This class provides the methods to work with currencies. Methods work with CMS.Ecommerce.CurrencyInfo class.
• | object GetCurrencyInfo(int currencyId) – returns the CurrencyInfo object by currency ID. |
• | object GetCurrencyInfo(string currencyName) – returns the CurrencyInfo object by code name. |
• | void SetCurrencyInfo(object currency) – inserts/updates the currency record to the database. If CurrencyID is set, it performs an update, else it performs a new currency insertion and initializes new record ID. |
• | void DeleteCurrencyInfo(int currencyId) – deletes the currency record specified by its ID. |
• | DataSet GetAllCurrencies() – returns the DataSet of all the currencies, see the database reference for the currency column definition. |
• | DataSet GetCurrencies(string where, string orderBy) – returns the DataSet of all the currencies filtered by where condition and ordered by orderBy expression, see the database reference for the currency column definition. |
• | DataSet GetCurrenciesWithExchangeRate() – returns the DataSet with currencies, that have a currently valid an exchange rate specified. |
• | object GetMainCurrency() – returns the main (default) currency. The main currency has the CurrencyIsMain value set to true, all the others must have it set to false. |
• | void RemoveMainCurrency() – removes the main currency flag from the currency records (it sets all CurrencyIsMain values to false) |
• | double RoundTo(double price, int currencyId) – performs the price rounding based on the currency defined by its ID. |
• | double RoundTo(double price, object ciObj) – performs the price rounding based on the given CurrencyInfo object. |
• | string GetFormatedPrice(double price, object ciObj) – returns the price string formatted by given CurrencyInfo object content (CurrencyFormatString). |
• | string GetFormatedValue(double price, object ciObj) – returns the string formatted by given CurrencyInfo object (to display the value without price, in grids etc.). |
• | double GetLastValidExchangeRate(int currencyId) – returns the last valid exchange rate for given currency ID. |
• | double GetCurrentValidExchangeRate(int currencyId) – returns the currently valid exchange rate for given currency ID. |
• | double GetExchangeRate(int currencyId, DateTime time) – returns exchange rate for given currency ID at given time. |
• | bool CheckDependencies(int currencyId) – returns true if some objects depend on the currency specified by its ID. |
• | void RecalculateValues(double rate, bool updExchangeRates, bool updSKUs, bool updTaxes, bool updDiscountCoupons, bool updVolumeDiscounts, bool updCredit, bool updShippingOptions, bool updDocuments, bool updFreeShipping) - recalculates specified values with given exchange rate. |
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