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CMS.Ecommerce Namespace
Public classActivityTrackingHelper
Helper methods for logging activities in administration.
Public classAddItemToCartValidator
Performs validation of an item to be added to a shopping cart.
Public classAddressConverter
Provides conversion methods for addresses.
Public classAddressInfo
AddressInfo data container class.
Public classAddressInfoProvider
Class providing AddressInfo management.
Public classAddressInfoProviderExtensions
Contains extension methods for the IAddressInfoProvider interface.
Public classAuthorizeNetParameters
Class providing names of Authorize.NET payment gateway required parameters.
Public classAuthorizeNetPaymentResultInfo
Authorize.NET payment result.
Public classBaseCouponCodeInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider
Base provider for MultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider and CouponCodeInfoProvider
Public classBillingAddressDoesNotMatchCustomerValidationError
Represents a validation error caused by setting billing address from different customer.
Public classBillingAddressNotSetValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart missing a billing address.
Public classBrandInfo
Data container class for BrandInfo.
Public classBrandInfoProvider
Class providing BrandInfo management.
Public classBundleInfo
BundleInfo data container class.
Public classBundleInfoProvider
Class providing BundleInfo management.
Public classCalculationRequest
Input data necessary to perform calculation.
Public classCalculationRequestItem
Item to be processed in a calculation.
Public classCalculationRequestItemOption
Option that may provide modification or customization of an item.
Public classCalculationResult
Result data of a calculation
Public classCalculationResultItem
Detailed information of an item included in the calculation.
Public classCalculatorData
Holds data required to perform shopping cart calculation.
Public classCarrierInfo
CarrierInfo data container class.
Public classCarrierInfoProvider
Class providing CarrierInfo management.
Public classCartAddressesValidator
Class representing validator of addresses belonging to a cart.
Public classCartDiscountsFilter
Allows to filter list of conditional cart discounts according to its conditions and stop processing flag.
Public classCartItemDiscountCalculator
Provides cart item discount calculation (product coupon and multibuy discounts).
Public classCheckoutProcessInfo
Class providing checkout process definition management.
Public classCheckoutProcessStepInfo
Checkout process step object.
Public classCMSAuthorizeNetProvider
Class providing payment using Authorize.NET payment gateway.
Public classCMSCreditPaymentProvider
Class providing methods and properties for credit payment.
Public classCMSPaymentAuthorizationValidator
Class represents validator for payment authorization.
Public classCMSPaymentGatewayProvider
Class providing base methods and properties for payment gateway management.
Public classCMSPayPalProvider
Class providing payment using PayPal payment gateway.
Public classCodeUniquenessChecker
Ensures discount code uniqueness in entire application.
Public classCollectionInfo
Data container class for CollectionInfo.
Public classCollectionInfoProvider
Class providing CollectionInfo management.
Public classCountryNotSetValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from missing country specification.
Public classCouponCode
Represents the coupon code.
Public classCouponCodeCollection
Represents the collection of coupon codes.
Public classCouponCodeInfo
CouponCodeInfo data container class.
Public classCouponCodeInfoProvider
Class providing CouponCodeInfo management.
Public classCouponGeneratorConfig
Represents configuration object for discount coupon creation with redemption limit.
Public classCreateOrderValidator
Class representing validator for order finalization.
Public classCreditEventInfo
CreditEventInfo data container class.
Public classCreditEventInfoProvider
Class providing CreditEventInfo management.
Public classCurrencyConverter
Static wrapper for currency conversion service.
Public classCurrencyConverterService
Currency conversion service.
Public classCurrencyInfo
CurrencyInfo data container class.
Public classCurrencyInfoProvider
Class providing CurrencyInfo management.
Public classCurrencyNotSetValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart missing a currency.
Public classCurrentShoppingCartStrategy
Default implementation of ICurrentShoppingCartStrategy.
Public classCustomerAddressValidator
Class for customer address validation.
Public classCustomerHelper
Helper class that helps with customer manipulation.
Public classCustomerInfo
CustomerInfo data container class.
Public classCustomerInfoExtensions
Encapsulates extension methods regarding CustomerInfo.
Public classCustomerInfoProvider
Class providing CustomerInfo management.
Public classCustomerNotSetValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart missing a customer.
Public classCustomerPreferences
Represent customer preferences.
Public classCustomerShoppingService
Provides functionality for customer and user management while working with shopping cart.
Public classDefaultCarrierProvider
Default carrier provider encapsulating default shipping cost calculation by weight.
Public classDefaultCustomerPreferencesProvider
Default implementation of ICustomerPreferencesProvider taking customer's preferences from the last order placed on respective site.
Public classDefaultDeliveryBuilder
The default implementation of IDeliveryBuilder. Creates delivery objects based on the calculation request.
Public classDefaultTaxEstimationService
Provides a tax estimation based on country and state. This is the default implementation of the ITaxEstimationService.
Public classDelivery
Class representing a delivery (a set of items shipped together using a shipping option).
Public classDeliveryItem
Class representing one item in Delivery.
Public classDepartmentInfo
DepartmentInfo data container class.
Public classDepartmentInfoProvider
Class providing DepartmentInfo management.
Public classDisabledUserValidationError
Represents a validation error caused by user being disabled.
Public classDiscountCollection
Represents a group of discounts applied on the same base price.
Public classDiscountInfo
DiscountInfo data container class.
Public classDiscountInfoProvider
Class providing DiscountInfo management.
Public classDiscountInfoProviderExtensions
Contains extension methods for the IDiscountInfoProvider interface.
Public classDiscountsFilterBase
Base class for discount filters.
Public classDiscountsParameters
Represents set of discounts parameters used e.g. for discounts filtering and querying.
Public classECommerceActionContext
Ecommerce Action context. Ensures context for the actions block.
Public classEcommerceActivityLogger
Provides possibility to log E-commerce activities.
Public classECommerceContext
E-commerce context.
Public classEcommerceEvents
Global e-commerce events
Public classECommerceHelper
Custom E-commerce helper.
Public classECommerceModule
Represents the E-commerce module.
Public classEcommercePermissions
Class containing string constants of all e-commerce module permissions and static methods for checking permissions.
Public classEcommerceResolvers
Resolvers used in e-mail templates and other macro visual components.
Public classECommerceSettings
Class providing access to E-commerce related settings.
Public classEProductReminder
Provides an ITask interface to send notifications to users about their expiring e-product downloads. If started as global scheduled task, it sends notifications about expiring e-products on all sites.
Public classExchangeRateInfo
ExchangeRateInfo data container class.
Public classExchangeRateInfoProvider
Class providing ExchangeRateInfo management.
Public classExchangeTableInfo
ExchangeTableInfo data container class.
Public classExchangeTableInfoProvider
Class providing ExchangeTableInfo management.
Public classGiftCardApplication
Represents an application of the gift card.
Public classGiftCardCouponCodeInfo
GiftCardCouponCodeInfo data container class.
Public classGiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider
Class providing GiftCardCouponCodeInfo management.
Public classGiftCardInfo
Data container class for GiftCardInfo.
Public classGiftCardInfoProvider
Class providing GiftCardInfo management.
Public classGtmData
Represents key value pair data used for Google Tag Manager integration.
Public classGtmDataHelper
Helps to generate JSON output for Google Tag Manager.
Public classGtmOrderHelper
Helper class that helps to map objects to Google Tag Manager order related objects.
Public classGtmProductHelper
Helper class that helps to map products to Google Tag Manager product object.
Public classGtmPropertiesMerger
Utility class for merging properties of two objects.
Public classInternalStatusInfo
InternalStatusInfo data container class.
Public classInternalStatusInfoProvider
Class providing InternalStatusInfo management.
Public classInvalidCurrencyConversionException
The exception that is thrown when currency conversion fails.
Public classManufacturerInfo
ManufacturerInfo data container class.
Public classManufacturerInfoProvider
Class providing ManufacturerInfo management.
Public classMarkCartAbandoned
Provides an ITask interface to mark abandoned shopping carts.
Public classMultiBuyCouponCodeInfo
MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo data container class.
Public classMultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyDiscount
Class implementing multibuy discount from calculation point of view.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo
Data container class for MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountBrandInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo
Data container class for MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo
MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo data container class.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountInfo
MultiBuyDiscountInfo data container class.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountsAutoAdder
Class calculating missed discount opportunities and adding discounted items to the shopping cart automatically.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountsEvaluator
Class handling application of multi buy discounts on set of cart items. Discounts are based on the most expensive products. Discounts are applied to cheapest products.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo
MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo data container class.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountSKUInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo
Data container class for MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo.
Public classMultiBuyDiscountTreeInfoProvider
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo management.
Public classMultiBuyItem
Represents an item for Buy X get Y discounts evaluation.
Public classNewOrderCreatedEventArgs
Event arguments for "new order created" event
Public classNewOrderCreatedHandler
New order created (through checkout process) event handler
Public classOptionCategoryInfo
OptionCategoryInfo data container class.
Public classOptionCategoryInfoProvider
Class providing OptionCategoryInfo management.
Public classOrderAddressInfo
OrderAddressInfo data container class.
Public classOrderAddressInfoProvider
Class providing AddressInfo management.
Public classOrderDiscountsCalculator
Calculation step providing calculation of order discounts.
Public classOrderInfo
OrderInfo data container class.
Public classOrderInfoProvider
Class providing OrderInfo management.
Public classOrderInfoProviderExtensions
Contains extension methods for the IOrderInfoProvider interface.
Public classOrderItemInfo
OrderItemInfo data container class.
Public classOrderItemInfoProvider
Class providing OrderItemInfo management.
Public classOrderItemSKUFileInfo
OrderItemSKUFileInfo data container class.
Public classOrderItemSKUFileInfoProvider
Class providing OrderItemSKUFileInfo management.
Public classOrderPaidEventArgs
Event arguments for "order paid" event
Public classOrderPaidHandler
Order paid event handler
Public classOrdersCollection
Collection of customer orders represented by OrderInfo objects
Public classOrderStatusInfo
OrderStatusInfo data container class.
Public classOrderStatusInfoProvider
Class providing OrderStatusInfo management.
Public classOrderStatusUserInfo
OrderStatusUserInfo data container class.
Public classOrderStatusUserInfoProvider
Class providing OrderStatusUserInfo management.
Public classOtherPaymentApplication
Represents an other payment application (e.g. a gift card)
Public classOtherPaymentsCalculator
Calculation step providing calculation of the other payments such as gift cards.
Public classPaymentGatewayProcessor
Default implementation of IPaymentGatewayProcessor.
Public classPaymentNotAuthorizedValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from user not being authorized for payment.
Public classPaymentOptionFromDifferentSiteValidationError
Represents a validation error caused by setting payment option from different site.
Public classPaymentOptionInfo
PaymentOptionInfo data container class.
Public classPaymentOptionInfoProvider
Class providing PaymentOptionInfo management.
Public classPaymentOptionInfoProviderExtensions
Contains extension methods for the IPaymentOptionInfoProvider interface.
Public classPaymentOptionNotApplicableValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from payment option not being applicable.
Public classPaymentOptionNotSetValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from missing payment option.
Public classPaymentOptionValidator
Performs validation of a payment option to be assigned to a shopping cart.
Public classPaymentResultInfo
Class representing payment result.
Public classPaymentResultItemInfo
Class representing payment result item (= one payment result xml node).
Public classPayPalPaymentResultInfo
PayPal payment result.
Public classPriceParameters
Parameters used in the product price calculation.
Public classProductAddedToCartEventArgs
Event arguments for "product added to shopping cart" event
Public classProductAddedToCartHandler
Product added to shopping cart event handler.
Public classProductAttributeSet
Product attributes set with enhanced functionality
Public classProductCatalogPrices
Container for product catalog prices (i.e. final prices shown to the customer).
Public classProductDiscountService
Default implementation of the IProductDiscountService interface.
Public classProductDiscountsFilter
Allows to filter list of conditional product discounts according to its conditions and stop processing flag.
Public classProductDiscountSource
Represents a source of discounts related to product units.
Public classProductHelper
Provides advanced manipulation with products and product options.
Public classProductPrices
Container for product prices and applied discounts.
Public classProductPricingService
Service providing product prices retrieval.
Public classProductVariant
Envelope form variant-type SKU object, that provides advanced methods a features.
Public classPublicStatusInfo
PublicStatusInfo data container class.
Public classPublicStatusInfoProvider
Class providing PublicStatusInfo management.
Public classRandomCodeGenerator
Class generating random coupon codes according to specified pattern.
Public classRegisteredCustomerRequiredValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from missing a customer where necessary.
Public classShippingAddressDoesNotMatchCustomerValidationError
Represents a validation error caused by setting shipping address from different customer.
Public classShippingAndPaymentValidator
Validates that selected shipping option and payment method are valid for given cart.
Public classShippingCalculator
Provides calculation of shipping price.
Public classShippingCostInfo
ShippingCostInfo data container class.
Public classShippingCostInfoProvider
Class providing ShippingCostInfo management.
Public classShippingOptionDisabledValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shipping option being disabled.
Public classShippingOptionFromDifferentSiteValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shipping option belonging to a different site.
Public classShippingOptionInfo
ShippingOptionInfo data container class.
Public classShippingOptionInfoProvider
Class providing ShippingOptionInfo management.
Public classShippingOptionInfoProviderExtensions
Contains extension methods for the IShippingOptionInfoProvider interface.
Public classShippingOptionNotApplicableValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shipping option not being applicable.
Public classShippingOptionNotSetValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from missing shipping option.
Public classShippingOptionValidator
Performs validation of a shipping option to be assigned to a shopping cart.
Public classShippingPriceCalculatorFactory
Default implementation of IShippingPriceCalculatorFactory.
Public classShippingPrices
Container for the shipping prices and applied discounts.
Public classShoppingCartAdapterService
Service providing an interface between ShoppingCartInfo and the calculation pipeline.
Public classShoppingCartCalculatorCollection
Represents the ordered collection of calculation pipeline actions performing shopping cart calculation.
Public classShoppingCartCleaner
Provides an ITask interface to delete old shopping carts.
Public classShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo
Data container class for ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo.
Public classShoppingCartCouponCodeInfoProvider
Class providing ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo management.
Public classShoppingCartEmptyValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart being empty.
Public classShoppingCartFactory
Static wrapper for IShoppingCartFactory service providing ShoppingCartInfo objects creation.
Public classShoppingCartInfo
ShoppingCartInfo data container class.
Public classShoppingCartInfoProvider
Class providing ShoppingCartInfo management.
Public classShoppingCartItemInfo
Shopping cart item data container class.
Public classShoppingCartItemInfoProvider
Class providing ShoppingCartItemInfo management.
Public classShoppingCartItemParameters
Data container of the parameters which represent configuration of the shopping cart item to be added/updated in the shopping cart object.
Public classShoppingCartItemValidationError
Base class for shopping cart item related errors.
Public classShoppingCartItemValidator
Class representing validator used for validation of individual shopping cart items.
Public classShoppingCartLine
Represents one line of the shopping cart content.
Public classShoppingCartValidator
Class responsible for validation of shopping cart and its items.
Public classShoppingService
Provides interaction with shopping cart.
Public classSKUAllowedOptionInfo
SKUAllowedOptionInfo data container class. Represents binding between product and product option which is suitable for given product.
Public classSKUAllowedOptionInfoProvider
Class providing SKUAllowedOptionInfo management.
Public classSKUDisabledOrExpiredValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from having a disabled or expired item in cart.
Public classSKUFileInfo
SKUFileInfo data container class.
Public classSKUFileInfoProvider
Class providing SKUFileInfo management.
Public classSKUFromDifferentSiteValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from using an SKU from a different site where not appropriate.
Public classSKUImport
Handles special actions during the SKU import process.
Public classSKUInfo
SKUInfo data container class.
Public classSKUInfoProvider
Class providing SKUInfo management.
Public classSKUMaxUnitsExceededValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from an excess of product units in cart.
Public classSKUMembershipListInfo
List info for displaying products and product options belonging to membership.
Public classSKUMinUnitsNotReachedValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from not having enough of product units in cart.
Public classSKUNotInStockValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from store not having enough units of product in stock.
Public classSKUOptionCategoryInfo
SKUOptionCategoryInfo data container class.
Public classSKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider
Class providing SKUOptionCategoryInfo management.
Public classSKUTreeNode
Class representing document connected with product
Public classSKUTreeNodeFactory
Factory that provides SKUTreeNode for product document types
Public classSKUUrlService
Service for retrieving absolute live site URL of a product.
Public classStateNotFromCountryValidationError
Represents a validation error resulting from assigning a state not belonging to a certain country.
Public classSummaryItem
Class used for displaying order summaries (discounts, taxes, other payments) in Invoice, Email template and Shopping cart.
Public classSupplierInfo
SupplierInfo data container class.
Public classSupplierInfoProvider
Class providing SupplierInfo management.
Public classTaxAddressService
Represents a service providing an address for the tax calculation based on e-commerce module settings.
Public classTaxCalculationParameters
Parameters of the tax calculation.
Public classTaxCalculationRequest
Represents the tax calculation request. Contains all the parameters needed to evaluate taxes applied to the purchase.
Public classTaxCalculationResult
Represents the result of a tax calculation process.
Public classTaxCalculator
Provides tax calculation.
Public classTaxClassCountryInfo
TaxClassCountryInfo data container class.
Public classTaxClassCountryInfoProvider
Class providing TaxClassCountryInfo management.
Public classTaxClassInfo
TaxClassInfo data container class.
Public classTaxClassInfoProvider
Provides methods for working with TaxClassInfo and its data.
Public classTaxClassService
Default implementation of ITaxClassService interface.
Public classTaxClassStateInfo
TaxClassStateInfo data container class.
Public classTaxClassStateInfoProvider
Class providing TaxClassStateInfo management.
Public classTaxEstimationParameters
Represents parameters of the tax estimation.
Public classTaxItem
Item of taxed purchase.
Public classTotalValuesCalculator
Provides total shopping cart price calculation.
Public classUnitPriceCalculator
Provides calculation of cart items' unit prices.
Public classValuesSummary
Class representing values summary (discounts, taxes, other payments) in Invoice, Email template and Shopping cart.
Public classVariantHelper
Provides advanced manipulation with product variants.
Public classVariantOptionInfo
VariantOptionInfo data container class. Represents binding between variant of product and product option which the respective variant contains.
Public classVariantOptionInfoProvider
Class providing VariantOptionInfo management.
Public classVolumeDiscountInfo
VolumeDiscountInfo data container class.
Public classVolumeDiscountInfoProvider
Class providing VolumeDiscountInfo management.
Public classWishlistItemInfo
WishlistItemInfo data container class.
Public classWishlistItemInfoProvider
Class providing WishlistItemInfo management.
Public interfaceIAddressConverter
Defines methods which converts addresses.
Public interfaceIAddressInfoProvider
Declares members for AddressInfo management.
Public interfaceIBrandInfoProvider
Declares members for BrandInfo management.
Public interfaceIBundleInfoProvider
Declares members for BundleInfo management.
Public interfaceICalculatorLoggingService
Provides logging functionality for shopping cart calculation pipeline.
Public interfaceICarrierInfoProvider
Declares members for CarrierInfo management.
Public interfaceICarrierProvider
Interface providing base methods and properties for carrier providers.
Public interfaceICartItemChecker
Service for consistency checking of added products.
Public interfaceICatalogDiscountSource
Represents a source of catalog discounts.
Public interfaceICatalogPriceCalculator
Represents a calculator of product catalog prices.
Public interfaceICatalogPriceCalculatorFactory
Represents a factory creating site specific calculators of product catalog prices.
Public interfaceICatalogTaxCalculator
Represents a calculator of product taxes.
Public interfaceICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory
Represents a factory creating tax calculators used in a product catalog.
Public interfaceICodeUniquenessChecker
Ensures discount code uniqueness in entire application.
Public interfaceICollectionInfoProvider
Declares members for CollectionInfo management.
Public interfaceIConditionalDiscount
Represents discount which is applicable only if specific macro condition is met.
Public interfaceICountryStateTaxRateSource
Defines the contract for classes providing tax rate for country (and state).
Public interfaceICouponCode
Represents the coupon code.
Public interfaceICouponCodeApplication
Represents action for coupon code application.
Public interfaceICouponCodeCollection
Represents the collection of coupon codes.
Public interfaceICouponCodeInfoProvider
Declares members for CouponCodeInfo management.
Public interfaceICreditEventInfoProvider
Declares members for CreditEventInfo management.
Public interfaceICurrencyConverter
Defines methods that convert money between currencies.
Public interfaceICurrencyConverterFactory
Defines the contract that class factories must implement to create new ICurrencyConverter objects.
Public interfaceICurrencyConverterService
Contract for currency conversion service.
Public interfaceICurrencyInfoProvider
Declares members for CurrencyInfo management.
Public interfaceICurrentShoppingCartService
Interface for service providing current shopping cart.
Public interfaceICurrentShoppingCartStrategy
Represent a strategy used during obtaining visitor's current shopping cart.
Public interfaceICustomerInfoProvider
Declares members for CustomerInfo management.
Public interfaceICustomerPreferencesProvider
Interface for provider of customer's preferences.
Public interfaceICustomerRegistrationRepository
Repository for storing data related to customer registration after checkout process is finished.
Public interfaceICustomerRegistrationRepositoryFactory
Interface for factories providing customer registration repositories.
Public interfaceICustomerShoppingService
Provides interface for customer and user management while working with shopping cart.
Public interfaceICustomerTaxClassService
Defines the contract for classes responsible for the categorization of customers into customer tax classes.
Public interfaceIDelayedPaymentGatewayProvider
Interface describing the external payment gateway supporting direct payments.
Public interfaceIDeliveryBuilder
Interface for classes able to create Delivery objects from the calculation request.
Public interfaceIDepartmentInfoProvider
Declares members for DepartmentInfo management.
Public interfaceIDirectPaymentGatewayProvider
Interface describing the external payment gateway supporting direct payments.
Public interfaceIDiscount
Represents a general discount application which is applicable on the base price.
Public interfaceIDiscountApplicator
Service that applies multiple discounts on the price.
Public interfaceIDiscountInfo
Represents info object providing any discounts.
Public interfaceIDiscountInfoProvider
Declares members for DiscountInfo management.
Public interfaceIEcommerceActivityLogger
Provides possibility to log E-commerce activities.
Public interfaceIExchangeRateInfoProvider
Declares members for ExchangeRateInfo management.
Public interfaceIExchangeTableInfoProvider
Declares members for ExchangeTableInfo management.
Public interfaceIGiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider
Declares members for GiftCardCouponCodeInfo management.
Public interfaceIGiftCardInfoProvider
Declares members for GiftCardInfo management.
Public interfaceIGiftCardSource
Represents a source of gift cards.
Public interfaceIInternalStatusInfoProvider
Declares members for InternalStatusInfo management.
Public interfaceIManufacturerInfoProvider
Declares members for ManufacturerInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscount
Interface for discounts in form: "Buy N units of these products... and get M unit of these products for free".
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountBrandInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountsApplicator
Interface implemented by applicators of multibuy/coupon discounts and auto-adders.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountsEvaluator
Interface for classes that handle application of multi buy discounts on set of cart items.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountSKUInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo management.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountSource
Represents a source of multibuy discounts.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountsService
Defines the contract for classes providing multibuy discount evaluation.
Public interfaceIMultiBuyDiscountTreeInfoProvider
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo management.
Public interfaceIOptionCategoryInfoProvider
Declares members for OptionCategoryInfo management.
Public interfaceIOrderAddressInfoProvider
Declares members for OrderAddressInfo management.
Public interfaceIOrderDiscountSource
Represents a source of order discounts.
Public interfaceIOrderInfoProvider
Declares members for OrderInfo management.
Public interfaceIOrderItemInfoProvider
Declares members for OrderItemInfo management.
Public interfaceIOrderItemSKUFileInfoProvider
Declares members for OrderItemSKUFileInfo management.
Public interfaceIOrderStatusInfoProvider
Declares members for OrderStatusInfo management.
Public interfaceIOrderStatusUserInfoProvider
Declares members for OrderStatusUserInfo management.
Public interfaceIPaymentGatewayProcessor
Main entry point for processing payment on any payment gateways.
Public interfaceIPaymentGatewayProvider
General payment gateway provider implementation.
Public interfaceIPaymentOptionInfoProvider
Declares members for PaymentOptionInfo management.
Public interfaceIPayPalContextProvider
Describes provider of PayPal context.
Public interfaceIPrioritizable
Interface providing access to priority of object.
Public interfaceIProductCouponService
Defines the contract for classes providing product coupon discount evaluation.
Public interfaceIProductCouponSource
Represents a source of product coupon discounts.
Public interfaceIProductDiscountService
Service providing calculation of discounts related to product units.
Public interfaceIProductDiscountSource
Represents a source of discounts related to product units.
Public interfaceIProductPricingService
Service providing product prices retrieval.
Public interfaceIPublicStatusInfoProvider
Declares members for PublicStatusInfo management.
Public interfaceIReadOnlyCouponCodeCollection
Represents the read only collection of coupon codes.
Public interfaceIRoundingService
Defines interface to implement price rounding service.
Public interfaceIRoundingServiceFactory
Interface for factories providing site-specific rounding services.
Public interfaceISettingService
Interface for service providing setting values.
Public interfaceISettingServiceFactory
Interface for factories providing site-specific setting services.
Public interfaceIShippingCostInfoProvider
Declares members for ShippingCostInfo management.
Public interfaceIShippingDiscountSource
Represents a source of shipping discounts.
Public interfaceIShippingOptionInfoProvider
Declares members for ShippingOptionInfo management.
Public interfaceIShippingPriceCalculator
Interface for classes providing shipping price calculation.
Public interfaceIShippingPriceCalculatorFactory
Contract for factories creating instances of IShippingPriceCalculator.
Public interfaceIShippingPriceService
Service providing shipping price calculation.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartAdapterService
Service providing an interface between ShoppingCartInfo and the calculation pipeline.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartCache
Interface representing general cache able to store shopping cart info object for current visitor.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartCalculationFactory
Represents factory providing shopping cart calculator implementations.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartCalculator
Represents one part of shopping cart calculation pipeline.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartClientStorage
Interface for storing shopping cart GUID on the client's side.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartCouponCodeInfoProvider
Declares members for ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo management.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartEvaluator
Interface for shopping cart evaluation.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartFactory
Represents a factory able to create and initialize new instances of ShoppingCartInfo.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartInfoProvider
Declares members for ShoppingCartInfo management.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartItemInfoProvider
Declares members for ShoppingCartItemInfo management.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartRepository
Interface for basic (CRUD) operations with shopping cart info.
Public interfaceIShoppingCartSession
Interface for storing shopping cart GUID in session.
Public interfaceIShoppingService
Provides interface for interaction with shopping cart.
Public interfaceISiteMainCurrencySource
Defines the members for a service providing a main currency for sites.
Public interfaceISKUAllowedOptionInfoProvider
Declares members for SKUAllowedOptionInfo management.
Public interfaceISKUFileInfoProvider
Declares members for SKUFileInfo management.
Public interfaceISKUInfoProvider
Declares members for SKUInfo management.
Public interfaceISKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider
Declares members for SKUOptionCategoryInfo management.
Public interfaceISKUPriceSource
Defines the members for a source of SKU price.
Public interfaceISKUPriceSourceFactory
Defines the members for a factory creating creating site specific price sources.
Public interfaceISKUUrlService
Defines methods to retrieve absolute live site URL of a product.
Public interfaceISupplierInfoProvider
Declares members for SupplierInfo management.
Public interfaceITaxAddressService
Defines the contract for classes responsible for the tax address resolution.
Public interfaceITaxAddressServiceFactory
Defines the interface for factories providing a site-specific tax address selection.
Public interfaceITaxCalculationService
Defines the contract for classes providing tax calculation.
Public interfaceITaxCalculationServiceFactory
Interface for factories providing site-specific tax calculation services.
Public interfaceITaxClassCountryInfoProvider
Declares members for TaxClassCountryInfo management.
Public interfaceITaxClassInfoProvider
Declares members for TaxClassInfo management.
Public interfaceITaxClassService
Defines the contract for classes responsible for the product tax class retrieval.
Public interfaceITaxClassStateInfoProvider
Declares members for TaxClassStateInfo management.
Public interfaceITaxEstimationService
Defines the methods to implement a tax estimation service - i.e. fast, but not so accurate tax calculation.
Public interfaceIVariantOptionInfoProvider
Declares members for VariantOptionInfo management.
Public interfaceIVolumeDiscountInfoProvider
Declares members for VolumeDiscountInfo management.
Public interfaceIVolumeDiscountSource
Represents a source of volume discounts.
Public interfaceIWishlistItemInfoProvider
Declares members for WishlistItemInfo management.
Public enumerationAddressType
Represents the type of address.
Public enumerationApplyTaxBasedOnEnum
Options saying what the taxes are to be based on.
Public enumerationBundleInventoryTypeEnum
Inventory removal options for bundle products.
Public enumerationCheckoutProcessEnum
Type of checkout process.
Public enumerationCouponCodeApplicationStatusEnum
Represents the status of coupon code application.
Public enumerationCustomerTaxClass
Represents the type of customer from taxes point of view.
Public enumerationDiscountApplicationEnum
Discount application enumeration.
Public enumerationDiscountCustomerEnum
Discount customer selection enumeration.
Public enumerationDiscountStatusEnum
Discount status enumerator.
Public enumerationDiscountTypeEnum
Discount type.
Public enumerationOptionCategorySelectionTypeEnum
Type of control to select product options.
Public enumerationOptionCategoryTypeEnum
Type of the product option category.
Public enumerationProductsTreeModeEnum
Options specifying how will the products be organized in product management UI.
Public enumerationSKUProductTypeEnum
SKU product type options.
Public enumerationTrackInventoryTypeEnum
Track Inventory Methods