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IShippingDiscountSource Interface
Represents a source of shipping discounts.

Namespace: CMS.Ecommerce
Assembly: CMS.Ecommerce (in CMS.Ecommerce.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public interface IShippingDiscountSource

The IShippingDiscountSource type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetDiscounts
Returns the shipping discounts for the specified data. Applied shipping discounts must be running, applicable for the given User and satisfy the discount conditions. Only shipping discounts satisfying the minimum order amount are returned.
Public methodGetRemainingAmountForFreeShipping
Returns remaining amount for free shipping. Method checks applicable free shipping offers which DiscountOrderAmount is larger than orderAmount and returns additional amount to reach free shipping offer. Method returns 0 if there is no valid discount or if free shipping is already applied.
See Also