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Department provider works with the department records and definition that can be used to separate the product groups and branches. It uses the CMS.Ecommerce.DepartmentInfo class.


object GetDepartmentInfo(int departmentId) – returns the DepartmentInfo object by given department ID.
object GetDepartmentInfo(string departmentName) – returns the DepartmentInfo object selected by given department code name.
void SetDepartmentInfo(object department) – updates the department record with the data from given DepartmentInfo object. If DepartmentID value is set, it updates the existing record, else it inserts a new record.
void DeleteDepartmentInfo(int departmentId) – deletes department record specified by its department ID.
void AddUserToDepartment(int departmentId, int userId) – adds the user to the department. User-Department is N:N relationship. This assignment is defined for the administration purposes and access control.
void RemoveUserFromDepartment(int departmentId, int userId) – removes user from the department.
bool IsUserInDepartment(int departmentId, int userId) – returns true if the user is member of given department.
DataSet GetUserDepartments(int userId) – returns the DataSet of the user departments, see the database reference for required column definition.
DataSet GetDepartments() – returns DataSet of all departments defined in the E-commerce system.
DataSet GetDepartments(string where, string orderBy) – returns DataSet of the departments selected with given condition and order by specification.
bool CheckDependencies(int departmentId) – returns true if some objects depend on given department to prevent the deletion.


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