
(Overrides BaseInfoCheckPermissionsInternal(PermissionsEnum, String, IUserInfo, Boolean).)
Protected methodCheckPermissionsWithHandler
Checks the permissions of the object.
(Overrides BaseInfoCheckPermissionsWithHandler(PermissionsEnum, String, IUserInfo, Boolean).)
Public methodCheckTrackbackStatus
Goes through all trackbacks of given blog post and makes sure that all statuses are corresponding current workflow step.
Public methodCheckUniqueCodeName
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodCheckUniqueValues
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodInitialize(String, IDataContainer, TreeProvider)
Initializes the object created with default constructor. Use it to load existing node from data row.
Protected methodInitialize(String, DataRow, TreeProvider)
Initializes the object created with default constructor. Use it to load existing node from data row.
Protected methodInitObjectsOrder
Inits the proper item order so the order is consistent.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodInitObjectsOrderPostprocessing
Method called after the InitObjectOrder method is called. Override this to do further actions after order initialization. Does nothing by default.
(Overrides BaseInfoInitObjectsOrderPostprocessing.)
Public methodInsert
Hides the insert method without parameter. Do not use!
(Overrides BaseInfoInsert.)
Public methodInsert(Int32, Boolean) Obsolete.
Inserts current node under specified parent node.
Public methodInsert(TreeNode, Boolean)
Inserts current node under specified parent node.
Protected methodInsertAsClone
Inserts the object as a new object to the DB with inner data and structure (according to given settings) cloned from the original.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodInsertAsCloneInternal
This method is called on cloned object prepared in memory by InsertAsClone method. Override if you need to do further actions before inserting actual object to DB (insert special objects, modify foreign keys, copy files, etc.). Calls Insert() by default.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodInsertAsClonePostprocessing
This method is called once the object is completely cloned (with all children, bindings, etc.). Override if you need to do further actions after the object has been cloned.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodInsertAsLink(Int32, Boolean) Obsolete.
Inserts current node under specified parent node as a document link.
Public methodInsertAsLink(TreeNode, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Inserts current node under specified parent node as a document link.
Protected methodInsertAsLinkInternal
Inserts current node under specified parent node as a document link.
Public methodInsertAsNewCultureVersion
Inserts current node as new culture version of the same document.
Protected methodInsertAsNewCultureVersionInternal
Inserts current node as a new culture version of the specified document.
Protected methodInsertCultureData
Inserts the CMS_Document part of the document node.
Protected methodInsertData
Inserts the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodInsertInternal
Inserts current node under specified parent node.
Protected methodInsertSearchFieldToDocument
Inserts given search field and it's value into search document.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodInsertTreeNodeData
Inserts the CMS_Tree part of the document node.
Protected methodInvalidate
Invalidates the object in the object table.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodIsAvailableOnSite
Checks whether info object as available on given site. Available means that object is global or assigned to given site.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodIsCheckedOutByUser
Returns true if the object is checked out by the specified user.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodIsChildOf
Returns true if the object is child of the given object. If parameter parent is null, returns true only if the object is not a child of any object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodIsModifiedExternally
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and checkes if the data in DB is the same as in external storage. If all the columns are same returns true, otherwise false.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodIsObjectInvalid
Returns true if the object is invalid.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodIsProduct
Returns true if the document represents a product.
Public methodIsProductSection
Returns true if the document type stands for the product section.
Public methodIsRoot
Returns true if the given document is a root node.
Public methodIsWireframe
Returns true if the document is a wireframe document.
Public methodItemChanged
Returns true if the item on specified column name changed.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoItemChanged(String).)
Protected methodLoadDefaultData
Loads the default data to the object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodLoadFromDataContainer
Loads the object data from given data container.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoLoadFromDataContainer(IDataContainer).)
Protected methodLoadFromDataRow
Loads the object data from given DataRow.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoLoadFromDataRow(DataRow).)
Public methodLoadInheritedValues
Loads the inherited values to the node.
Public methodLogAction
Logs document action to the event log.
Public methodMacroRepresentation
By default, BaseInfo has no special macro representation.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodMakeComplete
Makes the object data complete.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoMakeComplete(Boolean).)
Public methodMapDocumentName
Maps the document name based on the document type settings.
Public methodMergeTrackbackUrls
Compares columns 'BlogPostNotPingedUrls' and 'BlogPostPingedUrls'. Removes already pinged URLs if there are the same URLs not pinged yet.
Public methodMoveToFirstStep
Moves the document to first step in the workflow (removes the workflow information if document is not under a workflow anymore).
Public methodMoveToNextStep
Moves the document to a next step in the workflow (sends the document to approval, approves or publishes the document based on the current workflow status).
Public methodMoveToPreviousStep
Moves the document to a previous step in the workflow (rejects the document).
Public methodMoveToPublishedStep
Moves the document directly to published workflow step (moves document directly to publish step, skips all following steps).
Public methodStatic memberNew(String, TreeProvider)
Creates new instance of given class which must inherit TreeNode.
Public methodStatic memberNew(String, DataRow, TreeProvider)
Creates new instance of given class which must inherit TreeNode and fill it with given data.
Public methodStatic memberNewNodeType(String, IDataContainer, TreeProvider)
Creates new instance of given class which must inherit specified node type and fill it with given data.
Public methodStatic memberNewNodeType(String, DataRow, TreeProvider)
Creates new instance of given class which must inherit specified node type and fill it with given data.
Protected methodPermissionCheckException
Fires an exception in case authorization result is false (denied or insignificant)
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodPropertyPropertyType
Returns the extension property for the object
(Inherited from AbstractObject.)
Public methodPublish
Publishes the document (moves document to publish step through all following steps). If there is not only one path to published step, document stays in the last step it reached.
Protected methodReconnect
Reconnects the collection to the database.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodRegisterConnectedDocuments
Registers the connected documents for this document.
Protected methodRegisterConnectedObjects
Registers the connected objects for this document.
Protected methodRegisterExternalColumn
Registers external column settings to the hash table.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodRegisterExternalColumns
Registers external column settings to the hash table.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodRegisterGroupedAttachments
Registers the grouped attachments for this document.
Protected methodRegisterProperties
Registers properties of this object.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoRegisterProperties.)
Protected methodRegisterProperty(String, Object, FuncTInfo, Object, Object)
Registers the given parameterized property to the object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodRegisterPropertyTProperty(String, FuncTInfo, Object)
Registers the given property to the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodRelatedDocuments_OnLoadCollection
Handler to provide the related document collection.
Public methodRemoveDocumentDependencies
Removes document dependencies.
Protected methodRemoveObjectDependencies
Removes object dependencies. First tries to execute removedependencies query, if not found, automatic process is executed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodResetChanges
Resets the object changes and keeps the new values as unchanged.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoResetChanges(Boolean).)
Public methodResetTranslationFlag
Clears 'Document is waiting for translation' flag.
Protected methodRestoreSettings
Restores local settings for object instance.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodRevertChanges
Reverts the object changes and keeps the original values.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoRevertChanges.)
Protected methodSaveExternalColumns
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and ensures them in the external storage.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodSendNotifications
Raises the notifications events and sends the notifications.
Protected methodSerializationNotSupported
Throws serialization not supported exception
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodSetData
Updates or inserts the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodSetDefaultPageTemplateID
Sets the default document page template ID.
Public methodSetDocumentNameSource(String)
Sets the document name source field to the given value.
Public methodSetDocumentNameSource(String, Boolean)
Sets the document name source field to the given value.
Protected methodSetExternalColumnData
Saves the column data to the external storage if exists. Returns true if data was stored in external storage and should not be stored also in DB. If data should be stored in DB, returns false.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodSetIntegerValue
Sets the integer value of the Tree node.
Protected methodSetObject
Updates the object using appropriate provider.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoSetObject.)
Protected methodSetObjectAlphabeticalOrder
Moves the object to the right position according to the custom order.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodSetObjectOrder
Moves the object to the specified order (if OrderColumn is specified). The move is done within the object's parent and site (if defined).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodSetObjectOrderPostprocessing
Method which is called after the order of the object was changed. Generates staging tasks and webfarm tasks by default.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoSetObjectOrderPostprocessing.)
Protected methodSetParent
Updates the parent object, enables to update the data that is overridden in the parent object before or after it is saved
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodSetValue(String, Object)
Sets value of the specified node column.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoSetValue(String, Object).)
Public methodSetValue(String, Object, Boolean)
Sets the object value to the nullable column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodSetValue(String, Object, Object)
Sets the object value to the nullable column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodSortAlphabetically
Sort objects alphabetically.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodStoreSettings
Stores local settings for object instance.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodSubmitChanges(Boolean)
Submits the changes in the object to the database.
(Overrides BaseInfoSubmitChanges(Boolean).)
Public methodSubmitChanges(Boolean, TreeNode)
Submits the changes in the object to the database.
Public methodToMacroString
Returns the default text representation in the macros.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodToString
Returns the text representation of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodTouchKeys
Touches the cache dependency keys of the object to flush the dependent cache items.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodTouchParent
Updates the parent object by saving it (to update the timestamp).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodTryGetAutomaticProperty
Tries to get the automatic property value for underlying object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object)
Obtains value of specified property.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoTryGetProperty(String, Object).)
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object, Boolean)
Returns value of property.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public methodTryGetValue
Obtains value of given column.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoTryGetValue(String, Object).)
Public methodUndoCheckOut
Rolls the checkout operation of the document back.
Public methodUpdate
Updates node data in the database.
(Overrides BaseInfoUpdate.)
Public methodUpdate(Boolean)
Updates node data in the database.
Protected methodUpdateCoupledData
Updates the coupled data of the document node.
Protected methodUpdateCultureData
Updates the CMS_Document part of the document node.
Protected methodUpdateData
Updates the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodUpdateDocumentContent
Updates the content of the document.
Protected methodUpdateExternalColumns
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and updates DB versions with the data from external storage.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodUpdateFromDB
Updates the data of the object from DB (updates also ObjectSettings).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodUpdateChildrenPaths
Updates the child documents paths within the tree of documents and generates the document aliases if necessary.
Protected methodUpdateInheritedChildTags
Updates the tags of the child documents with inherited tag group.
Protected methodUpdateInternal
Updates node data in the database.
Public methodUpdateOriginalValues
Updates the node original values.
Protected methodUpdatePhysicalFiles
Saves physical files.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected methodUpdateTags(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Update document tag according to tag group only if necessary.
Protected methodUpdateTags(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Update document tag according to tag group only if necessary.
Protected methodUpdateTreeNodeData
Updates the CMS_Tree part of the document node.
Protected methodUpsertData
Updates or inserts the object to the database.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected methodWriteDefaultData
Writes the default object installation data into xml file
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCompare
Compares two BaseInfo objects (data & structure) according to comparison settings given.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCopyTo
Copies the data of specified columns of the source object to the target object.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCheckRequiredColumns
Returns true if given list of columns do not have null values in the object
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSubmitToTranslation
Submits the document to a translation.
(Defined by TranslationExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToJSON
Returns JSON representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML
Returns XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Protected fieldisInDocumentHelper
If true, the document is currently in the document helper and should call normal methods.
Protected fieldmAllowClone
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmAllowRestore
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmAllowTouchParent
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmBindings
Binding objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmCacheParentData
If true, the parent data is cached.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmClassName
Node class name.
Protected fieldmConnectedDocuments
Connected documents.
Protected fieldmConnectedObjects
Connected objects.
Protected fieldmDataClass
Data class with the SiteInfo data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected fieldmDisconnectedCount
Number of disconnected references for this collection
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmDocumentContent
Document editable content.
Protected fieldmDocumentCustomData
Document custom data.
Protected fieldmGeneralized
Generalized interface of this object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmGroupedAttachments
Grouped attachments.
Protected fieldmCheckUnique
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmChildDependencies
Child dependency objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmChildren
Child objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmInstantiated
Date and time when this instance was created.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmInvalidateObject Obsolete.
If true, object is invalidated on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLocalColumnNames
Local column names
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected fieldmLocalProperties
Local properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected fieldmLocalSettings
Local object settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogEvents
If true, events are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogExport
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogIntegration
Whether to log integration tasks.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmLogWebFarmTasks
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmNodeCustomData
Node custom data.
Protected fieldmObjectIcon
Object icon metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectLastAccessed
Object last access time (uses internally by providers).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectParent
Object parent.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectSiteID
Object site ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectSiteName
Object site name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmObjectThumbnail
Object thumbnail metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmOriginalDocumentCulture
Original document culture.
Protected fieldmOriginalDocumentExtensions
Original document extensions.
Protected fieldmOriginalDocumentName
Original document name.
Protected fieldmOriginalDocumentTags
Original document tags.
Protected fieldmOriginalDocumentTagsGroup
Original document tags group.
Protected fieldmOriginalDocumentUrlPath
Original document url path.
Protected fieldmOriginalNodeAlias
Original node alias.
Protected fieldmOriginalNodeAliasPath
Original node alias path.
Protected fieldmOriginalNodeLevel
Original node level.
Protected fieldmOriginalNodeName
Original node name.
Protected fieldmOriginalNodeParentID
Original node parent ID.
Protected fieldmOriginalNodeSKUID
Original node SKU (product) ID.
Protected fieldmOriginalSiteID
Original parent node ID.
Protected fieldmOriginalValuesLoaded
If true, the original node values were loaded.
Protected fieldmOtherBindings
Other binding objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmParent
Parent document.
Protected fieldmProcesses
Processes of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmReferringObjects
Depending objects of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmRelatedDataLoaded
Related data is loaded.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmRelatedDocuments
Related documents.
Protected fieldmRelatedObjects
Related objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmScheduledTasks
Scheduled tasks of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmStatus
Status of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmSupportsVersioning
Indicates if the object versioning is supported.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache keys are touched on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmTreeProvider
Tree provider object to use for the database access.
Protected fieldmTypeInfo
Object type information.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmUpdateTimeStamp
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmUpdateVersionGUID
If true, version GUID of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected fieldmValidateCodeName
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected fieldmVersionManager
Manager for version actions.
Protected fieldStatic membermWildcardRegex
Contains compiled regular expression for wildcard macro.
Protected fieldmWorkflowManager
Manager for workflow actions.
Protected fieldmWorkflowStep
Document workflow step
Protected fieldmWorkflowStepTimeout
Document workflow step timeout
Public fieldStatic memberOBJECT_TYPE
Object type
Public fieldStatic memberTYPEINFO
Type information
Public propertyAbsoluteURL
Gets document absolute URL.
Public propertyAliases
Collection of the document aliases.
Public propertyAllAttachments
Collection of all document attachments (all field, grouped and unsorted).
Public propertyAllChildren
Collection of all child nodes from all levels.
Protected propertyAllowClone
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyAllowPartialUpdate
If true, the object allows partial updates.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyAllowRestore
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyAllowTouchParent
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyAssignedSites
Collection of the sites to which the object is associated via site bindings (M:N relationships).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyAttachmentHistory
Collection of the attachment history of the document
Public propertyAttachments
Collection of unsorted document attachments.
Protected propertyBindingObjectTypes Obsolete.
Binding object types.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyBindings
Collection of the binding objects for the given object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyCacheParentData
If true, the parent object data is cached within object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyCategories
Collection of document categories.
Protected propertyCategoryIDColumn Obsolete.
Category ID column name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyClassName
Class name in format application.class.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoClassName.)
Protected propertyCodeNameColumn
Code name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyCodeNameChanged
Returns whether the object code name changed or not
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyColumnNames
Column names.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyConnectedDocuments
Connected documents.
Public propertyConnectedObjects
Connected objects.
Public propertyCoupledClassIDColumn
Name of the coupled class ID column.
Protected propertyCoupledDataContainer
Document coupled fields data container
Protected propertyCultureDataContainer
Document culture specific data container
Public propertyCultureVersions
Collection of all culture versions of this document.
Protected propertyCustomizedColumns
Gets the list of customized columns in current object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyDataClass
Data class with the info object data.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyDataClassInfo
DataClass info
Protected propertyDeleteFiles
Indicates if all physical files should be deleted when object will be deleted.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyDisplayNameColumn
Display name column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyDocumentCampaign
Document campaign.
Public propertyDocumentContent
Document content.
Public propertyDocumentConversionValue
Document conversion value.
Public propertyDocumentCulture
Document culture.
Public propertyDocumentCustomData
Document custom data.
Public propertyDocumentExtensions
Document extensions.
Protected propertyDocumentForeignKeyValue
Document foreign key value
Public propertyDocumentGUID
GUID to identify the document within site.
Public propertyDocumentHash
Document hash.
Public propertyDocumentCheckedOutByUserID
ID of a user who has checked the document out.
Public propertyDocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID
Document checked out version history ID (latest document version).
Public propertyDocumentID
Document ID.
Public propertyDocumentIsArchived
Indicates whether document is archived.
Public propertyDocumentIsWaitingForTranslation
Indicates whether the document is in the process of translation (submitted to a translation service).
Public propertyDocumentLogVisitActivity
Indicates whether any activity is tracked for this document.
Public propertyDocumentMenuCaption
Document menu caption.
Public propertyDocumentMenuClass
Document menu class.
Public propertyDocumentMenuClassHighlighted
Document menu highlighted class.
Public propertyDocumentMenuClassOver
Document menu class over.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemImage
Document menu item image.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemImageHighlighted
Document menu item highlighted image.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemImageOver
Document menu item image over.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemInactive
Indicates whether item is inactive in document menu.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemLeftImage
Document menu item left image.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemLeftImageHighlighted
Document menu item left image highlighted.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemLeftImageOver
Document menu item left image over.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemRightImage
Document menu item right image.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemRightImageHighlighted
Document menu item right image highlighted.
Public propertyDocumentMenuItemRightImageOver
Document menu item right image over.
Public propertyDocumentMenuJavascript
JavaScript code that is executed upon click on the document in the menus.
Public propertyDocumentMenuRedirectToFirstChild
Indicates if redirection to first child document should be performed when accessed
Public propertyDocumentMenuRedirectUrl
URL to which the document is redirected when accessed
Public propertyDocumentMenuStyle
Document menu style.
Public propertyDocumentMenuStyleHighlighted
Document menu highlighted style.
Public propertyDocumentMenuStyleOver
Document menu style over.
Public propertyDocumentName
Document name
Public propertyDocumentNamePath
Document name path
Public propertyDocumentPageTemplateID
Document page template for specific culture version.
Public propertyDocumentPriority
Document priority.
Public propertyDocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID
Document published version history ID (latest published document version).
Public propertyDocumentPublishFrom
Indicates from when the document should be published.
Public propertyDocumentPublishTo
Indicates to when the document should be published.
Public propertyDocumentRatings
Number of ratings.
Public propertyDocumentRatingValue
Sum of all ratings.
Public propertyDocumentSearchExcluded
Indicates whether the document will be excluded from search.
Public propertyDocumentSitemapSettings
Gets or sets the sitemap settings in format frequency;priority.
Public propertyDocumentsOnPath
Collection of documents on the path to the current document
Public propertyDocumentStylesheetID
Document stylesheet ID.
Public propertyDocumentTagGroupID
Document tag group ID.
Public propertyDocumentTags
Document tags.
Public propertyDocumentTrackConversionName
Document conversion name - reflects the "TrackConversionName" data column.
Public propertyDocumentType
Document type, contains the document extension.
Public propertyDocumentUrlPath
Document URL path.
Public propertyDocumentUseCustomExtensions
Use custom document extensions.
Public propertyDocumentUseNamePathForUrlPath
Automatically use document name path for the UrlPath.
Public propertyDocumentWildcardRule
Document wild card rule.
Public propertyDocumentWorkflowActionStatus
Returns string representing workflow action status.
Public propertyDocumentWorkflowCycleGUID
Workflow cycle GUID to obtain preview link for document.
Public propertyDocumentWorkflowStepID
Document workflow step ID.
Public propertyForums
Collection of the ad-hoc forums for this document
Public propertyGeneralized
Generalized interface of this object.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyGroupedAttachments
Document grouped attachments.
Protected propertyGUIDColumn Obsolete.
GUID column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyHasData
Returns true if the object has it's data storage initialized already
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyHasChanged
Indicates whether the object changed.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoHasChanged.)
Public propertyHasSKU
Indicates whether the document contains SKU data.
Protected propertyCheckUnique
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyChildDependencies
Collection of the child dependencies for the given object. These are objects which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms), but aren't direct child of the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyChildDependencyColumns Obsolete.
Name of the columns (separated by semicolon) of object dependencies which should be included into the parent data (for example class data for BizForms).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyChildObjectTypes Obsolete.
Child object types.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyChildren
Collection of child nodes.
Public propertyIcon
Object icon
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIDColumn Obsolete.
ID column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIgnoreExternalColumns
If true, externally stored columns are ignored and are stored normally in DB.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyInstanceGUID
Returns the object instance GUID
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyInvalidateObject Obsolete.
If true, object is invalidated when the object is changed.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsArchived
Indicates whether the document is archived.
Protected propertyIsCachedObject
If true, the object is cached within the system for later use
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyIsClone
Indicates if the object is clone.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsComplete
Indicates whether the object is complete (has all columns).
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoIsComplete.)
Public propertyIsCoupled
Indicates whether the document contains coupled data.
Public propertyIsDefaultCulture
If true, the document is in the default culture for the given web site.
Protected propertyIsDisconnected
Returns true if this collection is disconnected from the database
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsGlobal
Returns true if the object is global object. False if the object belongs to specific site only.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsCheckedOut
Indicates whether the document is checked out.
Protected propertyIsCheckedOutByUserID
Gets ID of the user who checked the object out.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsInPublishStep
Indicates whether the node is in published step disregarding publish from/to values.
Public propertyIsLastVersion
If true, the document is the last version (retrieved using DocumentHelper.GetDocument).
Public propertyIsLink
Indicates whether the document is link to another document.
Protected propertyIsObjectValid
Returns true if the object is considered valid.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyIsPublished
Indicates whether the document is published.
Public propertyIsSecuredNode
Node secure property - reflects the "IsSecuredNode" data column.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyLinks
Collection of linked nodes, including the original.
Protected propertyLogEvents
If true, Events tasks are logged on the object update.
(Overrides BaseInfoLogEvents.)
Protected propertyLogExport
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogIntegration
If true, integration tasks are being logged.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyLogWebFarmTasks
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyMessageBoards
Collection of the message boards for this document
Public propertyMetaFiles
Collection of the metafiles belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyName
Returns the code name of the object
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyNodeAlias
Node alias.
Public propertyNodeAliasPath
Node alias path. This property is read only.
Public propertyNodeAllowCacheInFileSystem
Identifies whether the document allows output caching in the file system.
Public propertyNodeBodyElementAttributes
Node bode element attributes - attributes of html body tag.
Public propertyNodeCacheMinutes
Indicates how long should node stay in cache (in minutes).
Public propertyNodeClassName
Node class name in format application.class.
Public propertyNodeCustomData
Node custom data.
Protected propertyNodeDataContainer
Document tree node data container
Public propertyNodeDocType
Node document type.
Public propertyNodeGUID
Node GUID to identify document node within site tree.
Public propertyNodeHasChildren
Indicates if node has children.
Public propertyNodeHasLinks
Indicates if node has links.
Public propertyNodeHeadTags
Node header tags.
Public propertyNodeChildNodesCount Obsolete.
Node child nodes count.
Public propertyNodeID
Node ID. This property is read only.
Public propertyNodeInheritPageLevels
Node inherit page levels.
Public propertyNodeInheritPageTemplate
If true, the document inherits the page template from parent
Public propertyNodeLevel
Document node level. This property is read only.
Public propertyNodeName
Node name.
Public propertyNodeOrder
Node order in sibling sequence. This property is read only.
Public propertyNodeOwner
Node owner, read only.
Public propertyNodeParentID
Document parent node ID.
Public propertyNodeSiteID
Node site ID.
Public propertyNodeSiteName
Node site name.
Public propertyNodeSKUID
E-commerce SKU (product) ID.
Public propertyNodeTemplateForAllCultures
If true, the document uses the same template (NodeTemplateID) for all culture versions
Public propertyNodeTemplateID
Node page template ID - used for all culture versions if NodeTemplateForAllCultures is true
Public propertyNodeWireframeInheritPageLevels
Node wireframe inherit page levels.
Public propertyNodeWireframeTemplateID
Node wireframe template ID - Special template used for wireframing (always is ad-hoc).
Protected propertyObjectCategory
Object category.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectClassName Obsolete.
Class name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectCodeName
Object code name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectDisplayName
Object display name.
(Overrides BaseInfoObjectDisplayName.)
Protected propertyObjectFullName
Object full name if exists
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectGroupID
Object community group ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectGUID
Object GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIcon
Object icon metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIconGUID
Object icon GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectID
Object ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIsCustom
Indicates if object is custom.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIsCustomized
Indicates if object is customized.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectIsNested Obsolete.
Returns true if the object is created within wrapping object and figures as its part (e.g., partial classes for TreeNode class).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectLastAccessed
Object last access time (uses internally by providers).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectLastModified
Last modified time.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectOrder
Returns the order of the object among the other objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectParent
Object parent
(Overrides BaseInfoObjectParent.)
Protected propertyObjectParentID
Object parent ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyObjectSettings
Object settings
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectSite
Returns the object site.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectSiteID
Object site ID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectSiteName
Object site name.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectStatus
Gets current status of the object.
(Overrides BaseInfoObjectStatus.)
Protected propertyObjectThumbnail
Object thumbnail metafile.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectThumbnailGUID
Object thumbnail GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyObjectType Obsolete.
Object type.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyObjectVersionGUID
Object version GUID.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyOrderColumn Obsolete.
Order column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyOriginalNodeID
Original node ID. Returns NodeID for standard document, LinkedNodeID for linked document.
Public propertyOriginalNodeSiteID
Original node site ID. Returns NodeSiteID for standard document, LinkedNodeSiteID for linked document.
Protected propertyOriginalObjectCodeName
Returns the original object code name
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyOtherBindingObjectTypes Obsolete.
Other binding types (ObjectType constants separated by semicolon) - binding types where this object participate but is not parent object of those binding types.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyOtherBindings
Collection of the binding objects for the given object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyOwner
Document owner
Public propertyParent
Parent document.
Protected propertyParentIDColumn Obsolete.
Parent ID column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyParentObjectType
Parent object type.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyPermanentURL
Gets document permanent absolute URL.
Public propertyPersonalizations
Collection of the personalizations (widget settings) for the document
Protected propertyPrioritizedProperties
List of properties which should be prioritized in the macro controls (IntelliSense, MacroTree).
(Overrides BaseInfoPrioritizedProperties.)
Public propertyProcesses
Collection of the processes belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyProperties
Properties of the object
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyPublishedVersionExists
Indicates whether there is a published version for current document.
Protected propertyReferringObjects
Collection of the objects depending on this object (object which have FK to this object).
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyRegisteredProperties
Registered properties
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Public propertyRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyRelatedDocuments
Related documents.
Public propertyRelatedObjects
Related objects.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyRelativeURL
Gets document relative URL.
Public propertyRequiresSSL
Node secure property - reflects the "RequiresSSL" data column.
Public propertySearchType
Returns search type.
(Overrides AbstractInfoTInfoSearchType.)
Public propertyScheduledTasks
Collection of the scheduled tasks belonging to the object.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertySite
Site of the document
Protected propertySiteIDColumn Obsolete.
Site ID column name of the info record.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertySupportsVersioning
Indicates if the object versioning is supported. Default false
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyStatic memberSynchronizedLinkColumns
List of columns in CMS_Tree table automatically synchronized between linked documents
Public propertySynchronizeFieldValues
Indicates whether field values should be synchronized on set (SKU mappings etc.)
Public propertyTags
Collection of document tags.
Public propertyThumbnail
Object thumbnail
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyTimeStampColumn Obsolete.
Time stamp column.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache dependencies are touched when the object is changed.
(Overrides BaseInfoTouchCacheDependencies.)
Public propertyTreeProvider
Tree provider instance used to access data. If no TreeProvider is assigned, a new TreeProvider instance is created.
Public propertyTypeInfo
Object type information.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyUpdateTimeStamp
If true, timestamp of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Protected propertyUpdateVersionGUID
If true, version GUID of the object is updated when saved.
(Inherited from AbstractInfoTInfo.)
Protected propertyValidateCodeName
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyVersionHistory
Collection of the version history of the document
Protected propertyVersioningEnabled
Indicates if the object versioning is enabled by the settings.
(Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public propertyVersionManager
Version manager instance.
Protected propertyStatic memberWildcardRegex
Contains compiled regular expression for wildcard macro.
Public propertyWorkflowHistory
Collection of the workflow history of the document
Public propertyWorkflowManager
Workflow manager instance.
Public propertyWorkflowStep
Document workflow step.
Public propertyWorkflowStepName
Document workflow step name.
Public propertyWorkflowStepTimeout
Document workflow step timeout date (for steps with timeout).
Public propertyWorkflowStepType
Document workflow step type.
See Also