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CMS.Base.Internal Namespace
Public classApplicationHelper
Contains methods that help with application management.
Public classBenchmark
Base benchmark class
Public classBenchmarkTResult
Provides support for benchmarking the code
Public classBenchmarkResults
Represents the results of the benchmark
Public classMultiBenchmark
Wrapper to run multiple benchmarks and compare the results
Public classQueryCollectionExtensions
Extensions methods over IQueryCollection.

This belongs to the internal namespace and is used for Kentico purposes. Avoid using members of internal namespace.

Public classRequestKenticoExtensions
Extension methods upon the HttpRequestBase.
Public classUploadedFileExtensions
Provides methods to read content from IUploadedFile input stream.
Public classWebPathMapperBase
Base class for objects implementing IWebPathMapper interface.
Public interfaceICache
Describes implementation that contain methods for setting cache-specific HTTP headers and for controlling the web page output cache.
Public interfaceIFormCollection
Represents the collection of form values of the IRequest.
Public interfaceIHeaderDictionary
Represents IRequest and IResponse headers
Public interfaceIHttpApplication
Defines methods for request pipeline processing.
Public interfaceIHttpContext
Encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
Public interfaceIHttpContextRetriever
Encapsulates the access to IHttpContext instance.
Public interfaceIHttpCookie
Defines implementation to create and manipulate individual HTTP cookies.
Public interfaceIHttpCookieCollection
Defines implementation capable of handling collection of IHttpCookie objects.
Public interfaceIJwtTokenService
Provides methods for issuing, validation and parsing 'JSON Web Token' (JWT).
Public interfaceIJwtTokenServiceFactory
Represents a factory for IJwtTokenService.
Public interfaceIQueryCollection
Represents the IRequest query string collection
Public interfaceIRequest
Defines implementation capable of reading the HTTP values sent by a client during a Web request.
Public interfaceIRequestContext
Defines implementation encapsulating information about an HTTP request that matches a defined route.
Public interfaceIRequestCookieCollection
Represents the HttpRequest cookie collection
Public interfaceIResponse
Defines implementation capable of preparing web response on the server.
Public interfaceIResponseCookieCollection
Represents the HttpResponse cookie collection
Public interfaceIResponseCookies
A wrapper for the response Set-Cookie header.
Public interfaceIRouteData
Defines interface encapsulating information about a route.
Public interfaceISession
Defines implementation providing access to session-state values and session-level settings.
Public interfaceISiteStaticFileService
Provides methods for working with site static files.
Public interfaceIUploadedFilesCollection
Defines a contract for a collection of files uploaded within a request.
Public interfaceIWebPathMapper
Defines an interface for mapping paths from the root of the web application.
Public enumerationHttpCacheability
Provides enumerated values that are used to set the Cache-Control HTTP header.
Public enumerationHttpCacheRevalidation
Provides enumerated values that are used to set revalidation-specific Cache-Control HTTP headers.