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ObjectCollectionTObject Fields

The ObjectCollectionTObject generic type exposes the following members.

Protected fieldmAllowPaging
If true, the paging of the data is allowed (data is loaded in batches).
Protected fieldmColumnNames
Column names
Protected fieldmCount
Total number of items.
(Inherited from AbstractObjectCollection.)
Protected fieldmCountDifference
Difference in count of the items from data source and current number of items
Protected fieldmDeletedItems
Deleted items removed from the collection.
Protected fieldmDisconnectedCount
Number of disconnected references for this collection
(Inherited from AbstractObjectCollection.)
Protected fieldmInstanceGuid
Instance GUID
(Inherited from AbstractObjectCollection.)
Protected fieldmItems
Items collection.
Protected fieldmLoadBinaryData
Indicates whether to load binary data into the collections.
(Inherited from AbstractObjectCollection.)
Protected fieldmName
Collection name
(Inherited from AbstractObjectCollection.)
Protected fieldmNewItems
New items added to the collection.
Protected fieldmObjectsByName
Objects by name.
Protected fieldmPageSize
Page size for loading of the items.
Protected fieldmSourceData
Source data for the collection
See Also