Click or drag to resize
UILayout Properties

The UILayout type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplyDemoStyles
When enabled, the layout will apply basic styles directly to resizers and buttons.
Public propertyClosable
Can a pane be closed?
Public propertyContainerSelector
Element the layout is created under. Most commonly 'body' element (default value). Can be any block-element.
Public propertyIsLiveSite
Indicates if control is used on live site.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.)
Public propertyLoadOn
Defines when the UI Layout JavaScript plug-in should be initialized. Sometimes it can be useful to register the layout script after document is ready or window is loaded.
Public propertyMaxSize
Gets or sets maximum allowed layout size.
Public propertyOnCloseEndScript
Script or function name called after 'close' is done.
Public propertyOnCloseStartScript
Script or function name called before 'close' is done.
Public propertyOnHideEndScript
Script or function name called after 'hide' is done.
Public propertyOnHideStartScript
Script or function name called before 'hide' is done.
Public propertyOnOpenEndScript
Script or function name called after 'open' is done.
Public propertyOnOpenStartScript
Script or function name called before 'open' is done.
Public propertyOnResizeEndScript
Script or function name called after 'resize' is done.
Public propertyOnResizeStartScript
Script or function name called before 'resize' is done.
Public propertyOnShowEndScript
Script or function name called after 'show' is done.
Public propertyOnShowStartScript
Script or function name called before 'show' is done.
Public propertyPanes
Collection of panes. Cannot contain more than one pane for one direction (NESW or center).
Public propertyResizable
When open, can a pane be resized?
Public propertyScrollToBookmarkOnLoad
This option handles of bookmarks that are passed on the URL of the page.
Public propertyShortID
Short ID of the control.
(Inherited from CMSWebControl.)
Public propertySlidable
When closed, can a pane 'slide open' over adjacent panes?
Public propertyStopProcessing
Indicates if processing of the UI panel should be stopped.
See Also