BaseInfo Methods |
The BaseInfo type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddColumnPrefixesWhereCondition |
Adds restriction to given where filtering out all rows where given column starts with one of excluded prefixes found in TypeInfo default data settings.
| |
AddDependencyDefaultDataWhereCondition |
Adds default data where condition of given dependency on given dependencyIDColumn to given where condition.
Returns original where condition if no such dependency exists.
| |
BuildObjectPath |
Builds the path from the given column.
| |
Clear |
Clears hashtable with cached properties of all object types.
| |
ClearCache |
Clears the nested cached objects
| |
ClearData |
Clears data from the object.
| |
CloneObject |
Creates the clone of the object
| |
CompareTo |
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
| |
ContainsColumn |
Returns true if the object contains given column.
| |
CopyExternalColumns |
Copy value of external columns directly via set value
| |
CopyMemoryProperties |
Copies memory properties
| |
DataChanged |
Returns true if the object changed.
| |
Delete |
Deletes the object using appropriate provider
| |
DeleteExternalColumns |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and deletes all the files.
| |
DeleteObject |
Deletes the object using appropriate provider.
| |
Destroy |
Destroys the object including its version history using appropriate provider
| |
Disconnect |
Disconnects the collection from the database.
| |
EnsureBinaryData |
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object when StoreToFileSystem is true.
| |
EnsureBinaryData(Boolean) |
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object.
| |
EnsureCodeName |
Ensures the code name of the object if not set
| |
EnsureGUID |
Ensures the GUID of the object
| |
EnsureHierarchyColumns |
Ensures the IDPath and Level columns.
| |
EnsureLastModified |
Ensures the last modified time stamp of the object
| |
EnsureUniqueCodeName |
Ensures that the object has a unique code name within it's context
| |
ExecuteRemoveDependencyQuery |
Executes given query text using specified connection string.
| |
ExportDefaultData |
Exports the default object installation data
| |
Finalize |
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.) | |
GetAutomaticCodeName |
Gets the automatic code name for the object
| |
GetBinaryData |
Returns the BinaryData object of the current instance. Has to be overriden by specific classes. Returns null by default.
| |
GetBooleanValue |
Gets the boolean value from the object.
| |
GetCount |
Gets count of the objects filtered by given where condition.
| |
GetCurrentObjectPathPart |
Builds the path from the given column.
| |
GetCustomProperties |
Gets list of custom properties.
| |
GetData |
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
| |
GetDataQueryInternal |
Gets the data query for this object type
| |
GetDateTimeValue |
Gets the DateTime value from the object.
| |
GetDefaultData |
Returns the default object installation data
| |
GetDefaultDataExportColumns |
Returns names of all columns that should be exported with default data as a comma separated string.
| |
GetDefaultDataWhereCondition |
Gets the where condition to filter out the default installation data
| |
GetDefaultObject |
Returns default object of given object type. Has to be overriden in specific info. Returns null by default. Example is UserInfo which returns user specified in the settings or Global Administrator.
| |
GetDependenciesNames |
Checks the object dependencies. Returns a list of object names which depend on this object. First tries to execute checkdependencies query, if not found, an automatic process is executed.
| |
GetDependenciesNamesAuto |
Checks the object dependencies. Returns a list of object names which depend on this object.
| |
GetDependencyCacheKeys |
Gets the array of dependency cache keys for current object.
| |
GetDependencyObjectType |
Gets dependency object type
| |
GetDoubleValue |
Gets the double value from the object.
| |
GetEditingPageURL |
Gets the object editing page URL.
| |
GetExisting |
Returns the existing object based on current object data.
| |
GetExistingWhereCondition |
Gets a where condition to find an existing object based on current object
| |
GetExistingWhereCondition(Boolean) |
Gets a where condition to find an existing object based on current object
| |
GetExternalColumns |
Returns the list of columns registered as the external columns.
| |
GetExternalFiles |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and returns the list of particular files this object uses.
| |
GetFullObjectName |
Returns the name of the object within its parent hierarchy.
| |
GetGeneralizedInfo |
Gets the generalized info for this object
| |
GetGlobalPermissionName |
Returns name of the global permission name corresponding to the given permission name.
By default, "Global" + permissionName is returned.
| |
GetGroupWhereCondition |
Gets the group where condition for the object
| |
GetGuidValue |
Gets the guid value from the object.
| |
GetChildDependencies |
Gets the child dependencies repository
| |
GetChildWhereCondition |
Gets the child object where condition.
| |
GetIconUrl(Page, String) |
Gets the object icon URL
| |
GetIconUrl(Int32, Int32, Int32) |
Gets the object icon URL
| |
GetIdentityWhereCondition |
Gets indentity where condition to identify the object
| |
GetIDPathPartLength |
Returns the length of a part of IDPath.
| |
GetIntegerValue |
Gets the integer value from the object.
| |
GetLastObjectOrder |
Returns number which will be the last order within all the other items (according to Parent, Group and Site settings).
I.e. returns largest existing order + 1.
| |
GetLockObject |
Gets the global lock object for all the instances of the object (locked on "objectType_objectId").
| |
GetModifiedFrom |
Gets the DataSet of all the objects modified from specified date.
| |
GetNameCollisions |
Gets the list of the name collisions of the given object
| |
GetNamePathPartColumn |
Returns the name of the column which is used to build the NamePath
| |
GetObject |
Gets the object by specified where condition.
| |
GetObjectData |
Object serialization.
| |
GetObjectChildren |
Gets the object children repository
| |
GetObjectIdentifier |
Gets the object identifier that uniquely identifies the object
| |
GetObjectKey |
Gets the unique string key for the object.
| |
GetObjectOrderID |
Returns ID of the item being ordered. By default return ObjectID. This is overridden in TreeNode, where NodeID has to be supplied.
| |
GetObjectTypeForColumn |
Gets the object type for the given column or null if the object type is not found or unknown.
| |
GetOrderQueryParameters |
Creates QueryDataParameters with special macros for object order management.
| |
GetOriginalValue |
Returns the original value of column.
| |
GetOtherBindings |
Gets the repository of other bindings
| |
GetParent |
Returns the parent object.
| |
GetPermissionName |
Converts PermissionEnum to permission codename which will be checked when CheckPermission() is called.
Derived classes can override this method to change permission which is checked (for example check for global permissions if object is global).
| |
GetPermissionObjectType |
Returns the permission object type of the object (checks the SiteID column and SiteBinding columns). According to this value, the permission check is performed.
| |
GetPermissionToCheck |
Converts PermissionEnum to permission codename which will be checked when CheckPermission() is called.
Derived classes can override this method to change permission which is checked (for example check for global permissions if object is global).
| |
GetPhysicalFiles |
Gets DataSet with physical files.
| |
GetProperty |
Gets the property value.
| |
GetPropertyType |
Gets the type of the given property
| |
GetReferringObjects |
Gets the repository of depending objects
| |
GetRegisteredProperties |
Gets list of registered properties.
| |
GetSearchID |
Gets the id column value which is used as search id by default.
| |
GetSiblingsQueryInternal |
Gets the parametrized query to get siblings of the object (If there is no parent-child hierarchy, query is parametrized for all objects)
| |
GetSiblingsWhereCondition |
Creates where condition according to Parent, Group and Site settings.
| |
GetSiteWhereCondition |
Gets the site where condition for the object
| |
GetStringValue |
Gets the string value from the object.
| |
GetThumbnailUrl |
Gets the object thumbnail URL
| |
GetUniqueCodeName |
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
| |
GetUniqueDisplayName |
Returns the unique display name for the specified object.
| |
GetUniqueName |
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
| |
GetUniqueNameWhereCondition |
Constructs base where condition for checking column value uniqueness. This method can be overriden in child classes to add more conditions.
| |
GetValue |
Gets the object value.
| |
GetValueForTranslation |
Returns value for translation services. Returns unmodified field content by default.
| |
GetVirtualFileRelativePath |
Returns virtual relative path for specific column
Ensures the GUID of the object
| |
ChangedColumns |
Returns list of column names which values were changed.
| |
CheckDefaultPermissions |
Check universal permissions for an object
| |
CheckDependencies |
Checks the object dependencies. Returns true if there is at least one dependency.
| |
CheckLicense |
Checks the object license. Returns true if the licensing conditions for this object were matched.
| |
CheckPermissions |
Checks whether the specified user has permissions for this object.
| |
CheckPermissionsInternal |
Checks whether the specified user has permissions for this object. This method is called automatically after CheckPermissions event was fired.
| |
CheckPermissionsWithHandler |
Checks whether the specified user has permissions for this object. Outcome of this method is determined by combining results of CheckPermissions event and CheckPermissionsInternal method.
| |
CheckUniqueCodeName |
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
| |
CheckUniqueValues |
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
| |
InitObjectsOrder |
Inits the proper item order so the order is consistent.
| |
InitObjectsOrderPostprocessing |
Method called after the InitObjectOrder method is called. Override this to do further actions after order initialization. Does nothing by default.
| |
Insert |
Inserts the object using appropriate provider
| |
InsertAsClone |
Inserts the object as a new object to the DB with inner data and structure (according to given settings) cloned from the original.
| |
InsertAsCloneInternal |
This method is called on cloned object prepared in memory by InsertAsClone method.
Override if you need to do further actions before inserting actual object to DB (insert special objects, modify foreign keys, copy files, etc.).
Calls Insert() by default.
| |
InsertAsClonePostprocessing |
This method is called once the object is completely cloned (with all children, bindings, etc.).
Override if you need to do further actions after the object has been cloned.
| |
Invalidate |
Invalidates the object in the object table.
| |
IsAvailableOnSite |
Checks whether info object as available on given site. Available means that object is global or assigned to given site.
| |
IsCheckedOutByUser |
Returns true if the object is checked out by the specified user.
| |
IsChildOf |
Returns true if the object is child of the given object. If parameter parent is null, returns true only if the object is not a child of any object.
| |
IsModifiedExternally |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and checks if the data in DB is the same as in external storage. If all the columns are same returns true, otherwise false.
| |
IsObjectInvalid |
Returns true if the object is invalid.
| |
ItemChanged |
Returns true if the item on specified column name changed.
| |
LoadFromDataContainer |
Loads the object from the given data container
| |
LoadFromDataRow |
Loads the object from the given DataRow
| |
MacroRepresentation |
By default, BaseInfo has no special macro representation.
| |
MakeComplete |
Makes the object data complete.
| |
PermissionCheckException |
Fires an exception in case authorization result is false (denied or insignificant)
| |
PropertyPropertyType |
Returns the extension property for the object
(Inherited from AbstractObject.) | |
Reconnect |
Reconnects the collection to the database.
| |
RemoveObjectDependencies |
Removes object dependencies. First tries to execute removedependencies query, if not found, automatic process is executed.
| |
RestoreSettings |
Restores local settings for object instance.
| |
SaveExternalColumns |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and ensures them in the external storage.
| |
SerializationNotSupported |
Throws serialization not supported exception
| |
SetObject |
Updates the object using appropriate provider.
| |
SetObjectAlphabeticalOrder |
Moves the object to the right position according to the custom order.
| |
SetObjectOrder |
Moves the object to the specified order (if OrderColumn is specified). The move is done within the object's parent and site (if defined).
| |
SetObjectOrderPostprocessing |
Method which is called after the order of the object was changed. Generates staging tasks and webfarm tasks by default.
| |
SetParent |
Updates the parent object, enables to update the data that is overridden in the parent object before or after it is saved
| |
SetValue(String, Object) |
Sets the object value.
| |
SetValue(String, Object, Boolean) |
Sets the object value to the nullable column.
| |
SetValue(String, Object, Object) |
Sets the object value to the nullable column.
| |
SortAlphabetically |
Sort objects alphabetically.
| |
StoreSettings |
Stores local settings for object instance.
| |
SubmitChanges |
Submits the changes in the object to the database.
| |
ToMacroString |
Returns the default text representation in the macros.
| |
ToString |
Returns the text representation of the object
(Overrides ObjectToString.) | |
TouchParent |
Updates the parent object by saving it (to update the timestamp).
| |
TryGetProperty(String, Object) |
Returns value of property.
| |
TryGetProperty(String, Object, Boolean) |
Returns value of property.
| |
TryGetValue |
Returns value of column.
| |
Update |
Updates the database entity using appropriate provider
| |
UpdateExternalColumns |
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and updates DB versions with the data from external storage.
| |
UpdateFromDB |
Updates the data of the object from DB (updates also ObjectSettings).
| |
UpdatePhysicalFiles |
Saves physical files.
| |
WriteDefaultData |
Writes the default object installation data into xml file
Name | Description | |
AsValue |
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.) | |
Compare |
Compares two BaseInfo objects (data & structure) according to comparison settings given.
(Defined by DataExtensions.) | |
CopyTo |
Copies the data of specified columns of the source object to the target object.
(Defined by DataExtensions.) | |
GetAPIString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
GetString |
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
CheckRequiredColumns |
Returns true if given list of columns do not have null values in the object
(Defined by DataExtensions.) | |
ToBoolean |
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToDateTime |
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToDouble |
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToGuid |
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
ToInteger |
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
Returns JSON representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.) | |
ToString |
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.) | |
Returns XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.) |