CMS.ContactManagement Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AccountContactInfo |
AccountContactInfo data container class.
| |
AccountContactInfoProvider |
Class providing AccountContactInfo management.
| |
AccountContactListInfo |
Account-Contact relation class used for listing.
| |
AccountHelper |
Helper class for merging, splitting and deleting accounts.
| |
AccountInfo |
AccountInfo data container class.
| |
AccountInfoProvider |
Class providing AccountInfo management.
| |
AccountListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading data from contact view.
| |
AccountStatusInfo |
AccountStatusInfo data container class.
| |
AccountStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing AccountStatusInfo management.
| |
ActivityListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading activities for particular contact (not merged).
| |
CachedMacroRuleTrees |
Cache for parsed macro conditions.
| |
CachedRulesManager |
Loads rules that are eligible for recalculation from cache.
| |
ContactAccountAction |
Class for Change contact account action
| |
ContactAccountActionDataProvider |
Class for providing additional data for ContactAccountAction that will be displayed in automation process designer.
| |
ContactAccountListInfo |
Contact-Account relation table.
| |
ContactAutomationAction |
Base class for contact action.
| |
ContactChangeData |
Container for the contact change data.
| |
ContactDataMapper |
Maps data to provided ContactInfo.
| |
ContactDataSetExtensions | ContactInfoDataSet extension methods.
| |
ContactGroupAction |
Class for automation action that modifies relation between contact group and contact
| |
ContactGroupActionDataProvider |
Class for providing additional data for ContactGroupAction that will be displayed in automation process designer.
| |
ContactGroupContactListInfo |
Contact group contacts list
| |
ContactGroupEvaluator |
Task for evaluation of dynamic contact group.
Contacts' (site or all for global contact group) membership to a contact group depends on meeting the dynamic condition.
| |
ContactGroupInfo |
ContactGroupInfo data container class.
| |
ContactGroupInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactGroupInfo management.
| |
ContactGroupMemberInfo |
ContactGroupMembersInfo data container class.
| |
ContactGroupMemberInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactGroupMemberInfo management.
| |
ContactGroupMembersCount |
Class to link contact group with its count of members
| |
ContactGroupRebuilder |
Class for contact group rebuilding.
| |
ContactGroupRebuildTaskManager |
Manages scheduled tasks responsible for rebuilding contact groups.
| |
ContactHelper |
Class used for merging, splitting and deleting contacts.
| |
ContactInfo |
ContactInfo data container class.
| |
ContactInfoExtensions |
Provides extension methods for ContactInfo.
| |
ContactInfoObjectQueryExtensions |
Extensions of ObjectQueryTObject.
| |
ContactInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactInfo management.
| |
ContactInfosDeletedHandler |
Event fires when DeleteContactInfos(String, Int32) deletes some contacts. Deleted contacts IDs are passed in event arguments.
| |
ContactInfosDeletedHandlerEventArgs |
Event arguments for event that fires when DeleteContactInfos(String, Int32) deletes some contacts.
| |
ContactListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading data from contact view.
| |
ContactManagementContext |
Contact context method and variables.
| |
ContactManagementEvents |
Contact management events.
| |
ContactMembershipCustomerListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-customer relation data.
| |
ContactMembershipInfo |
ContactMembershipInfo data container class.
| |
ContactMembershipInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactMembershipInfo management.
| |
ContactMembershipUserListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-user relation data.
| |
ContactMergeModel |
Represents pair of contacts that are being merged.
| |
ContactPropertyAction |
Class for Set attribute value
| |
ContactPropertyActionDataProvider |
Class for providing additional data for ContactPropertyAction that will be displayed in automation process designer.
| |
ContactRoleInfo |
ContactRoleInfo data container class.
| |
ContactRoleInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactRoleInfo management.
| |
ContactStatusAction |
Class for Set contact status action.
| |
ContactStatusActionDataProvider |
Class for providing additional data for ContactStatusAction that will be displayed in automation process designer.
| |
ContactStatusInfo |
ContactStatusInfo data container class.
| |
ContactStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactStatusInfo management.
| |
ContactWithScoreValue |
Represents number of points contact has in certain score.
| |
ContactWithScoreValueCollection |
Container for scores together with amount of points certain contact reached.
| |
CurrentContactProviderContextDecorator |
Decorates the implementation of ICurrentContactProvider given in constructor to perform CanProcessContactInCurrentContext check before invoking every method.
| |
CustomActivityAction |
Class for Log custom activity action.
| |
CustomActivityActionDataProvider |
Class for providing additional data for CustomActivityAction that will be displayed in automation process designer.
| |
CustomerContactDataPropagationChecker |
Checks whether the propagation of cutomer data to Contact object is allowed.
| |
DeleteContactAction |
Class for contact deletion action.
| |
DeleteInactiveContacts |
Deletes inactive contacts. Takes a batch of 1000 which is deleted and replans itself if there are more to delete.
| |
DocumentationLinks |
Documentation links for online marketing topics.
| |
DocumentationLinksContactGroups |
Documentation links for contact groups.
| |
DocumentationLinksScoring |
Documentation links for scoring.
| |
DuplicateActivitiesForContactEventArgs |
Event arguments for the event fired when we need to duplicate record in Activity table and all related tables if required.
| |
DuplicateActivitiesForContactHandler |
Event handler for the event fired when we need to duplicate record in Activity table and all related tables if required.
| |
GeoLocationContactHelper |
Class for setting location of contact according to the given IP address.
| |
MacroRuleInstance |
Represents one line from the macro rule condition builder.
| |
MacroRuleMetadataContainer |
Class for registering MacroRuleMetadata to the system. Use RegisterMetadata(MacroRuleMetadata) or RegisterMetadata(DictionaryString, MacroRuleMetadata, MacroRuleMetadata) to speed up recalculation of contact groups
when registered macro rule is used in group condition.
| |
MacroRuleTreeAnalyzer |
Provides methods to analyze a MacroRuleTree.
| |
RecalculateAfterContactActionEventArgs |
Arguments for event fired when score is recalculated for one contact after contact's action (activity, property change, merge or split).
| |
RecalculateAfterContactActionsBatchEventArgs |
Arguments for event fired when score is recalculated for contacts batch after their actions (activity, property change, merge or split).
| |
RecalculateAfterContactActionsBatchHandler |
Handler for event fired when score is recalculated for contacts batch after their actions (activity, property change, merge or split).
| |
RecalculateScoreForAllContactsHandler |
Handler for the event fired when points for all contacts for given score are being recalculated.
| |
RegisterDeleteContactsImplementationAttribute |
Registers implementation for deleting inactive contacts. All registered implementations will be shown in the settings as an option for an administrator.
| |
RuleCondition |
Ensures management of XML file that represents the rule condition.
| |
RuleHelper |
Class providing rule helper methods.
| |
RuleInfo |
RuleInfo data container class.
| |
RuleInfoProvider |
Class providing RuleInfo management.
| |
ScoreAsyncRecalculator |
Recalculates score for ID given in constructor. Recalculation is performed in another thread.
| |
ScoreContactRuleInfo |
Info object for binding score - contact - rule.
| |
ScoreContactRuleInfoProvider |
Class providing ScoreContactRuleInfo management.
| |
ScoreEvaluator |
Task for score recalculation. For internal purposes only, for manual run please use ScoreAsyncRecalculator instead.
Internally calls ScoreAsyncRecalculator thus recalculation runs in another thread.
| |
ScoreEventArgs |
Event arguments for events where only information about score is needed.
| |
ScoreInfo |
ScoreInfo data container class.
| |
ScoreInfoProvider |
Class providing ScoreInfo management.
| |
ScoreQueueWorker |
Queue worker for processing scoring actions
| |
ScoreStatusFormatter |
Returns formatted text for score status.
| |
ScoringEvents |
Scoring related events.
| |
TimeTriggerTask |
Runs time based triggers in the Marketing automation process.
| |
UserContactDataPropagationChecker |
Checks whether the propagation of UserInfo data to Contact object is allowed.
| |
VisitorToContactInfo |
VisitorToContactInfo data container class.
| |
VisitorToContactInfoProvider |
Class providing VisitorToContactInfo management.
Structure | Description | |
MacroRuleMetadata |
Metadata for a MacroRule in Online Marketing context. See MacroRuleMetadataContainer for information on how to use it to
speed up recalculation of contact groups.
Interface | Description | |
IAccountContactInfoProvider |
Declares members for AccountContactInfo management.
| |
IAccountInfoProvider |
Declares members for AccountInfo management.
| |
IAccountStatusInfoProvider |
Declares members for AccountStatusInfo management.
| |
IActivityRecalculationQueueInfo |
Specifies contract for ActivityRecalculationQueueInfo.
| |
ICachedRulesManager |
Loads rules that are eligible for recalculation from cache.
| |
IContactChangeRepository |
Represents contact change repository.
| |
IContactCreator |
Provides method for creating new contacts.
| |
IContactDataInjector |
Injects data from other objects to ContactInfo object.
| |
IContactDataMapper |
Maps data to contact.
| |
IContactDataPropagationChecker |
Checks whether the propagation of data to Contact object is allowed.
| |
IContactGroupInfoProvider |
Declares members for ContactGroupInfo management.
| |
IContactGroupMemberInfoProvider |
Declares members for ContactGroupMemberInfo management.
| |
IContactGroupMemberService |
Class for members in contact groups.
| |
IContactInfoProvider |
Declares members for ContactInfo management.
| |
IContactMembershipInfoProvider |
Declares members for ContactMembershipInfo management.
| |
IContactMergeService |
Provides method for merging of a ContactInfo into another one.
| |
IContactPersistentStorage |
Provides methods for storing and retrieving contact from/to persistent storage.
Persistent storage is a place where contact can be stored and after the same contact
makes another request, it will be returned.
| |
IContactRelationAssigner |
Provides method for creating relationship between ContactInfo and other objects.
| |
IContactRoleInfoProvider |
Declares members for ContactRoleInfo management.
| |
IContactStatusInfoProvider |
Declares members for ContactStatusInfo management.
| |
IContactValidator |
Provides method for validating contact against the database.
| |
ICurrentContactMergeService |
Provides method for merging of a current ContactInfo into another one.
| |
ICurrentContactProvider |
Service for recognizing and storing information about a contact currently browsing the live site.
| |
ICurrentUserContactProvider |
Provides methods for getting ContactInfo for UserInfo.
| |
IDeleteContacts |
Deletes contacts on one site based on settings (days, batch size).
| |
IDeleteContactsService |
Service responsible for deleting contacts. Is used for deleting inactive contacts.
| |
IMacroRuleInstanceTranslator |
Defines methods needed to translate macro rule instance of one particular macro rule type to data query.
| |
IOffPeakService |
Interface for deciding when in the day is off peak time, meaning when is the best to run tasks with bigger load.
| |
IRuleInfoProvider |
Declares members for RuleInfo management.
| |
IScoreContactRuleInfoProvider |
Declares members for ScoreContactRuleInfo management.
| |
IScoreInfoProvider |
Declares members for ScoreInfo management.
| |
IVisitorToContactInfoProvider |
Declares members for VisitorToContactInfo management.
Enumeration | Description | |
ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum |
Types of contact group members used by ContactGroupInfo object.
| |
ContactGroupStatusEnum |
Types of contact group status used by ContactGroupInfo object.
| |
ContactTypeEnum |
Specifies possible types of contacts. This value determines which component will be used for displaying contact detail.
| |
MemberAddedHowEnum |
Possible types of how can be contact added to contact group.
| |
MemberTypeEnum |
Type of membership relation.
| |
RuleTypeEnum |
Rule type.
| |
ScoreStatusEnum |
Types of score status used by ScoreInfo object.