Similar products by sale

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The Similar products by sale web part displays N products which other customers buy with the chosen product most commonly. By default, four products are displayed at the most.


For instance, if a customer has bought product A together with products B and C, some other customer who is viewing the details of product A is being displayed also with products B and C. This is because products B and C were purchased together with product A by the first customer.




You can modify the functionality of Similar products by sale by setting following properties in the Web Part properties dialog:




Content filter main properties



Path of the documents to be displayed.

Document types

Types of documents that should be displayed, separated with a semicolon (;).

Select top N products

Selects only top N products. If blank, all items are selected..

WHERE condition

WHERE part of the SELECT query.

ORDER BY expression

ORDER BY part of the SELECT query.


Transformations main properties


Transformation name

Transformation used in the list view mode.


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