Kentico CMS Controls make use of the object-oriented nature of the .NET Framework and many of them are derived either from standard ASP.NET controls or from each other. This means that controls with similar functionality have many common properties and learning to use them is made easier due to this fact.
The following categories and controls are available:
•Generic Controls - these controls either serve as base controls that others are derived from or provide additional functionality, such as paging
•Basic Controls - these controls do not use the Kentico CMS database or API and can be used with any type of bindable data; most of them are derived from either intrinsic ASP.NET control or Generic controls
•CMS Controls - these controls are designed to work exclusively with Kentico CMS documents and data; many of them are derived from Basic Controls with similar fundamental functionality
•Standard listings and viewers
•Listings and viewers with a custom query
•Editable regions for ASPX page templates
•UI Controls - these controls are different from the others; they are user controls that are utilized in the interface of Kentico CMS, but can also be used for custom purposes