Kentico CMS 7.0 Context Help

General tab

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General tab

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Stylesheets can be edited using the fields described below:


Stylesheet display name

Name used for the stylesheet.

Stylesheet code name

A unique identifier used for the stylesheet in code and URLs.

Stylesheet text

Here you can enter the definitions of the stylesheet's classes using standard CSS code. This field uses the code editor to make working with the code more user‑friendly.


If you enter a comment in format: /* #comment# */ and save the stylesheet, this comment will appear as a bookmark in the list on the right. This way, you can create blocks of content in large stylesheets and use the bookmarks to easily navigate between them.


The following actions are available in the tab's header:


Save Save - click this button to confirm any changes made to the stylesheet.

CheckOut Check out - locks the stylesheet's content, so that other users cannot modify this stylesheet at the same time. After you finish your edits, you can allow other users to modify the stylesheet again using the CheckIn Check in button or you can cancel the checkout by clicking UndoCheckoutNew Undo checkout.

NavigateToDocument Preview - allows you to edit the stylesheet side-by-side with a preview of how it affects the design of the website's pages. Please see the Design preview help topic for additional details about the preview mode.


On the live site, changes made to the CSS stylesheet will only take effect after you clear your browser cache and/or restart the application (Site Manager -> Administration -> System -> Restart application).


Additional information about CSS stylesheets in Kentico CMS can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> CSS stylesheets and design.

Additional information about object locking (check-out/check-in) can be found in Developer's Guide -> Development -> Team development -> Object locking.