The Top N products by sale web part displays the top N best-selling products. The best-selling products are chosen according to the frequency of their occurrence in customers' orders, not according to the total volume of sales.
For instance, if a customer buys 10 items of the product A and 2 items of the product B and a second customer buys 4 items of the product B, the product B is evaluated as the best-selling.
You can modify the functionality of Top N products by sale by setting following properties in the Web Part properties dialog:
Content filter main properties
Path |
Path of the documents to be displayed. |
Document types |
Types of documents that should be displayed, separated with a semicolon (;). |
Select top N products |
Indicates how many best-selling products should be displayed. |
WHERE condition |
WHERE part of the SELECT query. |
ORDER BY expression |
ORDER BY part of the SELECT query. |
Transformations main properties
Transformation name |
Transformation used in the list view mode. |
On the sample E-commerce site at the Products page, the Top N products by sale web part is configured to display 4 products at most from the currently chosen products category. Its properties are set to the following values:
Show for document types: CMS.MenuItem
The given web part is displayed only in CMS.MenuItem documents. On the sample E-commerce site, the given web part is therefore displayed only in the list of products of a chosen category and is hidden in the product detail.
Path: ./%
Only best-selling products from the currently selected category are displayed. For more information about the path expressions please refer to Appendix B - Path expressions chapter in Kentico CMS Developer's Guide.
Select top N products: 4
The maximum of 4 best-selling products is displayed.
Page url: