Settings overview

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Kentico CMS settings are stored in two places:


Site settings are used for site configuration. These settings are stored in the database.
System settings are used for low-level configuration of the CMS system. These settings are stored in the web.config file. You can find more details in Appendix C - Web.config parameters.


Site settings


The site settings are stored in Kentico CMS database. You can configure them in Site Manager -> Settings. There are two types of settings:


Global - applied on all sites in the system
Site-specific - you can edit them after you choose the relevant web site in the drop-down list in the upper left corner




The site-specific settings may inherit global values:




Settings are organized in the following categories:


Web site - general web site settings
Content management - settings related content management of your web site
Files - settings related to the way how files are handled by the system; more info here
Membership - settings related to user accounts, on-line users monitoring, etc.
Security - settings related to passwords, permissions, secured protocols, banned IPs etc.
URLs and SEO - settings related to URLs and SEO, URL extensions, forbidden characters in URLs, permanent redirection etc.
Output filter - settings of how the output HTML code is modified before it is sent to the browser; more info here
System - general system settings, including time zones, UI, DB, event log, notification e-mails, etc.
E-mails - settings related to the e-mail engine, used SMTP server, etc.; more info here
Avatars - settings related to user and group avatar images and their resizing; more info here
Bad words - settings related to the Bad words module; more info here
Blogs - settings related to the Blogs module; more info here
Booking system - settings of booking system notification e-mails
Community - settings related to the community features - groups, members, activity points, etc.
Content staging - settings related to the Content staging module; more info here
Forums - settings related to the Forums module; more info here
Media libraries - settings related to the Media libraries module; more info here
Message boards - settings related to the Message boards module; more info here
Messaging - settings related to the Messaging module; more info here
Web analytics - settings related to the Web analytics module; more info here
Windows LiveID - settings related to LiveID authentication; more info here
E-commerce - settings related to the E-commerce module; more info in this chapter of the E-commerce guide
Payment gateway - Authorize.NET - settings of the Authorize.NET payment gateway used by the E-commerce module; more info in this chapter of the E-commerce guide
Payment gateway - PayPal - settings of the PayPal payment gateway used by the E-commerce module; more info in this chapter of the E-commerce guide


You can find more details on particular settings keys when you mouse-over the key name - you will see a pop-up info box that displays the key description. Detailed descriptions can also be found in Context help, which can be displayed by clicking the Help icon at the top right corner of the page.


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