CMS.DataEngine Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AbstractCMSQueryProviderParentType |
Abstract LINQ query provider for CMS objects
| |
AbstractDataConnection |
Represents SQL Server data connection.
| |
AbstractDataProvider |
Data provider class.
| |
AbstractInfoTInfo |
Abstract object info class.
| |
AbstractInfoTInfoGeneralizedInfoWrapper |
Info object wrapper for generalized access
| |
AbstractInfoProviderTProvider |
Abstract info class provider.
| |
AbstractInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider |
Abstract info class provider.
| |
AbstractMapping | Obsolete.
Class representing general mapping object
| |
AbstractObjectCollection |
Base class for the object collection.
| |
AbstractProvider |
Abstract provider.
| |
AbstractProviderProviderType |
Abstract provider.
| |
AbstractProviderDictionary |
Abstract provider dictionary.
| |
AbstractQueryObject |
Base for any object participating in the Data query evaluation
| |
AbstractSqlGenerator |
SQL generator base
| |
AbstractTableManager |
Ensures management of database table and table column.
| |
AdvancedConnectionSettings |
Cache settings container.
| |
AggregatedColumn |
Aggregated query column e.g. "AVG(XYZ) AS Average"
| |
BaseAbstractInfoProvider |
Base class for the info providers.
| |
BaseCollectionSettings |
Settings for the base object collection
| |
BaseInfo |
Base info class (only carrying the type information).
| |
BaseInfoGeneralizedInfoWrapper |
Info object wrapper for generalized access
| |
BindingCollection |
Info collection of object bindings
| |
BindingRepository |
Specialized repository for binding object types
| |
BulkInsertSettings |
Configuration class for BulkInsert(DataTable, String, BulkInsertSettings).
| |
ClassCodeGenerationSettings |
Represents the code generation configuration for the data class.
| |
ClassSiteInfo |
ClassSiteInfo data container class.
| |
ClassSiteInfoProvider |
Class providing ClassSiteInfo management.
| |
ClassStructureInfo |
Class information.
| |
CloneResult |
Class encapsulating cloning result messages.
| |
CloneSettings |
Class encapsulating parameters for object cloning (used in InsertAsClone settings)
| |
CMSApplication |
Base class for CMS Application
| |
CMSConnectionContext |
Ensures that the wrapped API calls are executed against specific database(s).
| |
CMSConnectionScope |
Connection scope. Ensures that all queries within given context use the same database connection.
| |
CMSHttpApplication |
Envelope class with request mappings for HttpApplication class
| |
CMSLateBoundTransaction |
Class that manages the transaction scope, but doesn't start it until
| |
CMSOutputMetaFile |
Summary description for CMSOutputFile.
| |
CMSTransactionScope |
Transaction scope. Ensures that all queries run within single transaction.
| |
CodeNameNotUniqueException |
Exception to report not unique code name.
| |
CodeNameNotValidException |
Exception to report not valid code name.
| |
CollectionPropertyTransformationResultType |
Property transformation for a collection. Enumerates the properties of the collection objects and does transformation according to that property.
| |
CollectionPropertyWrapper |
Base class for the collection property wrapper
| |
CollectionPropertyWrapperObjectType |
Wrapper that transforms the collection to values of its object properties
| |
ColumnsTranslationEventArgs |
Columns translation event arguments
| |
ColumnsTranslationEvents |
Columns translation events handlers.
| |
ColumnsTranslationHandler |
Columns translation event handler.
| |
CombinedInfoObjectCollection |
Collection that combines several info object collections of specific type.
| |
CombinedObjectCollectionCollectionType, ObjectType |
Collection that combines several object collections of specific type.
| |
CompareSettings |
Class encapsulating parameters for comparing objects.
| |
ConnectionContext |
Connection context.
| |
ConnectionHelper |
Connection helper class.
| |
CountColumn |
Count column
| |
CustomProviderAttribute |
Registers the custom provider within the system, replaces the default provider from which the defined one inherits.
| |
DatabaseFieldAttribute |
Specifies to which database column the property maps
| |
DatabaseHelper |
Provides database operations
| |
DatabaseMappingAttribute |
Specifies to which database column the property maps
| |
DatabasePermission |
Database permissions
| |
DatabaseSeparationHelper |
Sets of methods used for database separation
| |
DataCacheHelper | Obsolete.
Cache support for data and data objects.
| |
DataClassFactory |
DataClass factory.
| |
DataClassInfo |
Describes Data Class configuration.
| |
DataClassInfoBaseTInfo |
ClassInfo data container class.
| |
DataClassInfoProvider |
Provides access to data class information.
| |
DataClassInfoProviderBaseTProvider |
Class providing DataClassInfo management.
| |
DataClassNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown when data class is not found.
| |
DataConnectionFactory |
Provides DataConnection object for specified data provider according to configuration settings.
| |
DataDefinition |
Data definition base class
| |
DataEngineCodeTemplateGenerator |
Data engine code template generator.
| |
DataEngineModule |
Represents the Data Engine module.
| |
DataEngineModuleMetadata |
Represents the Data Engine module metadata.
| |
DataExtensions |
Extensions for the SettingsProvider classes
| |
DataParameter |
Container for a single query parameter.
| |
DataQuery |
Queries particular database data or defines parameters for data selection
| |
DataQueryBaseTQuery |
Queries particular database data or defines parameters for data selection
| |
DataQuerySettings |
Defines parameters for the data query. Use DataQuery method UseParameters to apply this parameters to a query.
| |
DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery |
Defines parameters for the data selection
| |
DataQuerySource |
Base class for Data query source
| |
DataQuerySourceParameters |
Parameters for the data query source
| |
DataSetPostProcessingEventArgs |
Custom event arguments used for default data post processing.
| |
DataTaskType |
Web farm task types for DataEngine module
| |
DataType |
Data type definition
| |
DataTypeT |
Data type definition
| |
DataTypeManager |
Provides management of SQL data types
| |
DefaultClassThumbnail |
Is able to select default metafile of the class. Default metafile is the one with name starting with "default.".
| |
DefaultDataSettings |
Settings for export of the default database data
| |
DeletedFKs |
Class to define FKs which were removed during DB separation. Is used in DB join.
| |
DynamicObjectTypeInfo |
Dynamic object type info structure for objects which definition can be changed during the lifetime.
| |
EnumerableWrapperTObject |
Wrapper to make the given object purely enumerable
| |
ExecuteQueryEventArgsTResult |
Execute query event arguments
| |
ExecuteQueryHandlerTResult |
Execute query handler
| |
ExportObjectSettings |
Class encapsulating parameters for GeneralizedInfo serialization (export).
| |
ExpressionBuilderSettings |
Object to encapsulate the expression builder settings
| |
ExternalColumnSettingsInfoType |
Object to encapsulate the settings of an externally stored column within a InfoObject.
| |
ExtraColumn |
Class representing an extra column with which an object can extend other object as a foreign key.
| |
FieldBaseFieldType |
Form field base class
| |
FieldDataType |
Field data types - string constants.
| |
FieldInfo |
Basic field definition
| |
FilteredInfoObjectCollection |
Provides filtering over the collection.
| |
FullNameInfoObjectCollection |
Collection of GeneralizedInfos indexed by full name of the object
| |
GeneralConnection |
Represents a general database connection.
| |
GeneralInfo |
General info class to work with any object type
| |
GeneralInfoProvider |
General info provider
| |
GeneralizedAbstractInfo |
Base info object interface for abstract info
| |
GeneralizedAbstractInfoTInfo |
Info object interface for abstract info
| |
GeneralizedInfo |
Info object interface.
| |
GetObjectsDataSettings |
Configuration class for GetObjectsData(GetObjectsDataSettings).
| |
HashtableSettings |
Settings for provider hashtables
| |
HierarchyHelper |
Object hierarchy manipulation methods.
| |
CheckDependenciesException |
Exception to report attempt to delete an object which has required dependencies.
| |
IDNotTranslatedException |
Thrown when identifier was required and was not translated
| |
IDQuery |
Predefined query returning IDs of the given object type, can be used as a nested query in IN and NOT IN statements
| |
IDQueryObjectType |
Predefined query returning IDs of the given object type, can be used as a nested query in IN and NOT IN statements
| |
ImportExportSettings |
Class representing export/import settings in the type information of objects.
| |
InfoCollectionSettings |
Settings for the info object collection
| |
InfoDataSetTInfo |
CMS DataSet class. Enhancement to DataSet to provide strongly typed collection side-by-side with the data.
| |
InfoHelper |
General info methods and properties
| |
InfoIdentifier |
Represents the general info object identifier that uses object type to translate info object ID to code name and vice versa.
| |
InfoObjectCollection |
Collection of GeneralizedInfos.
| |
InfoObjectCollectionEmptyCollectionInfoType |
Empty info object collection
| |
InfoObjectCollectionTInfo |
Generic strongly typed info object collection
| |
InfoObjectException |
Base class for the exceptions on the info objects.
| |
InfoObjectFactory |
Object factory producing info objects based on the object type
| |
InfoObjectRepository |
Repository for info objects.
| |
LayoutHelper |
Helper for layout objects
| |
LicenseException |
Represents license exception
| |
LinqSqlMethods |
Methods available in LINQ statements that have proper SQL representation
| |
LogObjectChangeEventArgs |
Object event arguments for log object change event
| |
LogObjectChangeHandler |
Log object change handler
| |
LogObjectChangeSettings |
Class for log object change.
| |
MemoryDataQuerySource |
Data query source as DataSet
| |
MetaFileInfo |
MetaFileInfo data container class.
| |
MetaFileInfoProvider |
Class providing MetaFileInfo management.
| |
MetaFileURLProvider |
Provider for metafiles URLs.
| |
MissingSQLTypeException |
Exception raised when unsupported SQL type is encountered.
| |
Module |
Represents the standard module.
| |
ModuleCommands |
Module commands.
| |
ModuleManager |
Manages the list of modules within application
| |
MultiObjectQuery |
Multiple objects query
| |
MultiObjectQueryBaseTQuery, TInnerQuery, TObject |
Base class for multiple objects query
| |
MultiQueryBaseTQuery, TInnerQuery |
Base class for the query consisting of multiple queries
| |
NestedSelectQueryColumn |
Query column defined by the nested query e.g. "(SELECT UserID FROM CMS_User WHERE ...) AS RelatedUserID"
| |
NotImplementedInfo |
Info object with no methods implemented. Serves as a base info for partially implemented info objects.
| |
ObjectAttachmentsCategories |
Class containing names of the object attachment (metafiles) categories names used by CMS.
| |
ObjectCollectionTObject |
Object list.
| |
ObjectDataEventArgs |
Object data event arguments
| |
ObjectDataEventHandler |
Object data handler enables manipulation with object data.
| |
ObjectDataSetTObject |
Base object DataSet class. Enhancement to DataSet to provide strongly typed collection side-by-side with the data.
| |
ObjectDependency |
Class with various types of object type lists (used for example in Import/Export, ODATA Service).
| |
ObjectEventArgs |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectEventArgsTObject |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectEvents |
Object events
| |
ObjectHandler |
Object handler
| |
ObjectHelper |
Object manipulation methods.
| |
ObjectChangeOrderEventArgs |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectChangeOrderEventArgsTObject |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectChangeOrderHandler |
Object handler
| |
ObjectProperty |
Object property wrapper
| |
ObjectQuery |
Predefined query returning given object type. Uses the .selectall query internally.
| |
ObjectQueryTObject |
Queries particular database data or defines parameters for data selection
| |
ObjectQueryBaseTQuery, TObject |
Predefined query returning given object type. Uses the .selectall query internally.
| |
ObjectQuerySettings |
Object query parameters
| |
ObjectRelationshipsCollection |
Collection of object relationships filtered by relationship name.
| |
ObjectRepositoryTCollection, TObject, TSettings |
Repository for info objects.
| |
ObjectSecurityEventArgs |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectSecurityEventArgsTObject |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectSecurityHandler |
Object handler
| |
ObjectSettingsInfo |
ObjectSettingsInfo data container class.
| |
ObjectSettingsInfoProvider |
Class providing ObjectSettingsInfo management.
| |
ObjectSortEventArgs |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectSortEventArgsTObject |
Object event arguments
| |
ObjectSortHandler |
Object handler
| |
ObjectSourceTObject |
Data query source which gets the data for specific object type
| |
ObjectSourceBaseTSource |
Query source
| |
ObjectTreeLocation |
Defines a location for an object type within the object tree in the export/import or staging interface.
| |
ObjectTypeInfo |
Object type info structure.
| |
ObjectTypeManager |
Class with various types of object type lists (used for example in Import/Export, ODATA Service).
| |
ObjectTypeTreeNode |
Class for parsing XML tree with staging objects.
| |
OrderByColumn |
Order by column
| |
OtherBindingCollection |
Info collection of object other bindings
| |
OtherBindingRepository |
Specialized repository for binding object types
| |
PermissionCheckException |
Base class for the exceptions raised in permissions check.
| |
PredefinedObjectType |
Predefined object type constants.
| |
ProviderDictionaryTKey, TValue |
Provider dictionary.
| |
ProviderDictionaryCollection |
Collection of the provider dictionaries.
| |
ProviderGuidDictionary |
Provider GUID indexed dictionary.
| |
ProviderHelper |
Helper methods for info providers
| |
ProviderInfoDictionaryKeyType |
Base info dictionary for info providers
| |
ProviderIntDictionary |
Provider integer indexed dictionary.
| |
ProviderStringDictionary |
Provider string indexed dictionary. Represent the case-insensitive object storage optimized for reading.
| |
ProviderStringValueDictionary |
Provider string indexed dictionary. Represent the case-insensitive object storage optimized for reading.
| |
ProviderStringValueDictionaryT |
Provider string indexed dictionary. Represent the case-insensitive object storage optimized for reading.
| |
QueryColumn |
Simple query column e.g. "DocumentName" / "DocumentName AS Name"
| |
QueryColumnBaseTColumn |
Query column
| |
QueryColumnList |
Represents a list of query columns
| |
QueryDataParameters |
Container that holds a list of query parameters.
| |
QueryExpression |
Represents a general query expression
| |
QueryExpressionBaseTExpression |
Query expression base class
| |
QueryInfo |
Represents a query and its parameters.
| |
QueryInfoBaseTInfo |
QueryInfo data container class.
| |
QueryInfoProvider |
Enables access to queries.
| |
QueryInfoProviderBaseTProvider |
Class providing QueryInfo management.
| |
QueryListInfo |
Info class providing the list of queries for the query selector
| |
QueryMacros |
Query expressions
| |
QueryName |
System query names
| |
QueryParameters |
Query parameters container.
| |
QueryParametersBaseTParent |
Generic variant of the abstract query object, provides fluent syntax
| |
QuerySource |
Data query source which gets the data from specific SQL expression. That can be table name, view name, or more complex SQL expression.
| |
QuerySourceBaseTSource |
Defines base class for the query source
| |
QueryValueExpression |
Query value expression
| |
RowNumberColumn |
Row number query column e.g. "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DefaultCulture) AS CMS_RN"
| |
SearchFieldsConstants |
Search field constants
| |
SearchIndexSettings |
SearchIndexSettings handles management of index settings container.
| |
SearchIndexSettingsInfo |
Search Index Settings Info object.
| |
SearchSettings |
SearchSettings class provides methods for manipulation with SearchSettingsInfo objects.
| |
SearchSettingsInfo |
Search settings class.
| |
SelectCondition |
Provides the selection where condition for ABC IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) for very large number of items.
| |
SelectConditionList |
List of select conditions.
| |
SelectQueryColumnBaseTColumn |
Query column
| |
SeparatedTables |
Class providing list of separated tables including SQL and XML definitions
| |
SettingsCategoryContainer |
Object encapsulating all settings objects to be accessible via macro engine.
| |
SettingsCategoryInfo |
Represents a Settings key.
| |
SettingsCategoryInfoProvider |
Class providing Settings category management.
| |
SettingsKeyChangedEventArgs |
Class containing data for event raised when the settings key is successfuly changed.
| |
SettingsKeyInfo |
Represents a Settings key.
| |
SettingsKeyInfoProvider |
Provides access to settings keys.
| |
SettingsKeyName |
Represents the settings key name.
| |
SettingsService |
Settings service
| |
SimpleDataClass |
Simple DataClass object.
| |
SimpleObjectHandler |
Simple object handler
| |
SiteInfoIdentifier |
Represents the site info object identifier.
| |
SpecialFunctions |
Provides special functions for other classes.
| |
SqlDebug |
SQL debug methods
| |
SqlEvents |
SQL events
| |
SqlGenerator |
Generates SQL queries for given table.
| |
SqlHelper |
Class to provide common SQL methods.
| |
SqlInstallationHelper |
Sets of methods for creating database during installation process.
| |
SqlOperator |
Defines SQL operators
| |
SqlRepresentationAttribute |
Defines the SQL representation of the given method call
| |
SQLScript |
SQL script to be applied during upgrade or hotfix.
| |
SqlSecurityHelper |
Security methods for SQL queries
| |
SqlServerCapabilitiesFactory |
Class that returns SQL server capabilities based on the connection string and server edition.
| |
SQLSettings |
Provides SQL settings for hotfixing databases.
| |
SystemColumns |
System column names
| |
SystemViewNames |
System view name constants.
| |
TableManager |
Ensures management of database table and table column.
| |
TempFileInfo |
TempFileInfo data container class.
| |
TempFileInfoProvider |
Class providing TempFileInfo management.
| |
TranslationHelper |
Class to provide objects translation interface ID - CodeName.
| |
TraverseObjectSettings |
Class encapsulating parameters for GeneralizedInfo serialization (export).
| |
TypeCondition |
Class determining condition which can distinguish between several object types within one Info class.
| |
TypeInfoEvents |
Object events for particular type info
| |
WhereBuilder |
Where condition builder
| |
WhereCondition |
Where condition builder
| |
WhereConditionBaseTParent |
Where condition builder - Generic base class
Structure | Description | |
ColumnDefinition |
Data column definiton
Interface | Description | |
ICMSQueryable |
Interface for queryable CMS objects
| |
ICMSQueryableTObject |
Interface for queryable CMS objects
| |
IDataClass |
DataClass interface.
| |
IDataConnection |
Data connection interface that must be implemented by data providers.
| |
IDataProvider |
Data provider interface.
| |
IDataQuery |
Data query interface
| |
IDataQueryTQuery |
Interface for the data query for a specific query type
| |
IDataQuerySettings |
Data query parameters interface
| |
IDataQuerySettingsTQuery |
Data query parameters interface for a specific query
| |
IFakeMethods |
Interface for attaching methods for faking data within automated tests
| |
IField |
Interface for form items.
| |
IInfo |
Interface for the info objects
| |
IInfoDataSet |
InfoDataSet interface
| |
IInfoFakeTInfo |
Interface for automated tests fake of the info
| |
IInfoProviderFakeTInfo, TProvider |
Interface for automated tests fake of the info provider
| |
ILicenseService |
Interface for check license
| |
IMultiObjectQuery |
Multi object query interface
| |
IMultiObjectQueryTQuery, TInnerQuery, TObject |
Multi object query interface for a specific query
| |
IMultiQuery |
Multi query interface
| |
IMultiQueryTQuery, TInnerQuery |
Multi query interface for a specific query
| |
IObjectQuery |
Interface for the object query
| |
IObjectQueryTQuery, TObject |
Interface for the object query for a specific query type
| |
IObjectTypeDriven |
Interface for object type driven controls
| |
IProviderDictionary |
Provider dictionary interface.
| |
IProviderDictionaryTemplateValueType |
Provider dictionary interface template.
| |
IQueryColumn |
General interface for the query columns
| |
IQueryExpression |
General interface for the query expression
| |
IQueryObject |
Base interface for all query objects
| |
IQueryObjectWithValue |
Base interface for all query objects with value
| |
IQueryParameters |
Query parameters interface
| |
IQuerySource |
Query source interface
| |
ISearchable |
Interface for search.
| |
ISearchDocument |
Interface for the search document
| |
ISearchField |
Represents search field
| |
ISearchFields |
Search fields collection and field constatns
| |
ISearchIndexInfo |
Index info interface.
| |
ISqlGenerator |
Sql generator interface.
| |
ISqlServerCapabilities |
Sql server capabilities contract.
| |
IStringMetadata |
Defines extra metadata for string methods
| |
ITableManager |
Ensures management of database table and table column.
| |
ITransactionScope |
Transaction scope interface
| |
IWhereCondition |
Interface for classes which provide where condition
| |
IWhereConditionTParent |
Interface for classes which provide where condition for a specific query type
Enumeration | Description | |
AggregationType |
Constants for aggregation types
| |
AuthorizationResultEnum |
Enumeration of the user authorization result.
| |
BaseInfoPermissionObjectType |
Type of the object for permission check.
| |
ExportFormatEnum |
Export format enumeration.
| |
FeatureEnum |
Feature types.
| |
IncludeToParentEnum |
Determines whether objects of child types are included into the export/staging data of parent objects.
| |
JoinTypeEnum |
Join type enumeration
| |
LayoutTypeEnum |
Layout type enumeration.
| |
LoadHashtableEnum |
Enumeration of the hashtable loading options.
| |
MessageTypeEnum |
Message type returned to log panel.
| |
ObjectActionEnum |
Version action enums.
| |
ObjectDependencyEnum |
Enumeration for setting the Required parameter of ObjectDependency.
| |
ObjectPriorityEnum |
Enumeration of priorities of objects.
| |
ObjectRangeEnum |
Enum representing object range (in the scale of site vs. global object).
| |
ObjectStatusEnum |
Enumeration of the object status.
| |
OperationTypeEnum |
Operation type enumeration.
| |
OrderDirection |
Constants for DataQuery operators
| |
PermissionsEnum |
Permissions enumeration.
| |
QueryExecutionTypeEnum |
Execution type of the query.
| |
QueryOperator |
Constants for DataQuery operators
| |
QueryTypeEnum |
Query type enumeration.
| |
QueryUnaryOperator |
Constants for DataQuery unary operators
| |
SearchAnalyzerTypeEnum |
Search analyzer type enum.
| |
SettingsKeyActionEnum |
Enumerates the possible actions when changing the settings key.
| |
SQLEngineEditionEnum |
Enumeration for database engine edition of the instance of SQL Server installed on the server., EngineEdition property.
| |
SqlOperationTypeEnum |
Enumeration of the SQL operations.
| |
SQLServerAuthenticationModeEnum |
Enumeration of the SQL authentication mode.
| |
SynchronizationTypeEnum |
Determines how the system logs staging synchronization tasks for object types.
| |
TaskTypeEnum |
Synchronization task types.
| |
TypeEnum |
Enumeration of the types
| |
UpdateResultEnum |
Result of the update operation.
| |
WorkflowStepTypeEnum |
Workflow step types enumeration.