This provider works with customer addresses and provides the address data manipulation in general. The methods work with CMS.Ecommerce.AddressInfo class which is replaced by object in the method headers. The provider implements the following methods:
• | object GetAddressInfo(int addressId) – returns the AddressInfo object by address ID. |
• | object GetAddressInfo(string addressName) – returns the AddressInfo object address name. |
• | void SetAddressInfo(object address) – inserts/updates the AddressInfo object to the database. If the AddressID property value is set, the database record is updated, if not, the record is inserted and new record ID must be set in the object. |
• | void DeleteAddressInfo(int addressId) – deletes the address record from the database by given address ID. |
• | string GetAddressName(object addressInfoObj) – generates the address name. |
• | DataSet GetAddresses(string where, string orderBy) - returns the DataSet of all the addresses filtered by WHERE condition and ordered by orderBy expression, see the database reference for the address column definition. |
• | DataSet GetAddressesForCustomer(int customerId, bool showBilling, bool showShipping, bool showCompany, bool onlyEnabled) - returns the DataSet of all the addresses for the specified user according to the input parameters, see the database reference for the currency column definition. |
• | bool CheckDependencies(int addressId) - returns true if some objects depend on the address specified by its ID. |
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