CMS.Ecommerce Namespace |
Class | Description | |
ActivityTrackingHelper |
Helper methods for logging activities in administration.
| |
AddItemToCartValidator |
Performs validation of an item to be added to a shopping cart.
| |
AddressConverter |
Provides conversion methods for addresses.
| |
AddressInfo |
AddressInfo data container class.
| |
AddressInfoProvider |
Class providing AddressInfo management.
| |
AddressInfoProviderExtensions |
Contains extension methods for the IAddressInfoProvider interface.
| |
AuthorizeNetParameters |
Class providing names of Authorize.NET payment gateway required parameters.
| |
AuthorizeNetPaymentResultInfo |
Authorize.NET payment result.
| |
BaseCouponCodeInfoProviderTInfo, TProvider |
Base provider for MultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider and CouponCodeInfoProvider
| |
BillingAddressDoesNotMatchCustomerValidationError |
Represents a validation error caused by setting billing address from different customer.
| |
BillingAddressNotSetValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart missing a billing address.
| |
BrandInfo |
Data container class for BrandInfo.
| |
BrandInfoProvider |
Class providing BrandInfo management.
| |
BundleInfo |
BundleInfo data container class.
| |
BundleInfoProvider |
Class providing BundleInfo management.
| |
CalculationRequest |
Input data necessary to perform calculation.
| |
CalculationRequestItem |
Item to be processed in a calculation.
| |
CalculationRequestItemOption |
Option that may provide modification or customization of an item.
| |
CalculationResult |
Result data of a calculation
| |
CalculationResultItem |
Detailed information of an item included in the calculation.
| |
CalculatorData |
Holds data required to perform shopping cart calculation.
| |
CarrierInfo |
CarrierInfo data container class.
| |
CarrierInfoProvider |
Class providing CarrierInfo management.
| |
CartAddressesValidator |
Class representing validator of addresses belonging to a cart.
| |
CartDiscountsFilter |
Allows to filter list of conditional cart discounts according to its conditions and stop processing flag.
| |
CartItemDiscountCalculator |
Provides cart item discount calculation (product coupon and multibuy discounts).
| |
CheckoutProcessInfo |
Class providing checkout process definition management.
| |
CheckoutProcessStepInfo |
Checkout process step object.
| |
CMSAuthorizeNetProvider |
Class providing payment using Authorize.NET payment gateway.
| |
CMSCreditPaymentProvider |
Class providing methods and properties for credit payment.
| |
CMSPaymentAuthorizationValidator |
Class represents validator for payment authorization.
| |
CMSPaymentGatewayProvider |
Class providing base methods and properties for payment gateway management.
| |
CMSPayPalProvider |
Class providing payment using PayPal payment gateway.
| |
CodeUniquenessChecker |
Ensures discount code uniqueness in entire application.
| |
CollectionInfo |
Data container class for CollectionInfo.
| |
CollectionInfoProvider |
Class providing CollectionInfo management.
| |
CountryNotSetValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from missing country specification.
| |
CouponCode |
Represents the coupon code.
| |
CouponCodeCollection |
Represents the collection of coupon codes.
| |
CouponCodeInfo |
CouponCodeInfo data container class.
| |
CouponCodeInfoProvider |
Class providing CouponCodeInfo management.
| |
CouponGeneratorConfig |
Represents configuration object for discount coupon creation with redemption limit.
| |
CreateOrderValidator |
Class representing validator for order finalization.
| |
CreditEventInfo |
CreditEventInfo data container class.
| |
CreditEventInfoProvider |
Class providing CreditEventInfo management.
| |
CurrencyConverter |
Static wrapper for currency conversion service.
| |
CurrencyConverterService |
Currency conversion service.
| |
CurrencyInfo |
CurrencyInfo data container class.
| |
CurrencyInfoProvider |
Class providing CurrencyInfo management.
| |
CurrencyNotSetValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart missing a currency.
| |
CurrentShoppingCartStrategy |
Default implementation of ICurrentShoppingCartStrategy.
| |
CustomerAddressValidator |
Class for customer address validation.
| |
CustomerHelper |
Helper class that helps with customer manipulation.
| |
CustomerInfo |
CustomerInfo data container class.
| |
CustomerInfoExtensions |
Encapsulates extension methods regarding CustomerInfo.
| |
CustomerInfoProvider |
Class providing CustomerInfo management.
| |
CustomerNotSetValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart missing a customer.
| |
CustomerPreferences |
Represent customer preferences.
| |
CustomerShoppingService |
Provides functionality for customer and user management while working with shopping cart.
| |
DefaultCarrierProvider |
Default carrier provider encapsulating default shipping cost calculation by weight.
| |
DefaultCustomerPreferencesProvider |
Default implementation of ICustomerPreferencesProvider taking customer's preferences
from the last order placed on respective site.
| |
DefaultDeliveryBuilder |
The default implementation of IDeliveryBuilder. Creates delivery objects based on the calculation request.
| |
DefaultTaxEstimationService |
Provides a tax estimation based on country and state. This is the default implementation of the ITaxEstimationService.
| |
Delivery |
Class representing a delivery (a set of items shipped together using a shipping option).
| |
DeliveryItem |
Class representing one item in Delivery.
| |
DepartmentInfo |
DepartmentInfo data container class.
| |
DepartmentInfoProvider |
Class providing DepartmentInfo management.
| |
DisabledUserValidationError |
Represents a validation error caused by user being disabled.
| |
DiscountCollection |
Represents a group of discounts applied on the same base price.
| |
DiscountInfo |
DiscountInfo data container class.
| |
DiscountInfoProvider |
Class providing DiscountInfo management.
| |
DiscountInfoProviderExtensions |
Contains extension methods for the IDiscountInfoProvider interface.
| |
DiscountsFilterBase |
Base class for discount filters.
| |
DiscountsParameters |
Represents set of discounts parameters used e.g. for discounts filtering and querying.
| |
ECommerceActionContext |
Ecommerce Action context. Ensures context for the actions block.
| |
EcommerceActivityLogger |
Provides possibility to log E-commerce activities.
| |
ECommerceContext |
E-commerce context.
| |
EcommerceEvents |
Global e-commerce events
| |
ECommerceHelper |
Custom E-commerce helper.
| |
ECommerceModule |
Represents the E-commerce module.
| |
EcommercePermissions |
Class containing string constants of all e-commerce module permissions and static methods for checking permissions.
| |
EcommerceResolvers |
Resolvers used in e-mail templates and other macro visual components.
| |
ECommerceSettings |
Class providing access to E-commerce related settings.
| |
EProductReminder |
Provides an ITask interface to send notifications to users about their expiring e-product downloads.
If started as global scheduled task, it sends notifications about expiring e-products on all sites.
| |
ExchangeRateInfo |
ExchangeRateInfo data container class.
| |
ExchangeRateInfoProvider |
Class providing ExchangeRateInfo management.
| |
ExchangeTableInfo |
ExchangeTableInfo data container class.
| |
ExchangeTableInfoProvider |
Class providing ExchangeTableInfo management.
| |
GiftCardApplication |
Represents an application of the gift card.
| |
GiftCardCouponCodeInfo |
GiftCardCouponCodeInfo data container class.
| |
GiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider |
Class providing GiftCardCouponCodeInfo management.
| |
GiftCardInfo |
Data container class for GiftCardInfo.
| |
GiftCardInfoProvider |
Class providing GiftCardInfo management.
| |
GtmData |
Represents key value pair data used for Google Tag Manager integration.
| |
GtmDataHelper |
Helps to generate JSON output for Google Tag Manager.
| |
GtmOrderHelper |
Helper class that helps to map objects to Google Tag Manager order related objects.
| |
GtmProductHelper |
Helper class that helps to map products to Google Tag Manager product object.
| |
GtmPropertiesMerger |
Utility class for merging properties of two objects.
| |
InternalStatusInfo |
InternalStatusInfo data container class.
| |
InternalStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing InternalStatusInfo management.
| |
InvalidCurrencyConversionException |
The exception that is thrown when currency conversion fails.
| |
ManufacturerInfo |
ManufacturerInfo data container class.
| |
ManufacturerInfoProvider |
Class providing ManufacturerInfo management.
| |
MarkCartAbandoned |
Provides an ITask interface to mark abandoned shopping carts.
| |
MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo |
MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo data container class.
| |
MultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyDiscount |
Class implementing multibuy discount from calculation point of view.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo |
Data container class for MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo |
Data container class for MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo |
MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo data container class.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountInfo |
MultiBuyDiscountInfo data container class.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountsAutoAdder |
Class calculating missed discount opportunities and adding discounted items to the shopping cart automatically.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountsEvaluator |
Class handling application of multi buy discounts on set of cart items. Discounts are based on the most expensive products.
Discounts are applied to cheapest products.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo |
MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo data container class.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo |
Data container class for MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo.
| |
MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfoProvider |
Class providing MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo management.
| |
MultiBuyItem |
Represents an item for Buy X get Y discounts evaluation.
| |
NewOrderCreatedEventArgs |
Event arguments for "new order created" event
| |
NewOrderCreatedHandler |
New order created (through checkout process) event handler
| |
OptionCategoryInfo |
OptionCategoryInfo data container class.
| |
OptionCategoryInfoProvider |
Class providing OptionCategoryInfo management.
| |
OrderAddressInfo |
OrderAddressInfo data container class.
| |
OrderAddressInfoProvider |
Class providing AddressInfo management.
| |
OrderDiscountsCalculator |
Calculation step providing calculation of order discounts.
| |
OrderInfo |
OrderInfo data container class.
| |
OrderInfoProvider |
Class providing OrderInfo management.
| |
OrderInfoProviderExtensions |
Contains extension methods for the IOrderInfoProvider interface.
| |
OrderItemInfo |
OrderItemInfo data container class.
| |
OrderItemInfoProvider |
Class providing OrderItemInfo management.
| |
OrderItemSKUFileInfo |
OrderItemSKUFileInfo data container class.
| |
OrderItemSKUFileInfoProvider |
Class providing OrderItemSKUFileInfo management.
| |
OrderPaidEventArgs |
Event arguments for "order paid" event
| |
OrderPaidHandler |
Order paid event handler
| |
OrdersCollection |
Collection of customer orders represented by OrderInfo objects
| |
OrderStatusInfo |
OrderStatusInfo data container class.
| |
OrderStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing OrderStatusInfo management.
| |
OrderStatusUserInfo |
OrderStatusUserInfo data container class.
| |
OrderStatusUserInfoProvider |
Class providing OrderStatusUserInfo management.
| |
OtherPaymentApplication |
Represents an other payment application (e.g. a gift card)
| |
OtherPaymentsCalculator |
Calculation step providing calculation of the other payments such as gift cards.
| |
PaymentGatewayProcessor |
Default implementation of IPaymentGatewayProcessor.
| |
PaymentNotAuthorizedValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from user not being authorized for payment.
| |
PaymentOptionFromDifferentSiteValidationError |
Represents a validation error caused by setting payment option from different site.
| |
PaymentOptionInfo |
PaymentOptionInfo data container class.
| |
PaymentOptionInfoProvider |
Class providing PaymentOptionInfo management.
| |
PaymentOptionInfoProviderExtensions |
Contains extension methods for the IPaymentOptionInfoProvider interface.
| |
PaymentOptionNotApplicableValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from payment option not being applicable.
| |
PaymentOptionNotSetValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from missing payment option.
| |
PaymentOptionValidator |
Performs validation of a payment option to be assigned to a shopping cart.
| |
PaymentResultInfo |
Class representing payment result.
| |
PaymentResultItemInfo |
Class representing payment result item (= one payment result xml node).
| |
PayPalPaymentResultInfo |
PayPal payment result.
| |
PriceParameters |
Parameters used in the product price calculation.
| |
ProductAddedToCartEventArgs |
Event arguments for "product added to shopping cart" event
| |
ProductAddedToCartHandler |
Product added to shopping cart event handler.
| |
ProductAttributeSet |
Product attributes set with enhanced functionality
| |
ProductCatalogPrices |
Container for product catalog prices (i.e. final prices shown to the customer).
| |
ProductDiscountService |
Default implementation of the IProductDiscountService interface.
| |
ProductDiscountsFilter |
Allows to filter list of conditional product discounts according to its conditions and stop processing flag.
| |
ProductDiscountSource |
Represents a source of discounts related to product units.
| |
ProductHelper |
Provides advanced manipulation with products and product options.
| |
ProductPrices |
Container for product prices and applied discounts.
| |
ProductPricingService |
Service providing product prices retrieval.
| |
ProductVariant |
Envelope form variant-type SKU object, that provides advanced methods a features.
| |
PublicStatusInfo |
PublicStatusInfo data container class.
| |
PublicStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing PublicStatusInfo management.
| |
RandomCodeGenerator |
Class generating random coupon codes according to specified pattern.
| |
RegisteredCustomerRequiredValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from missing a customer where necessary.
| |
ShippingAddressDoesNotMatchCustomerValidationError |
Represents a validation error caused by setting shipping address from different customer.
| |
ShippingAndPaymentValidator |
Validates that selected shipping option and payment method are valid for given cart.
| |
ShippingCalculator |
Provides calculation of shipping price.
| |
ShippingCostInfo |
ShippingCostInfo data container class.
| |
ShippingCostInfoProvider |
Class providing ShippingCostInfo management.
| |
ShippingOptionDisabledValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shipping option being disabled.
| |
ShippingOptionFromDifferentSiteValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shipping option belonging to a different site.
| |
ShippingOptionInfo |
ShippingOptionInfo data container class.
| |
ShippingOptionInfoProvider |
Class providing ShippingOptionInfo management.
| |
ShippingOptionInfoProviderExtensions |
Contains extension methods for the IShippingOptionInfoProvider interface.
| |
ShippingOptionNotApplicableValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shipping option not being applicable.
| |
ShippingOptionNotSetValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from missing shipping option.
| |
ShippingOptionValidator |
Performs validation of a shipping option to be assigned to a shopping cart.
| |
ShippingPriceCalculatorFactory |
Default implementation of IShippingPriceCalculatorFactory.
| |
ShippingPrices |
Container for the shipping prices and applied discounts.
| |
ShoppingCartAdapterService |
Service providing an interface between ShoppingCartInfo and the calculation pipeline.
| |
ShoppingCartCalculatorCollection |
Represents the ordered collection of calculation pipeline actions performing shopping cart calculation.
| |
ShoppingCartCleaner |
Provides an ITask interface to delete old shopping carts.
| |
ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo |
Data container class for ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo.
| |
ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfoProvider |
Class providing ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo management.
| |
ShoppingCartEmptyValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from shopping cart being empty.
| |
ShoppingCartFactory |
Static wrapper for IShoppingCartFactory service providing ShoppingCartInfo objects creation.
| |
ShoppingCartInfo |
ShoppingCartInfo data container class.
| |
ShoppingCartInfoProvider |
Class providing ShoppingCartInfo management.
| |
ShoppingCartItemInfo |
Shopping cart item data container class.
| |
ShoppingCartItemInfoProvider |
Class providing ShoppingCartItemInfo management.
| |
ShoppingCartItemParameters |
Data container of the parameters which represent configuration of the shopping cart item to be added/updated in the shopping cart object.
| |
ShoppingCartItemValidationError |
Base class for shopping cart item related errors.
| |
ShoppingCartItemValidator |
Class representing validator used for validation of individual shopping cart items.
| |
ShoppingCartLine |
Represents one line of the shopping cart content.
| |
ShoppingCartValidator |
Class responsible for validation of shopping cart and its items.
| |
ShoppingService |
Provides interaction with shopping cart.
| |
SKUAllowedOptionInfo |
SKUAllowedOptionInfo data container class. Represents binding between product and product option which is suitable for given product.
| |
SKUAllowedOptionInfoProvider |
Class providing SKUAllowedOptionInfo management.
| |
SKUDisabledOrExpiredValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from having a disabled or expired item in cart.
| |
SKUFileInfo |
SKUFileInfo data container class.
| |
SKUFileInfoProvider |
Class providing SKUFileInfo management.
| |
SKUFromDifferentSiteValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from using an SKU from a different site where not appropriate.
| |
SKUImport |
Handles special actions during the SKU import process.
| |
SKUInfo |
SKUInfo data container class.
| |
SKUInfoProvider |
Class providing SKUInfo management.
| |
SKUMaxUnitsExceededValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from an excess of product units in cart.
| |
SKUMembershipListInfo |
List info for displaying products and product options belonging to membership.
| |
SKUMinUnitsNotReachedValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from not having enough of product units in cart.
| |
SKUNotInStockValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from store not having enough units of product in stock.
| |
SKUOptionCategoryInfo |
SKUOptionCategoryInfo data container class.
| |
SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider |
Class providing SKUOptionCategoryInfo management.
| |
SKUTreeNode |
Class representing document connected with product
| |
SKUTreeNodeFactory |
Factory that provides SKUTreeNode for product document types
| |
SKUUrlService |
Service for retrieving absolute live site URL of a product.
| |
StateNotFromCountryValidationError |
Represents a validation error resulting from assigning a state not belonging to a certain country.
| |
SummaryItem |
Class used for displaying order summaries (discounts, taxes, other payments) in Invoice, Email template and Shopping cart.
| |
SupplierInfo |
SupplierInfo data container class.
| |
SupplierInfoProvider |
Class providing SupplierInfo management.
| |
TaxAddressService |
Represents a service providing an address for the tax calculation based on e-commerce module settings.
| |
TaxCalculationParameters |
Parameters of the tax calculation.
| |
TaxCalculationRequest |
Represents the tax calculation request. Contains all the parameters needed to evaluate taxes applied to the purchase.
| |
TaxCalculationResult |
Represents the result of a tax calculation process.
| |
TaxCalculator |
Provides tax calculation.
| |
TaxClassCountryInfo |
TaxClassCountryInfo data container class.
| |
TaxClassCountryInfoProvider |
Class providing TaxClassCountryInfo management.
| |
TaxClassInfo |
TaxClassInfo data container class.
| |
TaxClassInfoProvider |
Provides methods for working with TaxClassInfo and its data.
| |
TaxClassService |
Default implementation of ITaxClassService interface.
| |
TaxClassStateInfo |
TaxClassStateInfo data container class.
| |
TaxClassStateInfoProvider |
Class providing TaxClassStateInfo management.
| |
TaxEstimationParameters |
Represents parameters of the tax estimation.
| |
TaxItem |
Item of taxed purchase.
| |
TotalValuesCalculator |
Provides total shopping cart price calculation.
| |
UnitPriceCalculator |
Provides calculation of cart items' unit prices.
| |
ValuesSummary |
Class representing values summary (discounts, taxes, other payments) in Invoice, Email template and Shopping cart.
| |
VariantHelper |
Provides advanced manipulation with product variants.
| |
VariantOptionInfo |
VariantOptionInfo data container class. Represents binding between variant of product and product option which the respective variant contains.
| |
VariantOptionInfoProvider |
Class providing VariantOptionInfo management.
| |
VolumeDiscountInfo |
VolumeDiscountInfo data container class.
| |
VolumeDiscountInfoProvider |
Class providing VolumeDiscountInfo management.
| |
WishlistItemInfo |
WishlistItemInfo data container class.
| |
WishlistItemInfoProvider |
Class providing WishlistItemInfo management.
Interface | Description | |
IAddressConverter |
Defines methods which converts addresses.
| |
IAddressInfoProvider |
Declares members for AddressInfo management.
| |
IBrandInfoProvider |
Declares members for BrandInfo management.
| |
IBundleInfoProvider |
Declares members for BundleInfo management.
| |
ICalculatorLoggingService |
Provides logging functionality for shopping cart calculation pipeline.
| |
ICarrierInfoProvider |
Declares members for CarrierInfo management.
| |
ICarrierProvider |
Interface providing base methods and properties for carrier providers.
| |
ICartItemChecker |
Service for consistency checking of added products.
| |
ICatalogDiscountSource |
Represents a source of catalog discounts.
| |
ICatalogPriceCalculator |
Represents a calculator of product catalog prices.
| |
ICatalogPriceCalculatorFactory |
Represents a factory creating site specific calculators of product catalog prices.
| |
ICatalogTaxCalculator |
Represents a calculator of product taxes.
| |
ICatalogTaxCalculatorFactory |
Represents a factory creating tax calculators used in a product catalog.
| |
ICodeUniquenessChecker |
Ensures discount code uniqueness in entire application.
| |
ICollectionInfoProvider |
Declares members for CollectionInfo management.
| |
IConditionalDiscount |
Represents discount which is applicable only if specific macro condition is met.
| |
ICountryStateTaxRateSource |
Defines the contract for classes providing tax rate for country (and state).
| |
ICouponCode |
Represents the coupon code.
| |
ICouponCodeApplication |
Represents action for coupon code application.
| |
ICouponCodeCollection |
Represents the collection of coupon codes.
| |
ICouponCodeInfoProvider |
Declares members for CouponCodeInfo management.
| |
ICreditEventInfoProvider |
Declares members for CreditEventInfo management.
| |
ICurrencyConverter |
Defines methods that convert money between currencies.
| |
ICurrencyConverterFactory |
Defines the contract that class factories must implement to create new ICurrencyConverter objects.
| |
ICurrencyConverterService |
Contract for currency conversion service.
| |
ICurrencyInfoProvider |
Declares members for CurrencyInfo management.
| |
ICurrentShoppingCartService |
Interface for service providing current shopping cart.
| |
ICurrentShoppingCartStrategy |
Represent a strategy used during obtaining visitor's current shopping cart.
| |
ICustomerInfoProvider |
Declares members for CustomerInfo management.
| |
ICustomerPreferencesProvider |
Interface for provider of customer's preferences.
| |
ICustomerRegistrationRepository |
Repository for storing data related to customer registration after checkout process is finished.
| |
ICustomerRegistrationRepositoryFactory |
Interface for factories providing customer registration repositories.
| |
ICustomerShoppingService |
Provides interface for customer and user management while working with shopping cart.
| |
ICustomerTaxClassService |
Defines the contract for classes responsible for the categorization of customers into customer tax classes.
| |
IDelayedPaymentGatewayProvider |
Interface describing the external payment gateway supporting direct payments.
| |
IDeliveryBuilder |
Interface for classes able to create Delivery objects from the calculation request.
| |
IDepartmentInfoProvider |
Declares members for DepartmentInfo management.
| |
IDirectPaymentGatewayProvider |
Interface describing the external payment gateway supporting direct payments.
| |
IDiscount |
Represents a general discount application which is applicable on the base price.
| |
IDiscountApplicator |
Service that applies multiple discounts on the price.
| |
IDiscountInfo |
Represents info object providing any discounts.
| |
IDiscountInfoProvider |
Declares members for DiscountInfo management.
| |
IEcommerceActivityLogger |
Provides possibility to log E-commerce activities.
| |
IExchangeRateInfoProvider |
Declares members for ExchangeRateInfo management.
| |
IExchangeTableInfoProvider |
Declares members for ExchangeTableInfo management.
| |
IGiftCardCouponCodeInfoProvider |
Declares members for GiftCardCouponCodeInfo management.
| |
IGiftCardInfoProvider |
Declares members for GiftCardInfo management.
| |
IGiftCardSource |
Represents a source of gift cards.
| |
IInternalStatusInfoProvider |
Declares members for InternalStatusInfo management.
| |
IManufacturerInfoProvider |
Declares members for ManufacturerInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyCouponCodeInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyCouponCodeInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscount |
Interface for discounts in form: "Buy N units of these products... and get M unit of these products for free".
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountBrandInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountBrandInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountCollectionInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountDepartmentInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountsApplicator |
Interface implemented by applicators of multibuy/coupon discounts and auto-adders.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountsEvaluator |
Interface for classes that handle application of multi buy discounts on set of cart items.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountSKUInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountSKUInfo management.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountSource |
Represents a source of multibuy discounts.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountsService |
Defines the contract for classes providing multibuy discount evaluation.
| |
IMultiBuyDiscountTreeInfoProvider |
Declares members for MultiBuyDiscountTreeInfo management.
| |
IOptionCategoryInfoProvider |
Declares members for OptionCategoryInfo management.
| |
IOrderAddressInfoProvider |
Declares members for OrderAddressInfo management.
| |
IOrderDiscountSource |
Represents a source of order discounts.
| |
IOrderInfoProvider |
Declares members for OrderInfo management.
| |
IOrderItemInfoProvider |
Declares members for OrderItemInfo management.
| |
IOrderItemSKUFileInfoProvider |
Declares members for OrderItemSKUFileInfo management.
| |
IOrderStatusInfoProvider |
Declares members for OrderStatusInfo management.
| |
IOrderStatusUserInfoProvider |
Declares members for OrderStatusUserInfo management.
| |
IPaymentGatewayProcessor |
Main entry point for processing payment on any payment gateways.
| |
IPaymentGatewayProvider |
General payment gateway provider implementation.
| |
IPaymentOptionInfoProvider |
Declares members for PaymentOptionInfo management.
| |
IPayPalContextProvider |
Describes provider of PayPal context.
| |
IPrioritizable |
Interface providing access to priority of object.
| |
IProductCouponService |
Defines the contract for classes providing product coupon discount evaluation.
| |
IProductCouponSource |
Represents a source of product coupon discounts.
| |
IProductDiscountService |
Service providing calculation of discounts related to product units.
| |
IProductDiscountSource |
Represents a source of discounts related to product units.
| |
IProductPricingService |
Service providing product prices retrieval.
| |
IPublicStatusInfoProvider |
Declares members for PublicStatusInfo management.
| |
IReadOnlyCouponCodeCollection |
Represents the read only collection of coupon codes.
| |
IRoundingService |
Defines interface to implement price rounding service.
| |
IRoundingServiceFactory |
Interface for factories providing site-specific rounding services.
| |
ISettingService |
Interface for service providing setting values.
| |
ISettingServiceFactory |
Interface for factories providing site-specific setting services.
| |
IShippingCostInfoProvider |
Declares members for ShippingCostInfo management.
| |
IShippingDiscountSource |
Represents a source of shipping discounts.
| |
IShippingOptionInfoProvider |
Declares members for ShippingOptionInfo management.
| |
IShippingPriceCalculator |
Interface for classes providing shipping price calculation.
| |
IShippingPriceCalculatorFactory |
Contract for factories creating instances of IShippingPriceCalculator.
| |
IShippingPriceService |
Service providing shipping price calculation.
| |
IShoppingCartAdapterService |
Service providing an interface between ShoppingCartInfo and the calculation pipeline.
| |
IShoppingCartCache |
Interface representing general cache able to store shopping cart info object for current visitor.
| |
IShoppingCartCalculationFactory |
Represents factory providing shopping cart calculator implementations.
| |
IShoppingCartCalculator |
Represents one part of shopping cart calculation pipeline.
| |
IShoppingCartClientStorage |
Interface for storing shopping cart GUID on the client's side.
| |
IShoppingCartCouponCodeInfoProvider |
Declares members for ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo management.
| |
IShoppingCartEvaluator |
Interface for shopping cart evaluation.
| |
IShoppingCartFactory |
Represents a factory able to create and initialize new instances of ShoppingCartInfo.
| |
IShoppingCartInfoProvider |
Declares members for ShoppingCartInfo management.
| |
IShoppingCartItemInfoProvider |
Declares members for ShoppingCartItemInfo management.
| |
IShoppingCartRepository |
Interface for basic (CRUD) operations with shopping cart info.
| |
IShoppingCartSession |
Interface for storing shopping cart GUID in session.
| |
IShoppingService |
Provides interface for interaction with shopping cart.
| |
ISiteMainCurrencySource |
Defines the members for a service providing a main currency for sites.
| |
ISKUAllowedOptionInfoProvider |
Declares members for SKUAllowedOptionInfo management.
| |
ISKUFileInfoProvider |
Declares members for SKUFileInfo management.
| |
ISKUInfoProvider |
Declares members for SKUInfo management.
| |
ISKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider |
Declares members for SKUOptionCategoryInfo management.
| |
ISKUPriceSource |
Defines the members for a source of SKU price.
| |
ISKUPriceSourceFactory |
Defines the members for a factory creating creating site specific price sources.
| |
ISKUUrlService |
Defines methods to retrieve absolute live site URL of a product.
| |
ISupplierInfoProvider |
Declares members for SupplierInfo management.
| |
ITaxAddressService |
Defines the contract for classes responsible for the tax address resolution.
| |
ITaxAddressServiceFactory |
Defines the interface for factories providing a site-specific tax address selection.
| |
ITaxCalculationService |
Defines the contract for classes providing tax calculation.
| |
ITaxCalculationServiceFactory |
Interface for factories providing site-specific tax calculation services.
| |
ITaxClassCountryInfoProvider |
Declares members for TaxClassCountryInfo management.
| |
ITaxClassInfoProvider |
Declares members for TaxClassInfo management.
| |
ITaxClassService |
Defines the contract for classes responsible for the product tax class retrieval.
| |
ITaxClassStateInfoProvider |
Declares members for TaxClassStateInfo management.
| |
ITaxEstimationService |
Defines the methods to implement a tax estimation service - i.e. fast, but not so accurate tax calculation.
| |
IVariantOptionInfoProvider |
Declares members for VariantOptionInfo management.
| |
IVolumeDiscountInfoProvider |
Declares members for VolumeDiscountInfo management.
| |
IVolumeDiscountSource |
Represents a source of volume discounts.
| |
IWishlistItemInfoProvider |
Declares members for WishlistItemInfo management.
Enumeration | Description | |
AddressType |
Represents the type of address.
| |
ApplyTaxBasedOnEnum |
Options saying what the taxes are to be based on.
| |
BundleInventoryTypeEnum |
Inventory removal options for bundle products.
| |
CheckoutProcessEnum |
Type of checkout process.
| |
CouponCodeApplicationStatusEnum |
Represents the status of coupon code application.
| |
CustomerTaxClass |
Represents the type of customer from taxes point of view.
| |
DiscountApplicationEnum |
Discount application enumeration.
| |
DiscountCustomerEnum |
Discount customer selection enumeration.
| |
DiscountStatusEnum |
Discount status enumerator.
| |
DiscountTypeEnum |
Discount type.
| |
OptionCategorySelectionTypeEnum |
Type of control to select product options.
| |
OptionCategoryTypeEnum |
Type of the product option category.
| |
ProductsTreeModeEnum |
Options specifying how will the products be organized in product management UI.
| |
SKUProductTypeEnum |
SKU product type options.
| |
TrackInventoryTypeEnum |
Track Inventory Methods