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DataQuerySettings Methods

The DataQuerySettings type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddColumn(String)
Adds the additional column to the query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodAddColumn(IQueryColumn)
Adds the additional column to the query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodAddColumns(IEnumerableString)
Adds the additional columns to the query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodAddColumns(String)
Adds the additional columns to the query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodAddColumns(IQueryColumn)
Adds the additional columns to the query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodAddFilterColumn
Adds the additional filter column to the query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodAddHavingInternal
Adds the given having condition
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodAddWhereCondition
Adds the given where condition to the final where condition
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Protected methodAddWhereConditionInternal
Adds the given where condition
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodAnd
Changes the where operator to AND for subsequent where conditions. Use in combination of methods Where...
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodAnd(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the AND operator
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodAnd(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the AND operator. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Protected methodAnySettingsDefined
Returns true if the object has any settings defined that influence the resulting query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodApplyParametersTo
Applies this query parameters to the target object
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodCallOnDispose
Adds the given action to the list of actions called when the handler object is disposed
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodClone
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodCloneObject
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodColumn(String)
Sets the column to select
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodColumn(IQueryColumn)
Sets the column to select
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodColumns(IEnumerableString)
Sets the columns to select
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodColumns(String)
Sets the columns to select
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodColumns(IQueryColumn)
Sets the columns to select
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodCopyPropertiesTo
Creates the clone of the collection.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodDispose
Make sure the objects get disposed
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodDistinct
Sets the query to use distinct selection over the given columns
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodEnsureParameters
Ensures data parameters for the given query
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodExpand
Expands the expression by replacing parameters with their values
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodFirstResult
Sets the query as a single object query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodGetExpressions
Gets the query expressions
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodGetWhere(String, QueryOperator, Object)
Gets the where condition for the given column
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Protected methodGetWhere(IQueryObjectWithValue, QueryOperator, Object)
Gets the where condition for the given column
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodGroupBy
Specifies the columns to group by
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodHasCompatibleSource
Returns true if the given query is an external source
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodHaving(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given having conditions to the query.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodHaving(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodHaving(String, Boolean)
Specifies the having condition
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodChanged
Marks the object as changed
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Protected methodCheckReturnsNoResults
Checks if where condition results in no data
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodImmutable
Makes this object instance is immutable, and next subsequent modification starts with a clone of the object.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodIncludeDataParameters
Adds the data parameters to the current query parameters
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodLock
Locks the event on the given lock object. The context stays locked until the handler is disposed.
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodNewGroupBy
Clears the current group by, reverting the source of data to the original. Note, that this method also resets the existing having condition which is closely bound to the group by.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodNewHaving
Clears the current having condition
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodNewResult
Returns properly typed this
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodNewWhere
Clears the current where condition
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodNextPage
Adjusts the query to a next page, using the current page size. Use in combination with PagedBy and NextPageAvailable to iterate over the data in batches.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodNoColumns
Sets the query to return no columns at all
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodNoResults
Sets the where condition to exclude all data from result
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodNotPaged
Sets up the query to become not paged query and output all results at once.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodOr
Changes the where operator to OR for next where conditions. Use in combination of methods Where...
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodOr(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the OR operator
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodOr(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition with the OR operator. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodOrderBy(String)
Adds the columns to the order by query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodOrderBy(OrderDirection, String)
Adds the columns to the order by query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodOrderByAscending
Adds the columns to the order by query to order by the given columns in ascending order
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodOrderByDescending
Adds the columns to the order by query to order by the given columns in descending order
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodPage
Specifies the page to select with given page index and page size. Page number is indexed from 0 (first page)
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodPagedBy
Sets up the query as a paged query with the given page size. Resets the page index to first page. Use in combination with NextPageAvailable and NextPage to iterate over the data in batches.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodReplaceColumn
Replaces the selected column with a new name
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodReplaceOrderByColumn
Replaces the selected column with a new name
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Protected methodReplaceSelectedColumn
Replaces the selected column with a new name
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodReset
Flushes the results but leaves the generated query text unchanged. After the reset, query can be executed again to obtain new data.
(Inherited from AbstractQueryObject.)
Protected methodResetWhereOperator
Resets the where operator to the default value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodReturnNoResults
Sets the query to return no results. This action is irreversible, once the query is set to return no results it cannot be changed. This method is used by data engine to forbid access to data that are not allowed to be accessed (e.g. license limitations), without notifying the process about the fact.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodSnapshot
Creates an immutable snapshot of the current query as a base for further evaluation. Doesn't modify the original query in any way.
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodTake
Identity method to make the query expression more readable. Use before the Columns or Page method. Doesn't provide any functionality.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodThen
Identity method to make the query expression more readable. Use before the OrderBy method. Doesn't provide any functionality.
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodTopN
Selects only first top N number of records
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodToString
Returns the string representation of the expression
(Inherited from QueryParametersBaseTParent.)
Public methodToString(Boolean)
Returns the string representation of the expression, with possibility of expanding parameters
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Public methodUsing
Adds the given object to the list of the allocated objects to dispose
(Inherited from DisposableObject.)
Public methodWhere(IWhereCondition)
Adds the given where conditions to the query
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhere(ActionWhereCondition)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Creates a new where condition object and runs the setup actions on it.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhere(String, QueryDataParameters)
Adds the given where condition to the query
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhere(String, QueryUnaryOperator)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column value with an unary operator.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhere(IQueryObjectWithValue, QueryUnaryOperator)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column value with an unary operator.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhere(String, QueryOperator, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhere(IQueryObjectWithValue, QueryOperator, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereContains(String, String)
Adds the condition for a string column to contain some substring
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereContains(IQueryObjectWithValue, String)
Adds the condition for a string column to contain some substring
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereEmpty
Adds the where condition for a null or empty column value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereEndsWith(String, String)
Adds the condition for a string column to end with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereEndsWith(IQueryObjectWithValue, String)
Adds the condition for a string expression to end with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereEquals(String, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereEquals(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side to the given right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereEqualsOrNull
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value or null value.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereExists(IDataQuery)
Adds where condition with EXISTS and the nested query "EXISTS (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Protected methodWhereExists(IDataQuery, Boolean)
Adds where condition with EXISTS and the nested query "EXISTS (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereFalse(String)
Adds the where condition for a false column value (boolean column equals false).
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereFalse(IQueryObjectWithValue)
Adds the where condition for a false expression value (boolean expression equals false).
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereGreaterOrEquals(String, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is greater or equal than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereGreaterOrEquals(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is greater or equal than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereGreaterThan(String, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is greater than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereGreaterThan(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is greater than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereID
Adds the where condition to match the ID to the query. In case the column name is not provided or unknown, does not generate where condition. If given ID is invalid, adds the condition to match NULL.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereIn(String, IDataQuery)
Adds where condition to the nested query, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereIn(String, IListInt32)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Protected methodWhereIn(String, IDataQuery, Boolean)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Protected methodWhereIn(String, IListInt32, Boolean)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName IN (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereLessOrEquals(String, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is less or equal than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereLessOrEquals(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is less or equal than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereLessThan(String, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is less than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereLessThan(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is less than the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereLike(String, String)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value using LIKE operator.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereLike(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side and right side using LIKE operator.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNot
Adds the negation of the given where condition
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotContains(String, String)
Adds the condition for a string column not to contain some substring
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotContains(IQueryObjectWithValue, String)
Adds the condition for a string column not to contain some substring
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotEmpty
Adds the where condition for a non empty column value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotEndsWith(String, String)
Adds the condition for a string column not to end with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotEndsWith(IQueryObjectWithValue, String)
Adds the condition for a string column not to end with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotEquals(String, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column which is not equal to a given value.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotEquals(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side which is not equal to the right side.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotExists
Adds where condition with NOT EXISTS and the nested query "NOT EXISTS (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotIn(String, IDataQuery)
Adds where condition to the nested query, e.g. "columnName NOT IN (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotIn(String, IListInt32)
Adds where condition to the list of values, e.g. "columnName NOT IN (...)"
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotLike(String, String)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the column to a given value using NOT LIKE operator.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotLike(IQueryObjectWithValue, Object)
Adds the given where condition to the query. Matches the left side and right side using NOT LIKE operator.
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotNull(String)
Adds the where condition for a not null column value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotNull(IQueryObjectWithValue)
Adds the where condition for a not null expression value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotStartsWith(String, String)
Adds the condition for a string column not to start with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNotStartsWith(IQueryObjectWithValue, String)
Adds the condition for a string column not to start with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNull(String)
Adds the where condition for a null column value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereNull(IQueryObjectWithValue)
Adds the where condition for a null expression value
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereStartsWith(String, String)
Adds the condition for a string column to start with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereStartsWith(IQueryObjectWithValue, String)
Adds the condition for a string column to start with some prefix
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereTrue(String)
Adds the where condition for a true column value (boolean column equals true).
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWhereTrue(IQueryObjectWithValue)
Adds the where condition for a true expression value (boolean expression equals true).
(Inherited from WhereConditionBaseTParent.)
Public methodWithComment
Adds the comment to the given query
(Inherited from DataQuerySettingsBaseTQuery.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
See Also