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IWebPathMapper Interface
Defines an interface for mapping paths from the root of the web application.

Namespace: CMS.Base.Internal
Assembly: CMS.Base (in CMS.Base.dll) Version: 13.0.131
public interface IWebPathMapper

The IWebPathMapper type exposes the following members.

Public methodGetStaticFilesRootPath
Returns a path to the folder containing static files for the web application.
Public methodMapPath
Returns the full physical file path from the relativePath.

For the application residing in C:\\folder\\appFolder and "~/AppData" relativePath parameter, the result will be C:\\folder\\appFolder\\AppData.

Public methodTryMapPath
Converts the provided relative path to a corresponding full physical path. A return value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.

For the application residing in C:\\folder\\appFolder and "~/AppData" relativePath parameter, the result will be C:\\folder\\appFolder\\AppData.

See Also