The Shopping cart preview web part displays the links to the shopping cart, to my account and to my wishlist and the total value of the shopping cart content.
You can modify the functionality of Shopping cart preview by setting following properties in the Web Part properties dialog:
General properties
Shopping cart link URL |
URL of the page with Shopping cart web part. If not set, the default URL from the Site Manager -> Manager -> Settings -> E-commerce -> Shopping cart URL settings is used. |
Shopping cart link text |
Text of the link to the Shopping cart page. |
Wishlist link URL |
URL of the page with Wishlist web part. If not set, the default URL from the Site Manager -> Settings -> E-commerce -> Wishlist URL settings is used. |
Wishlist link text |
The link text for the Wishlist URL. |
My Account link URL |
URL of the page with My Account web part. If not set, the default URL from the Site Manager -> Settings -> E-commerce -> My account URL settings is used. |
MyAccount link text |
Text of the link to the My Account page. |
Total price text |
Text displayed next to the total price. |
Show total price row |
Indicates if total price row should be displayed. |
Page url: