Output filters

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The output filters are applied to rendered HTML code. They make various changes to the HTML code before it is sent to the browser:


Form filter


The form filter fixes the issue with non-working postbacks on pages that use URL rewriting. It ensures that forms, dialogs and buttons will work correctly on Kentico CMS-managed pages.


You can exclude pages from this filter by adding them to Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs -> Excluded Output Form Filter URLs value, separated with a semicolon (;).


XHTML filter


The XHTML filter fixes some XHTML incompatibilities. It closes unclosed tags, invalid <script> tags, etc.


You can exclude pages from this filter by adding them to Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs -> Excluded XHTML Filter URLs value, separated with a semicolon (;).


The XHTML errors may also be fixed in the WYSIWYG editor when they are saved. This can be configured globally in the CMSWYSIWYGFixXHTML web.config parameter (supported values are "true" and "false").



Resolve filter


The resolve filter changes relative URL in format ~/mypage1/mypage2.aspx to /application/mypage1/mypage2.aspx (application running in a subfolder) or /mypage1/mypage2.aspx (application running in the root). It changes only URLs inside src and href attributes.


You can exclude pages from this filter by adding them to Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs -> Excluded Resolve Filter URLs value, separated with a semicolon (;).

Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?output_filters.htm