When using contact management on high‑traffic websites, the system will need to store a very large volume of data in order to keep records of all contacts, their activities and other related information. This may complicate database administration and make it difficult to perform regular backups. For these reasons, Kentico CMS provides a way to move all tables and database objects associated with contact management to a separate database (including the currently stored data). Doing so allows easier management of the application's main database, without the need to deal with the contact data.
Please note that there can only be one separated contact management database for the entire system, even when hosting multiple websites. It is not possible to create a different database for each site.
The steps needed to perform the database separation are described in the Separating the contact management database topic. If you wish to reverse the process and return everything back to a single database, you can do so by following the instructions in Rejoining the databases.
The separation procedure affects the following database tables:
Refer to the database information in the Internals and API chapter to learn more about specific tables.