This class works with customer information. It uses the CMS.Ecommerce.CustomerInfo class.
• | object GetCustomerInfo(int customerId) – returns the CustomerInfo object by customer ID. |
• | object GetCustomerInfoByUserId(int userId) – returns the CustomerInfo object for the registered user with specified user ID. Please note that registered customers are connected to corresponding CMS_User records. This couple ensures proper authentication and shopping cart privacy. Anonymous customers do not have their corresponding CMS_User record and are strictly used for one-time orders. |
• | object GetCustomerInfo(Guid customerGuid) – Returns the CustomerInfo object selected by customer GUID. |
• | void SetCustomerInfo(object customer) – updates or inserts the customer database record using given CustomerInfo object data. If CustomerID is set, update is performed, else new record is inserted. |
• | void DeleteCustomerInfo(int customerId) – deletes the customer record specified by its customer ID. |
• | bool CheckDependencies(int customerId) – returns true if some objects depend on the record with given customer ID. |
• | DataSet GetCustomers() – returns the DataSet with all customers. Please see the database reference for columns and their types. |
• | DataSet GetCustomers(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of all customers selected with given WHERE condition and ORDER BY clause. |
• | DataSet GetCustomersList() – returns the DataSet with customers joined with their Country and State data, see View_COM_Customer_Joined view for the required result columns. |
• | DataSet GetCustomersList(string where, string orderBy) – returns the customer list as a DataSet selected by given WHERE condition and ORDER BY specification. |
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