CMS.UIControls Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AbstractAttribute |
Abstract attribute class.
| |
AbstractCMSPage |
Base page for all the CMS pages.
| |
AbstractElementAttribute |
Abstract class for the element attributes.
| |
AbstractMasterPage |
Base class for CMS master pages.
| |
AbstractSecurityAttribute |
Abstract class for the security attributes.
| |
AccessDeniedPage |
Base page used for 'Access Denied' pages.
| |
ActionAttribute |
Adds action to the page.
| |
AdministrationAliasEditExtender |
Administration alias edit extender.
| |
AdministrationAliasListControlExtender |
Administration alias list control extender.
| |
AdvancedExport |
Defines the base class for the advanced export control
| |
AjaxJavaScriptMinifier |
Provides minification of JavaScript using the Microsoft Ajax Minifier.
| |
AllLog |
Merging log control for debug purposes.
| |
AnchorDropup |
Base class for anchor dropup.
| |
ApplicationCSSHelper |
Provides functionality for working with applications.
| |
ApplicationUIHelper |
Provides functionality for working with applications.
| |
AsyncControl |
Provides an asynchronous display of the background thread worker log.
| |
AttachmentsWithVariantsTransformationDataProvider |
Data provider for object transformation which retrieves attachments together with their variants
| |
AttachmentWithVariants |
Container for attachment with variants
| |
AttributesHelper |
Class attributes helper.
| |
BaseFieldEditor |
Base control for field editor and form builder.
| |
BaseSchedulingControl |
Base class for time scheduling controls
| |
BreadcrumbAttribute |
Adds breadcrumb to the page.
| |
BreadcrumbItem |
Class representing breadcrumbs item.
| |
Breadcrumbs |
BreadCrumbs control base class.
| |
BreadcrumbsAttribute |
Tabs definition.
| |
CacheLog |
Cache log base class.
| |
CategoryListPanel |
Class for listing categories.
| |
CategoryPanel |
Panel-groups for properties.
| |
CategoryPanelRow |
Class for Property Panel Rows.
| |
CheckLicenceAttribute |
Checks the license for the given page and performs redirect if license is not valid. Works only with pages inherited from CMSPage class.
| |
CloneSettingsControl |
Base class for clone settings controls.
| |
CMSAbstractEditablePage |
Base page for editable items
| |
CMSAbstractNewDocumentControl |
NewDocumentControl abstract class
| |
CMSAbstractUIWebpart |
Abstract class for web parts used in UI
| |
CMSAdminControl |
Administration interface control - Base control used for the standard administration interface.
| |
CMSAdminEditControl |
Administration edit control
| |
CMSAdministrationPage |
Base page for the Administration section to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSAdminItemsControl |
Summary description for CMSAdminItemsControl.
| |
CMSAdminListControl |
Summary description for CMSAdminListControl.
| |
CMSContentManagementPage |
Base page for the MyDesk pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSContentModalPage |
Base page for the CMS Content modal pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSContentPage |
Base page for the content pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSCustomTablesModalPage |
Base page for the Custom table modal pages.
| |
CMSCustomTablesPage |
Base page for the Custom table pages.
| |
CMSCustomTablesToolsPage |
Base page for the Custom table pages in the tools section.
| |
CMSDebugPage |
Base page for the debug tab of administration -> system pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSDesignPage |
Base page for the design pages.
| |
CMSDeskPage |
Base page for the administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSEditTemplatePage |
Base page for the editing for page template properties.
| |
CMSEmailTemplatesPage |
Base page for the e-mail templates tab of administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSEventLogPage |
Base page for the event log tab of administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSImportExportPage |
Base page for the Import/Export pages.
| |
CMSIntegrationPage |
Base page for the Integration pages.
| |
CMSMacroRulesPage |
Base page for Macro rules pages.
| |
CMSMasterPage |
Base class for administration master pages.
| |
CMSMembershipPage |
Base class for UI pages of membership.
| |
CMSModalDesignPage |
Base page for the design pages.
| |
CMSModalGlobalAdminPage |
Base page classs for the modal pages which should be available for global administrators only.
| |
CMSModalPage |
Summary description for CMSModalPage.
| |
CMSObjectVersioningPage |
Base class for UI pages of object versioning.
| |
CMSOutputResource |
Output container for cached text resources.
Supports minification and compression.
| |
CMSPage |
Base page for all CMS administration UI pages
| |
CMSPreviewControl |
Abstract preview control class
| |
CMSPropertiesPage |
Base page for the properties pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSRolesPage |
Base page for the roles tab of administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSScheduledTasksPage |
Base page for the scheduled tasks tab of administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSSMTPServersPage |
Page for SMTP Servers administration.
| |
Base page class for UI
| |
CMSUIPersonalizationPage |
Base page for the UI personalization tab of administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSUserControl |
Base class for CMS administration interface control.
| |
CMSUsersPage |
Base page for the users tab of administration pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSValidationPage |
Base page for the properties pages to apply global settings to the pages
| |
CMSWebPartPropertiesPage |
Base page for the properties pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CMSWidgetPropertiesPage |
Base page for the properties pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
CodeGeneratorBase |
Base class for controls providing code generation functionality.
| |
ConsentAgreementListUniGridExtender |
Consent agreements list extender
| |
ConsentListUniGridExtender |
Consent list extender.
| |
ContentActionsControl |
Control for handling global content actions.
| |
ContentInnerMediaView |
Base class for inner media view for content dialog
| |
ContentLinkMediaSelector |
Link media selector base class for content module.
| |
ContentMediaView |
Base class for content media view control
| |
ContentPage |
Base page for all web site (content) pages.
| |
ContentUrlRetriever |
Class for generation content URLs
| |
CustomCloneSettings |
Collection of clone settings control type used in clone settings dialog.
| |
DashboardPage |
Base class used for dashboard page.
| |
DataProtectionControlsRegister |
Registers controls for personal data collection and erasure.
| |
DataSubjectIdentifiersFilterControl |
Base class for filter control for specification of data subject identifiers.
| |
DesignerPage |
Base page for the Designer pages to apply global settings to the pages.
| |
DirectFileUploader |
Base class for direct file uploader controls.
| |
DocumentBase |
Base interface for document pages.
| |
DocumentFlagsControl |
Control for displaying document flags.
| |
DocumentUIHelper |
Helper methods for document management UI
| |
DocumentValidator |
Base class for validation controls.
| |
EditedObjectAttribute |
Defines the edited object.
| |
EmailQueuePage |
Base page for email queue pages.
| |
EmailTemplateTypeSelector |
Form control for the email template type selection.
| |
ErasureConfigurationControl |
Represents base class for user control that gets the configuration which data is to be deleted by IPersonalDataErasers.
| |
ErrorMessageControl |
Error control for displaying error message on live site.
| |
EventLogTypeSelector |
Form control for the event log type selection.
| |
ExportModuleControl |
Base export module control
Provides access to properties necessary for extender
| |
ExtendedBoundField |
Extended bound field for use within UniGrid.
| |
FieldEditorEventArgs |
Field editor event args.
| |
FilesLog |
Files log control for debug purposes.
| |
FileUpload |
Base class for file upload controls.
| |
FormControlUsagesExtender |
Extender for form controls usages tab.
| |
FormerUrlsUniGridExtender |
Extends Former URLs listing unigrid.
| |
FormUserControlEditExtender |
Form User Control UIForm extender
| |
GenderSelector |
Form control for the gender selection.
| |
GetSelectionDialogScriptEventArgs |
Event arguments for UniSelector.OnGetSelectionDialogScript handler.
| |
GlobalAdminPage |
Base page class for the pages which should be available for global administrators only.
| |
GraphDesigner |
Base class for automation and workflow designers.
| |
GridViewTemplate |
Creates template field in grid view dynamically.
| |
HandlersLog |
Handlers log control for debug purposes.
| |
HashValidationAttribute |
Does hash validation and performs redirect to Access denied page if validation fails. Works only with pages inherited from CMSPage class.
| |
HelpAttribute |
Settings for title of the page.
| |
HelpControl |
Base class for help control.
| |
ImportExportBase |
Base checkBox grid item.
| |
ImportExportControl |
Base import / export control
| |
ImportExportGridTask |
ImportExportGridTask with checkBoxes.
Used for tasks import and export.
| |
ImportExportGridView |
ImportExportGridView with checkBoxes.
Used for import and export site objects.
| |
IndexSelector |
Form control for the search index selection.
| |
InformationAttribute |
Displays the information on the page.
| |
ItemProperties |
Abstract class that all properties controls should inherit from.
| |
LicenseSelector |
Form control for the license selection.
| |
LinkMediaSelector |
Link media selector base class.
| |
LiveSiteAliasEditExtender |
Live site alias edit extender.
| |
LiveSiteAliasListControlExtender |
Live site alias list control extender.
| |
LogControl |
Logs control base class.
| |
MacroBoolExpression |
Represents a boolean expression for macro designer control.
| |
MacroDesignerGroup |
Base class for the group of boolean expressions control.
| |
MacroDesignerTree |
Represents a structure of of boolean expressions.
| |
MacroEditor |
Macro editor control
| |
MacroEditorHint |
Hint container
| |
MacroLog |
Query log base class.
| |
MacroRuleExtender |
Macro rule list UniGrid extender.
| |
MacroTree |
Base class for the macro tree control
| |
MassActionItem |
Represents single mass action displayed in the mass action drop-down list.
| |
MassActionParameters |
Represents session parameters that are required for performing a mass action.
| |
MassActions |
Represents base control for displaying and handling the UniGrid mass actions.
| |
MediaView |
View controls base class.
| |
MessagePage |
Base class for the message pages.
| |
MfuAdditionalParameterEventArgs |
Special type of event arguments for when a set of parameters is being constructed.
| |
MVCPageTemplatesListingExtender |
Extender for grid with page templates (MVC) .
| |
ObjectCustomizationPanel |
Server control which represents container which handles object columns customization.
| |
ObjectLockingPanel |
Server control which represents container which handles object locking.
| |
ObjectTransformation |
Object transformation control.
Transforms an object retrieved by ObjectID using specified transformation.
Multiple object transformations on a single page are optimized to retrieve all used objects with a single query for better performance.
| |
ObjectTransformationBase |
Base class for object transformation
| |
ObjectTransformationDataProvider |
Provider of object data for ObjectTransformation | |
PageTitle |
PageTitle control base class.
| |
ParentObjectAttribute |
Defines the edited object.
| |
PortalPage |
Base class for the portal page template.
| |
QueryLog |
Query log base class.
| |
RegisterCustomCloneSettingsControlAttribute |
Registers class in CustomCloneSettings collection for advanced clone settings usage.
| |
SaveActionAttribute |
Adds save action to the page.
| |
SaveAsTemplateFormExtender |
Save as template UIForm extender.
| |
ScriptAttribute |
Adds action to the page.
| |
SecurityAttribute |
Checks specified permissions and UI elements for given resource and performs redirect if checks fails. Works only with pages inherited from CMSPage class.
| |
SecurityLog |
Query log base class.
| |
SelectCulture |
Form control for the site culture selection.
| |
SelectHierarchicalTransformation |
Form control for the transformation selection.
| |
SelectionDialog |
UniSelector's selection dialog base class.
| |
SelectPageTemplateCategory |
Form control for the page template category selection.
| |
SelectRoles |
Form control for the roles selection.
| |
SelectSettingsCategory |
Form control for the settings category selection.
| |
SelectSinglePath |
Form control for the path selection.
| |
SelectSite |
Form control for the site selection.
| |
SelectSites |
Form control for the site selection.
| |
SelectSiteWithAllForAdmin |
Form control for site selection with all for global admin.
| |
SelectUserName |
Form control for the user name selection.
| |
SelectUsers |
Form control for the multiple users selection.
| |
SelectWebpart |
Form control for the web part category selection.
| |
SelectWidgetCategory |
Form control for the widget category selection.
| |
SettingsGroup |
Control representing settings group
| |
SettingsGroupViewerControl |
Base class for SettingsGroupViewer, so it is possible to connect to events on settings page.
| |
SettingsGroupViewerControlSettingsKeyItem |
Setting key item.
| |
SettingsKeyRenderEventArgs |
Event arguments for the settings key render event.
| |
SettingsKeySavedEventArgs |
Event arguments for the settings key saved event.
| |
SiteCultureSelectorAll |
Form control for the site culture selection with (all) option.
| |
SiteEditCulturesExtender |
Site edit culture extender.
| |
SiteEditPageExtender |
Site edit page extender.
| |
SiteListControlExtender |
Site list control extender.
| |
SiteOrGlobalSelector |
Form control for the site selection.
| |
SmartTipControl |
Base class for smart tip control.
| |
SqlEditControl |
Base class for SQL object edit control
| |
SupportedCultureSelector |
Form control for the supported culture selection.
| |
SystemMacroPage |
Base page class for the page which is used for macro resigning and should be available for global administrators only.
| |
TabAttribute |
Adds tab to the page.
| |
TabCreatedEventArgs |
Tab created event arguments
| |
TabsAttribute |
Tabs definition.
| |
TemplatePage |
Base class for the ASPX page template pages.
| |
TimeZoneTypeSelector |
Form control for the time zone type selection.
| |
TitleAttribute |
Settings for title of the page.
| |
UIContextDataItemName |
Constant names of UIContext.Current items.
| |
UICultureSelector |
Form control for the UI culture selection.
| |
UIElementAttribute |
Initializes page with license and security checks. Performs redirect if security check fails. Works only with pages inherited from CMSPage class.
| |
UIElementLayout |
.NET representation of the UI Layout JavaScript plug-in. Adds a footer pane automatically when used in dialogs
| |
UILayout |
.NET representation of the UI Layout JavaScript plug-in
| |
UILayoutPane |
Part of UI layout (can be center or one of cardinal directions).
| |
UILayoutValue |
Class representing key-value. Used for initializing properties of control loaded by UILayoutPane.
| |
UIMenu |
Basic class for UI menu.
| |
UIPager |
Base class for the UI Pager control
| |
UIPageURLSettings |
Configuration class used for building UI page URLs.
| |
UIPlaceHolder |
Server control which represents container for UI element of the page.
| |
UITabItem |
UITab control item.
| |
UITabs |
Server control for rendering tab navigation in administration user interface.
Allows to create tabs from module's UI elements.
| |
UITabsExtender |
UITabs Control extender.
| |
UITabsExtenderTControl |
UITabs Control extender.
| |
UIToolbar |
Basic class for UI Toolbar menu.
| |
UniButton |
Universal button control
| |
UniFlatSelector |
Uni flat selector base class.
| |
UniGraph |
UniGraph base class.
| |
UniGrid |
UniGrid base class.
| |
UniGridExportHelper |
Helper for exporting data from UniGrid view
| |
UniGridFilterField |
Represents a field of UniGrid's filter.
| |
UniGridFunctions |
Unigrid functions.
| |
UniGridTransformations |
UniGrid built-in transformations
| |
UniMatrix |
UniMatrix base class.
| |
UniMenuArgs |
UniMenu event arguments
| |
UniSelector |
UniSelector base class.
| |
UniTree |
Uni tree base class.
| |
UniTreeGetImageHandler |
Uni tree get image handler
| |
UniTreeImageArgs |
Arguments for the UniTree's OnGetImage event handler
| |
UniTreeNode |
Universal site map tree node.
| |
UniTreeProvider |
Universal sitemap tree provider.
| |
UrlSelector |
Form control for the URL selection.
| |
ValuesTable |
Values table base class.
| |
VersionHistoryControl |
Base history version control.
| |
ViewDate |
Form control for view date.
| |
ViewInteger |
Form control for view integer number.
| |
ViewSecureText |
Form control for view secure text.
| |
ViewUserAvatar |
Form control for view user avatar.
| |
ViewUserGender |
Form control for view user gender.
| |
WebFarmLog |
Query log base class.
| |
WorkflowStepSourcePointListControl |
Base class for workflow step source point listing.
Structure | Description | |
UIPagerPageSizeOptionsData |
Contains parsed page size options.
Interface | Description | |
ICMSAttribute |
Basic interface for all attributes.
| |
ICMSFunctionalAttribute |
Security attribute interface.
| |
ICMSMasterPage |
Interface for CMS master pages.
| |
ICMSModalMasterPage |
Interface for modal master pages.
| |
ICMSSecurityAttribute |
Security attribute interface.
| |
ICssMinifier |
Represents a contract of CSS minification services.
| |
IDataUserControl |
DataUserControl interface
| |
IDialogFooter |
| |
IExtensibleMassActions |
Defines contract foreign modules can use to add new mass actions.
| |
IExtensibleUniGrid |
Specifies contract which can be used to extend UniGrid from the outside.
| |
IFieldEditorControl |
Used for loading / updating configuration of the control from the field editor parameters.
| |
IJavaScriptMinifier |
Represents a contract of JavaScript minification services.
| |
IResourceMinifier |
Defines an interface a compliant minifier must implement to be usable in resource handler.
| |
IServiceChecker |
Interface representing control for checking service availability.
| |
IUIElementControl |
Class representing UI element control.
| |
IUniGrid |
Empty interface for identify UniGrid in UIControls.
| |
IUploadHandler |
Serves to expose uploaders properties necesary for its extensibility.
| |
IUserFilter |
User filter interface
Delegate | Description | |
AfterItemDeletedEventHandler |
Action event handler fired when form item was deleted.
| |
BeforeEventHandler |
Before event handler.
| |
BeforeRenderEventHandler |
Before event handler.
| |
CMSAdminControlCheckPermissionsEventHandler |
Delegate of event fired when permissions should be checked.
| |
CMSAdminControlCheckPermissionsExtendedEventHandler |
Delegate of event fired when permissions should be checked.
| |
CMSAdminControlNotAllowedEventHandler |
Delegate of event fired when action is not allowed.
| |
ContentInnerMediaViewOnGetArgumentSet |
Delegate for an event occurring when argument set is required.
| |
ContentInnerMediaViewOnGetContentItemUrl |
Delegate for the event fired when URL for content item based on node is required.
| |
ContentInnerMediaViewOnGetInformation |
Delegate for the event occurring when information on file import status is required.
| |
ContentInnerMediaViewOnGetListItemUrl |
Delegate for the event fired when URL for list image is required.
| |
ContentInnerMediaViewOnGetModifyPermission |
Delegate for the event occurring when permission modify is required.
| |
ContentInnerMediaViewOnGetThumbsItemUrl |
Delegate for the event fired when URL for thumbnails image is required.
| |
CreateUrlDelegate |
Delegate defining method which is used to create URL of the mass action which will be later used to redirect page or open modal dialog.
| |
MediaViewOnListReloadRequired |
Delegate for the event fired when UniGrid's page changed.
| |
OnActionEventHandler |
Action event handler.
| |
OnAfterDataReload |
On after data reloading event handler.
| |
OnAfterRetrieveData |
On after retrieve data handler.
| |
OnBeforeDataReload |
On before data reloading event handler.
| |
OnBeforeFiltering |
On before unigrid filtering event handler.
| |
OnBeforeSorting |
On before unigrid sorting event handler.
| |
OnDataReloadEventHandler |
Data reloading event handler.
| |
OnExternalDataBoundEventHandler |
External data binding event handler.
| |
OnFieldCreatedEventHandler |
Action event handler for new field creation.
| |
OnFieldNameChangedEventHandler |
Action event handler fired when field name was changed.
| |
OnFilterFieldCreated |
On after filter field created handler.
| |
OnLoadColumns |
On columns load event handler.
| |
OnPageSizeChanged |
On page size change event handler.
| |
RenderEventHandler |
Before event handler.
| |
UIMenuNodeCreatedEventHandler |
Node created delegate.
| |
UIPlaceHolderOnIsHiddenDelegate |
OnIsHidden delegate
| |
UITabsCheckTabSecurityEventHandler |
Security check delegate.
| |
UITabsTabCreatedEventHandler |
Tab creation delegate.
| |
UITabsTabsLoadedEventHandler |
Delegate for event raised after tabs are created.
| |
UIToolbarButtonCreatedEventHandler |
Button created delegate.
| |
UIToolbarButtonFilterEventHandler |
Button filtered delegate.
| |
UIToolbarGroupFilterEventHandler |
Group filtered delegate.
| |
UIToolbarGroupsCreatedEventHandler |
Groups created delegate.
| |
UniFlatSelectorItemSearch |
On search delegate.
| |
UniFlatSelectorItemSelectedEventHandler |
On selected item delegate.
| |
UniMatrixGetRowItemCssClassEventHandler |
Check if additional CSS class should be rendered for current row event.
| |
UniMatrixItemChangedEventHandler |
Item changed event.
| |
UniMatrixOnCheckPermissions |
Occurs if the matrix wants to check the permission to edit particular item.
| |
UniMatrixOnMatrixDataLoaded |
Occurs when data has been loaded. Allows manipulation with data.
| |
UniSelectorAdditionalDataBoundEventHandler |
Delegate for additional data bound event.
| |
UniSelectorListItemCreated |
Delegate used for manipulation with items title.
| |
UniTreeItemSelectedEventHandler |
On selected item event handler.
| |
UniTreeNodeCreatedEventHandler |
Node created delegate.
Enumeration | Description | |
AdvancedExportDelimiter |
CSV delimiter.
| |
ControlDisplayModeEnum |
Display mode of the control.
| |
FieldEditorModeEnum |
Field editor data mode.
| |
FieldEditorSelectedItemEnum |
Type of selected item.
| |
ListingTypeEnum |
Type of documents to show in my desk.
| |
LoadModeEnum |
Defines when the UI Layout JavaScript plug-in should be initialized.
| |
MassActionScopeEnum |
Specifies the scope mass action will be used for.
| |
MassActionTypeEnum |
Type of action which will be performed when performing the mass action.
| |
MultifileUploaderModeEnum |
Specifying multi-file uploader upload modes.
| |
NewClassWizardModeEnum |
New class wizzard modes.
| |
PaneDirectionEnum |
Defines location of the pane. It can be one of cardinal directions or center.
| |
SelectionModeEnum |
Selection modes enumeration.
| |
SqlEditModeEnum |
Mode of SQL edit control.
| |
UniGridFilterTypeEnum |
Unigrid filter types enumeration.
| |
UserContributionAllowUserEnum |
User contribution allow user enumeration.