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WebPartInstance Properties

The WebPartInstance type exposes the following members.

Public propertyControlID
WebPart control ID.
Public propertyCurrentVariantInstance
Gets or sets the current variant webpart instance
Public propertyHasVariants
Indicates whether the web part has any variants.
Public propertyInstanceGUID
Instance GUID to identify the web part.
Public propertyIsVariant
Indicates if webpart instance is a variant.
Public propertyIsWidget
Indicates if webpart instance is actually widget.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the property.
Public propertyMacroTable
Hashtable with IsMacro flags.
Public propertyMinimized
If true, the widget is minimized.
Public propertyNestedWebParts
Configuration for the web part data source
Public propertyParentZone
Parent web part zone.
Public propertyPartInstanceVariants
Gets the part instance variant list.
Public propertyProperties
Web part properties table.
Public propertyRemoved
Remove flag. If true, web part has been removed. Only for internal purposes.
Public propertyVariantID
Gets or sets the variant id.
Public propertyVariantMode
Gets or sets the variant mode which is used for the variants of this web part instance.
Public propertyWebPartType
WebPart type (codename).
Public propertyXMLVersion
Gets or sets the web part instance XML version
See Also