Settings related to the Media libraries module are located in Site Manager -> Settings -> Media libraries. The following settings are related to the module:
• | Media file hidden folder - name of the folder where resized media files, thumbnails and resized thumbnails are stored; this folder is hidden in the file system by default |
• | Media file thumbnail suffix - suffix added to thumbnail files; thumbnail file names are in the following format: < file name >_< file extension >< thumbnail suffix >.< thumbnail extension > |
• | Media file allowed extensions - extensions of files which can be uploaded to media libraries; should be entered divided by semicolons |
• | Check files permissions - indicates if the "See media library content" permission is checked when retrieving media files using permanent URLs |
• | Use permanent URLs - if true, URLs of medial library files will be generated in permanent format (~/getmedia/<file guid>/<file name>.<file extension>.<files friendly URL extension>), otherwise direct path to the file will be used (e.g.: ~/MySite/Media/MyLibrary/MyImage.jpg) |
• | Media libraries folder - physical path to the folder where the root folders of all media libraries are stored; more info here |
• | Max subfolders - maximal number of subfolders shown under an expanded node in the tree view |

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