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SiteExportSettings Properties

The SiteExportSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdministratorId
Administrator user ID.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyCopyFiles
Indicates if the files should be processed.
Public propertyCreatePackage
Indicates if the ZIP package should be created.
Public propertyCurrentUser
Current user info.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyDefaultProcessObjectType
Default object process type.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Protected propertyEventLog
Event log object.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyEventLogCode
Event log code.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyEventLogSource
Event log source.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyExcludedNames
Array of expressions. Objects with display names and code names starting with these expresions are filtered out.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyExportType
Type of the export.
Public propertyHotfixVersion
Hotfix version of the package.
(Overrides AbstractImportExportSettingsHotfixVersion.)
Public propertyInfoDataSet
DataSet with additional information.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyOriginalTemporaryFilesPath
Original temporary files path.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyPersistentSettingsKey
Key for presistent storage.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyProcessCanceled
Indicates if the process should be canceled.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyProgressLog
Progress log of the process.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertySiteId
Site ID of the site to be processed.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertySiteInfo
Site info of the site to be processed.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertySiteName
Site name of the site to be processed.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyTargetFileName
Target file name of the export package.
Public propertyTargetFullPath
Gets complete target full path with file name.
Public propertyTargetPath
Target path for the export package.
Public propertyTemporaryFilesPath
Physical path to the temporary files (ends with \).
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyTimeStamp
If set, only objects modified after this date are exported.
Public propertyUICulture
UI culture.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyVersion
Version of the package.
(Overrides AbstractImportExportSettingsVersion.)
Public propertyWebsitePath
Physical path to the web site root (ends with \).
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
Public propertyWriteLog
Indicates if logging to the log is enabled.
(Inherited from AbstractImportExportSettings.)
See Also